Tag: oahu

  • HONU Pilot Project in McCully/Moiliili

    The Homeless Outreach and Navigation for Unsheltered Persons (HONU) is a state-funded pilot project that is co-managed by the City and County of Honolulu, HPD equipment support and enforcement, and Department of Community Services staff with partnerships with provider outreach and shelters.  In McCully, the project would operate as a service-oriented hub at the Old Stadium Park by the old bowling alley where services and access to programs can be provided in a safe and HPD-regulated setting.  The pilot program, a success in Waipahu, would provide longer-term solutions to solving the homelessness crisis in our communities.  For more information, contact HPD Officer Alan Ibrao at aibrao@honolulu.gov.

  • Halekauwila St. Lane Closures

    Halekauwila St. Lane Closures

    HART Lane Closure Notice: Halekauwila Street

    Please be advised, the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation notifies the public of lane closures on Halekauwila Street between Keawe Street to Cooke Street, for utility infrastructure upgrades. This closure is estimated to begin mid-October on weekdays between 8:30am to 3:00pm.  Please refer to this flyer for further information.  For inquiries, contact:
    Joyce Oliveira
    Deputy Executive Director, Government Relations and Public Involvement
    Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation
    Direct: 808.768.6148