Covid and other news

September 2021 is Suicide Prevention Month

The pandemic has not only taken a toll on the physical health of Hawaii residents, but also on our mental health. There has been an increase in anxiety, depression and other mental health challenges during this pandemic. Some of this is the result of isolation and disruptions in our relationships and our usual way of doing things. With the eviction moratorium and federal unemployment support ending, many are worried about how they will put food on the table for their family and if they will join the ranks of those without homes. View tips below on what to do before the unthinkable happens.

Suicide is Preventable with the Proper Social Supports and Access to Professional Help

  • Recognize when someone is in severe emotional pain, such as feeling consistently depressed or sad, hurting themselves, or thinking frequently about suicide or ending their life.
  • The best thing you can do to help someone is to be a good listener, acknowledge their pain, make sure they are in a safe environment, and encourage them to seek help from a mental health professional.
  • Don’t be afraid to bring us the topic of suicide with someone who you are worried about – it is often best to ask directly so you can know how to help them.
  • Get help right away. If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call 911 or visit your nearest emergency room, as severe suicidal ideation can become a life-threatening concern. If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, contact Hawaii CARES, a locally-based program jointly run by the Hawaii State Department of Health and the University of Hawai‘i that provides immediate intervention and support through crisis, treatment, and recovery. On Oahu, call (808) 832-3100.



Getting to Know “Safe Access Oahu”
“Safe Access Oahu” is now in effect for at least two months. Activated this past Monday, the city program requires many Oahu businesses to now operate with new restrictions, requiring all employees, businesses alongside other establishments to show proof of vaccination. You may want to know more:

  • Acceptable proof of vaccination.
  • “Full vaccination” and what it means.
  • The types of businesses that need to ask for proof of vaccination or proof of a negative COVID-19 test.
  • The types of entertainment and recreational settings that are required to comply.
  • The types of restaurants and bars that are required to comply with the emergency order.
  • Types of fitness establishments and group physical activities that are required to comply.
  • Can a business that is not covered by the requirements of the Safe Access Oahu program still participate?
  • Does a food retailer such as a grocery store, food court, or other food market need to check proof of vaccine?
  • Does the emergency order apply to indoor dining, entertainment, and fitness settings in residences or offices?

Find the answers here:

HPD Spot Checking Kakaako Restaurants Reveal No Violations of Safe Access Oahu
The Star-Advertiser reported Honolulu police have found no violations while spot checking Oahu restaurants — particularly in Chinatown and Kakaako — for compliance with new COVID-19 vaccination and testing rules for employees and customers that went into effect on Monday.  And there have been no calls to 911 reporting violations of the Safe Access O’ahu program that’s scheduled to be in effect for another 56 days.  So you can rest assured that it is safe to visit restaurants in our district while HPD enforces the new rules.

Hawaii SMART Health Card Participation Expectations
There have been over 100,000 successful uploads to the Hawaii SMART Health Card application since its launch on Friday. This is about 75% of all attempts to create the Hawaii SMART Health digital card from Friday, Sept. 10, 2 a.m., to Thursday, Sept. 16, 2 p.m. and it is the success rate expected. Both the City and County of Honolulu’s Safe Access Oahu and Maui County’s Safer Outside programs are accepting the Hawaii SMART Health Card as proof of vaccination. Here’s how to sign up:

  1. Go to the Hawaii Safe Travels Digital Platform at
  2. Create an account or use your existing account.
  3. Take a picture of your COVID-19 vaccination card.
  4. Click on the SMART Health Card logo.
  5. Select “Create or View Hawaii SMART Health Card.”
  6. Enter your vaccination information and upload your vaccination card photo.
  7. Sign the authorization to release and disclose COVID-19 vaccination information.
  8. Once validated by the system, you will receive a QR code to present to businesses and establishments that require proof of vaccination status. Your QR code will be available for display in the Hawaii SMART Health Card section of the Safe Travels platform. If people are experiencing issues with completing their Hawaii SMART Health Card application process while using their mobile device, it is recommended that they try using their laptop or computer.

State Public Libraries Now Require Vaccinations or Negative COVID-19 Test Result
On September 13, all public libraries and offices in the Hawaii State Public Library System began requiring visitors 12 years and older to show proof of full vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test result issued within the last 72 hours and a valid photo identification. Visitors 5 years old and older must also wear a face mask covering their nose, mouth and chin at all times while in a library. Visitors must also remain physically distanced from others and practice hand hygiene.

Will Students Be Screened for Covid at School Campus Libraries?
In that case, students of any age enrolled at the school could visit the library during school hours without proof of COVID-19 vaccination or a negative test for the disease. Enrolled DOE students at these campuses are exempt from the vaccination and testing requirement during the school day. During visits to the library outside of normal school hours, the vaccination and testing requirement would apply to students age 12 or older. Gov. David Ige’s Executive Order No. 21-07 (Access to State Property), which took effect Monday, restricts contractors’ and visitors’ access to state facilities unless they are vaccinated against COVID- 19 or have recently tested negative for the disease. The order’s definition of visitor excludes individuals under age 12 — who are not eligible for COVID- 19 vaccination. As of Monday, Hawaii’s public libraries and support offices have required visitors 12 and older to provide valid photo ID and proof of full vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test result issued within 72 hours of the visit, according to the system’s website,

Hawaii Schools Signed Up for Federal COVID Testing Program
Options for school Covid testing are growing. There are now well over 100 schools that have registered for a federal program called Operation Expanded Testing (OET) to offer some degree of screening testing within their campuses. The Hawaii Department of Health (DOH) released a list of schools that signed up for a federal COVID-19 test program on Wednesday, Sept. 15. The list can be found here.


Oahu’s Rental and Utility Relief Program reopens for new applications
The Rental and Utility Relief Program plays a major role in our recovery strategy: help struggling families and businesses get on their feet, build a more diverse and resilient economy, and invest in an equitable recovery, So far, the program has helped nearly 8,000 Oahu households and distributed nearly $70 million to landlords and utility companies. The program started five months ago. City officials expect to invest $200 million to help renters and landlords during the pandemic. The city is accepting new applications for its Rental and Utility Relief Program. Renters who have faced financial issues from the COVID-19 pandemic can apply at

Real Property Tax Credit Program now accepting applications
In a continued effort to provide financial relief for qualified homeowners on Oahu, the City and County of Honolulu is now accepting applications for its Real Property Tax Credit Program for the 2022-2023 tax year.  The City offers a real property tax credit for homeowners who meet certain eligibility requirements. The deadline to apply for the Real Property Tax Credit Program is May 10, 2022.
The eligibility requirements for the City’s Real Property Tax Credit Program are as follows:

  • The homeowner must have a home exemption in effect at the time of application and for the subsequent tax year
  • Any of the titleholders do not own any other property anywhere
  • The combined income of all titleholders cannot exceed $60,000
  • Applicants eligible for the 2022 Very Low-Income Tax Credit must meet the gross income of $51,000 or less for all titleholders.
  • All applicants are required to submit their 2022 application and their 2020 Federal and State of Hawai‘i Income Tax Returns to qualify.

View the program brochure here.
To apply for the real property tax credit click here.

Honolulu Ocean Safety Advises Public of Possible Lifeguard Tower Closures
The Honolulu Ocean Safety, a Division under the Honolulu Emergency Services Department (HESD), is informing the public of the possibility of temporary or intermittent closures of lifeguard towers.
The closures are a direct result of staffing availability as Ocean Safety steadily increases its daytime coverage as part of a 2019 legal mandate requiring a “dawn to dusk” lifeguarding program in the City & County of Honolulu. When there are scheduled closures, an announcement will be made in the morning through the city’s app. Members of the public are advised to seek beaches where towers are staffed from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The closures will be done strategically and sparingly, and occur where there is the least amount of ocean activity expected for the day.


McCully-Moiliili Library Renovations Delay
The Hawaii State Public Library System (HSPLS) indicated the original timeline for completing the McCully-Moiliili Library renovations was affected by problems with bid documents and they were unable to proceed this past summer as planned.  However, late last week, bids were received and the low bidders met all State procurement requirements. HSPLS is not able to guess a completion date at this time – a lot will depend on how quickly the contractors can perform their work, and how many delays they encounter when ordering parts and supplies.  On a positive note, the summer delay allowed HSPLS to address other issues including increasing an order for new furniture for public seating and computer use.  During this time, the State Librarian was also able to work with The Friends of the Library of Hawaii to secure funding to upgrade and transform the children’s and circulation desk areas.  HSPLS appreciates the community’s patience as they navigate through some difficult issues to make improvements to our libraries.

Helpful Hawaii Condo Living Guide Available
Attention all condo owners, there’s a guide especially for you.  “Hawaii Condo Living Guide.” Just completed, the 15 episodes can be viewed on the website of the Department of Commerce & Consumer Affairs (DCCA) here.

Queen Street BWS Waterline Construction Update
In case you missed it, the video of the virtual Town Hall regarding the Queen Street Improvement project is available on Speaker Scott Saiki’s YouTube Channel.  Watch the recording here.

Howard Hughes Developer Releases Renderings of Ulana Ward Village Tower Project
The Howard Hughes Corp. released Friday new renderings for Ulana, its planned ninth mixed-use development in Ward Village. Ulana, planned for the Ewa side of Ward Avenue, is to have about 697 reserved housing units of studio, one-, two-, and three-bedroom varieties. Ulana’s development includes the adjacent 30,000-square-foot Ka Lai o Kukuluaeo Park. That’s to go with 6,916 square feet of commercial space and 34,510 square feet of light industrial space facing Pohukaina Street. Ground-level amenities are to include the Ulana Lawn, a keiki play area, a barbecue area and indoor-outdoor gathering spaces. The Ulana renderings can be viewed here.

Blaisdell Arena Drive-Through Covid Testing: Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For the Binax Now rapid antigen test, results are in an hour. For the PCR nasal swab test results are within 24 to 48 hours. Registration online is required to book an appointment, which will be available in 5-minute increments. Registrants receive a QR code that they should bring to their appointment, along with a valid ID.  Insurance cards are not required but can be used. Walk-ins not be permitted. Sponsored by the City and County of Honolulu in partnership with Nomi Health. The drive-through is in the arena parking area, with the entrance on Kapiolani Boulevard at the rear of the arena. Results are texted to the cell phone provided upon registration, or those who chose the Binax Now rapid antigen can wait for results and speak to a clinician if they have any questions. To register click here.


Sept. 22 Virtual event: Lanakila Meals on Wheels Celebrates 50 years Feeding Kupuna
This year marks the Lanakila Meals on Wheels’ 50th anniversary of feeding kupuna in Hawaii. To thank the community that has been with them every step of the way, Lanakila Meals on Wheels is hosting a live virtual bingo event which will be held from Sept. 22 to Oct.1. For more details, visit

Sept. 24: Townhall with HTA on Tourism Management
Join Rep. Adrian Tam and I virtually for a discussion on managing tourism in Hawaii.  Invited guests from the Hawaii Tourism Authority include President and CEO John De Fries, Chief Administrative Officer Keith Regan, and Chief Brand Officer Kalani Kaanaana.  Join on Zoom with this link:

Sept. 27: HCDA Townhall on Kakaako-Makai
Please register now to join Speaker Scott Saiki and I for our next virtual town hall with the Hawaii Community Development Authority on September 27 at 5:00 p.m. to learn about development plans for Kakaako. HCDA will be discussing its plans, including the conceptual plan for the Makai parcels.  After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Sept. 17 – Oct. 1: Hawaiian History Month Virtual Events
Hawaii Ponoi Coalition is proud to present Hawaiian History Month in 2021! in celebration of Queen Liliuokalani’s 183rd birthday. Enjoy five weeks of virtual events that include perspectives on Infectious Diseases in Hawaii, Youth Opera, theatre, plays and historical turning points during the Hawaiian monarchy. Click here for more info.


Sept. 18:  “Celebrating Inoa Aina: Hawaiian Place Names” Virtual Talk Story, 10:30 a.m.
Join a free SALT Talk Story, featuring Kumu Hula Manu Boyd virtually via zoom.  Celebrate Hawaiian History Month and learn about Kakaako’s and Oahu’s past and Hawaiian place names through stories, chants, and songs.  Honor the 183rd birthday of Queen Liliuokalani, Hawaii’s last sovereign monarch.  For more information, visit the event site, or

Sept. 18: The Royal Arcade Comedy Forum, 7:00-8:30pm
Join comics from all over the globe, for a fun interactive evening. After the comedians do what they do best by making you laugh, join them for a question-and-answer session as they discuss their jokes, along with current topics of the day. Hosted by Comedian Pepper Lamb. Location: The Manifest, 32 North Hotel Street, Honolulu, HI 96817. Presale tickets are just $10, $15 at the Door. Reserve your spot as seating is limited due to Covid 19 restrictions. Also remember to bring your proof of vaccine. Get your tickets here.

Sept. 18: “Altered States” Exhibit at the Hawaii State Art Museum, 10am-4pm
Highlighting unique and alternative visions of the world through artworks from the Art in Public Places Collection of the Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts. ⁠Location: Hawaii State Art Museum, 250 South St., Honolulu, HI, 96813. Additional dates available. For more info. Click here.

Sept. 19: Vegetarian/Vegan Cooking Workshop, 1:30-3:30pm (VIRTUAL)
Visit the Greek Isles!  Join in from your home kitchen for a vegetarian food adventure through the magic of Zoom. By the time you finish this cooking workshop, you will have lovingly prepared a meal for four people!  For more info., click here.

Take care & stay safe!