Tag: senator district 12

  • Halekauwila St. Lane Closures

    Halekauwila St. Lane Closures

    HART Lane Closure Notice: Halekauwila Street

    Please be advised, the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation notifies the public of lane closures on Halekauwila Street between Keawe Street to Cooke Street, for utility infrastructure upgrades. This closure is estimated to begin mid-October on weekdays between 8:30am to 3:00pm.  Please refer to this flyer for further information.  For inquiries, contact:
    Joyce Oliveira
    Deputy Executive Director, Government Relations and Public Involvement
    Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation
    Direct: 808.768.6148

  • District Survey

    District Survey

    Please take my NEW community survey!

    In January, we asked you about a number of issues facing us as we began the 2019 legislative session. See what we did and are doing about it in our latest newsletter by clicking here (page 5). Please tell us how we’re doing and your ideas by completing the new survey online at senatormoriwaki.com, or call us at 586-6740 if you want a hard copy of the survey.  We would like to hear from you as we plan for the 2020 legislative session.  Mahalo and aloha!