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Committee on COVID-19 LIVE today

April 9, 2020

Aloha Neighbors,

The Senate Special Committee on COVID-19 met yesterday with the Lieutenant Governor and key state agencies.  We were briefed on the state’s testing program, most of which are being conducted by private labs, with a full discussion on contact tracking and testing as well as the data on test results and on inventory of facilities, equipment and supplies.

The number of positive cases has increased to 435 as of yesterday and the number of passengers coming into state is also increasing. The Committee voiced concern about and strongly urged the Administration take further actions to prevent tourists coming to Hawaii. The Legislature earlier joined the four mayors in sending a letter to the President asking that non-essential travel to Hawaii be restricted and again asked that the Governor do the same. The committee urged and was assured of stronger enforcement of self-quarantine orders of those entering the state and positive COVID cases. A more detailed summary of the meeting will be posted on the Senate Committee page.
The Committee also urged the Administration to expeditiously reassign state non-essential and short-term employees to other jobs where there is great need to serve the public such as at the department of labor & industrial relations to handle the surging unemployment insurance claims.  In a time when people across the state are suffering financial difficulties and job loss, the Administration was urged to do its part and re-assign these employees to best serve those who are experiencing these hard times.

The Senate Special Committee will again meet today (Thursday 4/9) at 11 am. The meeting will be available for live viewing on Olelo Channel 49 on Oahu. It will also be livestreamed on the internet on Olelo’s website.  See the agenda here.  The committee invited the following to report on issues that have been of concern to our community such as the problems with filing and certification of unemployment claims; homeless and mental health services; and releasing prisoners into the community.  Those who will be coming before the committee are:

Department of Labor and Industrial Relations
Mr. Scott Murakami, Director

Governor’s Coordinator on Homelessness
Mr. Scott Morishige

Behavioral Health Services Administration
Mr. Edward Mersereau, Deputy Director

Partners in Care
Ms. Laura E. Thielen, Executive Director

Releasing of incarcerated persons
Honorable Daniel Foley (Ret.), Special Master

Department of Public Safety
Mr. Nolan Espinda, Director

More on beach walking/jogging:  You asked whether you are allowed to walk the length of the beach. The parks department says you are allowed to walk only below the high water mark (basically on the wet sand).  The area from the ocean to the high water mark is considered to be ocean (and open to use). The high water mark is the boundary between the beach (closed) and the ocean (open).

I hope this clarifies.

Take care and stay healthy!


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