Food Resources, Mortgage Relief, Beach Access

Aloha Neighbors,

We continue to hear the best way to beat the coronavirus –other than finding a cure or vaccine—is to shelter in place and seriously follow the social distance rules. But what do we do about our sustenance? Many are going shopping less frequently and when they do they strictly follow the 6-foot rule and wear their masks (you should all have one by now) We are asking grocers and their delivery folks to do the same.

Food while we shelter.  With the orders by both the Governor and Mayor to shelter at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, food resources have become an essential need for older adults and persons with disabilities.  The Executive Office on Aging provides information on the resources for obtaining help as well as kupuna hours at grocery stores in its Aging and Disability Resource Center Food Resources Guide.  If seniors or disabled need additional help contact the Honolulu Aging and Disability Resource Center, 925 Dillingham Blvd, Suite 200 Honolulu, HI 96817, Ph: 768-7705.  For those who want fresh produce, this Honolulu Star Advertiser article provides a list of places you can call to get fresh produce delivered to you.

Mortgage and Rent Relief:  If you’re among those financially impacted by the pandemic, you might be concerned about how to pay your mortgage or rent. Federal and state governments have announced plans to help struggling homeowners during this time. Contact your mortgage service provider or landlord to discuss, but see also  the information from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on what to do now, and what your options are for mortgage and rent relief.  See also Senator’s Schatz’s website which has more information. Senator Schatz’s page for rent and homeowner assistance.

Closure of Beaches & Parks:   Being sheltered in place goes counter to our healthy habits especially on beautiful sunny days. The city parks department knows this more than anyone. They have tried to balance public access to the ocean (which begins at the high water mark) and open public bathrooms while ensuring social distancing.  The rule: you can go through the parks and beaches but you cannot remain in them.  The parks department recommends jogging/walking on the periphery of the park such as a sidewalk; but if it is obstructed or you feel threatened by someone on the sidewalk, please call HPD.  Activities that keep you in the park, like sunbathing and beach volleyball, are not allowed.  HPD will cite folks who remain on the beach or in other areas of the park (violation of the orders can result in fines as high as $5,000 and/or one year in jail). The parks department understands the impacts of the park closures but asks that we all make the sacrifice in order to combat this pandemic, asking us to consider that “…thousands have lost their jobs, businesses are closing, and our first responders are putting themselves in harm’s way to treat those with a highly contagious virus.  So, let’s all do our part to help mitigate the spread of the Coronavirus.” Ditto –and ask others to help,too!

Also, the State AFL-CIO is doing a food distribution every Saturday morning starting at 9:00 a.m. at the HGEA office on Oahu – enter the pedestrian mall from Queen St., grab what they have, then exit onto Halekauila.  Pass the word to anyone you know, especially seniors.  They give to anyone – don’t need to be a union member.

Continue social distancing and wear your masks when you venture out into the public. It will save lives and….

Take care and stay healthy!