Celebrating Education Week

A teacher affects eternity; they can never tell where their influence stops” 

It’s Education Week! Let’s celebrate the educators in our lives! I fondly remember my teachers at Kaimuki High School who shared with me a love of learning that is never ending! Today, share stories with family and friends about your favorite teachers and the difference they made in your life!   


From left, Dr. Jane Foley, senior VP of the Milken Educator Awards; Gov. Ige; Awardee Michelle Iwasaki; First Lady Amano-Ige; DOE Superintendent Keith Hayashi (source: Milken Family Fdn)

“Film has the Oscars™, music has the Grammy™, science has the Nobel Prize, sports has its Olympic Gold, and the unsung heroes on the frontlines shaping the future of our keiki has the Milken Educator Awards see milkeneducatorawards.org). This year only 13 educators in the entire Nation were selected. Among those amazing educators –and the only teacher from Hawaii– is our very own Michelle Iwasaki! Michelle lives in our District and is the academic coach for kindergarten, first and fifth grades at Honolulu’s Kalihi Kai Elementary School. Read more about Michelle’s accomplishments on the Milken Family Foundation’s website – click here. Congratulations, Michelle! 

Caring for each other! 



More Awards and Great Work by our Educators

Presenting Corrie Izumoto with a congratulatory certificate, from left — Representative Sylvia Luke, Awardee Corrie Izumoto and Senator Moriwaki.

Congratulating Corrie Iwamoto! Corrie received the 2022 Kaimuki-McKinley-Roosevelt Complex Area Teacher of the Year Award. We are pleased to have Corrie as one of our session staff. She has been a special and general education teacher in various Hawaii elementary and middle school grades and currently teaches Grade 6 English at Kawananakoa and serves as advisor for the student council, drama and dance clubs and as Student Activities Coordinator.

Lunalilo Elementary School School Visit

Meet Lunalilo’s new Principal, Wendy Kau! Wendy came to Lunalilo just 3 months ago –from her stint as VP of Kaiser High School and as a district education specialist—and is already working on projects to secure the campus, install air conditioning in the classrooms, upgrade the electrical circuits in the Library and Admin buildings, and install water stations around the school! We’re working together to see these changes at Lunalilo for our elementary school students! Welcome and mahalo, Principal Kau! 

Legislative Updates 

Second Lateral Deadline: March 24

Next week is another major deadline for our committees — March 24th is the “second lateral” deadline which means that all bills with multiple referrals must move to their final committee in the non-originating chamber. We’ll report on the status of bills important to our district next week.  In the meantime, you can track bills important to you and getting hearing notifications by registering at the Hawaii State Legislature Website. If you haven’t already, create an account and log in with your email and password, and sign up for hearing notifications on any bill. Make sure your voice is heard!

District Happenings 

Maui Brewing Company Waikiki Clean Up

Let’s keep Waikiki beautiful and healthy! Join Maui Brewing Company on Saturday, March 26 from 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. and help remove trash, plastics, and other debris in Waikiki. Check in will start at 8:30 a.m. at Maui Brewing Company Waikiki (2300 Kalakaua Avenue). Trash bags and gloves will be provided. Please bring water, a hat, and sunglasses. Enjoy raffles, prized, growler and more! Hope to see you there!

Affordable Condo Resale Program in our District

The State’s Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corp is accepting applications from first-time homebuyers interested in buying a repurchased condo unit through its Affordable Resale Program. The current offering consists of six HHFDC-owned condo units in several popular projects, including the Kapiolani Residence tower near Ala Moana Center. Other available units are in the Holomua on Kalakaua Avenue and Rycroft Terrace in the Kakaako-Ala Moana neighborhood. To be eligible, you must be a first-time homebuyer, cannot own any unit anywhere in the world, must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident alien and a Hawaii resident. Applications are being accepted online through April 11, 2022, 4:00 p.m. Email questions to HHFDC.RESS@hawaii.gov. Learn more here and click here for their application form. 

Crosswalk will be back!

Words have power! Thank you to everyone who wrote in to the HCDA and the Department of Transportation Services about repainting the crosswalk between Queen and Waimanu Streets in Kakaako! Success! We met with the city and the state and this crosswalk will be reinstalled and repainted. A pedestrian refuge center will also be installed. Working together, we are improving our community and making it safer for everyone especially those who enjoy Kolowalu Park! 

Traffic Alert

Major sewer work continues on South Beretania Street between Pawaa Lane and Artesian Street. This may cause partial lanes closures and traffic slowdowns throughout the day. Anytime you’d like to see a map of where the City has sewer projects, please see this map

Ala Moana-Kakaako Neighborhood Board Meeting

Tuesday March 22 at 6pm The monthly meeting will be held virtually. Some of the topics up for discussion include the Waimanu Street/Kolowalu Park Crosswalk, the Block I Project, and the rapid transit project. For the full agenda and Zoom link, click here. 

Mark Your Calendars

Law Day Contest

Continuing with our emphasis on education this week, here is a contest for students to enter sponsored by the Hawaii Judiciary. It is the annual Law Day Contest for students in grades 3 to 8! This contest celebrates America’s commitment to the role of law in our society. This year’s theme is – “Toward a more perfect union: The Constitution in times of change.” Deadline to submit and entry is April 8th. Please click here for more information.

Ala Wai Watershed Public Workshops

Join one of the four public virtual workshops in April.  Be a part of the solution and participate in these public workshops – click here.

The Ala Wai Watershed is at high risk for widespread flooding across the basin. The risk of flooding impacts 200,000 residents living along its streams, the Ala Wai Canal, and surrounding neighborhoods including a significant portion of Hawaii’s economy. A catastrophic flood could damage commercial and residential structures, disrupt transportation and critical infrastructure, and cause widespread displacement and loss of income for businesses and residents. Learn more at the workshops.

Join the Kaulunani Advisory Council and become a leader in urban & Community Forestry

Are you passionate about trees and their value for our well-being? Do you have professional experience you would like to apply to improving our urban and community forests and green spaces across the state? The Kaulunani Urban and Community Forestry Program is seeking qualified and enthusiastic applicants for its Urban & Community Forestry Advisory Council.  The program, under the DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW), focuses on improving the health and viability of trees and communities through educational programs; financial support in the form of cost-share grants; technical training; and public/private partnerships. Priority will be given to applications received by April 22, 2022. contact Coordinator Heather McMillen at Heather.L.Mcmillen@hawaii.gov.

COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Resources: 
click here Vaccine/Booster dose locations –
In-home vaccination for those who have difficulty getting to a site – (808)586-8332
Testing locations – AlohaClear.com or  hawaiicovid19.com 
COVID-19 Daily Metrics Updates from DOH – click here 
COVID-19 Hotline – (808)586-8332 

Weekend Waysides 

SALT at our Kaka’ako

Enjoy live music and shop local vendors at our SALT at Our Kaka’ako Marketplace on Friday, March 25 at 4 pm! Bring your fur-friends and family to enjoy a fun evening with us. See you there! https://saltatkakaako.com/event/salt-marketplace-4/.

Our office will continue to be here to serve you. If you enjoy our newsletter, it’s always appreciated to share it with a family, friend or community member.

If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to respond to this email or email me here: my inbox is always open. You can also give our office a call at (808) 586-6740. Mahalo for waking up to our newsletter! Have a great day!





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