Tag: lockdown

  • COVID-19 Screening Sunday In Kakaako

    COVID-19 Screening Sunday In Kakaako

    Caring for Ourselves—COVID-19 SCREENING IN KAKAAKO

    WHERE: On Ilalo Street in front of Kakaako Gateway Park
                    (click here for map)

    WHEN: Sunday, March 29 from 8am-2pm

    WHO: Individuals showing symptoms such as:

    • Fever, cough or shortness of breath
    • Recently traveled outside Oahu or
    • Exposed to tourists or someone who has COVID-19
    Note: Individuals will be screened to determine if they meet specific criteria.  You may be turned away if you do not meet the criteria.  For more information on the testing, call (808) 304-8816 or (808) 367-6020.

    See Star-Advertiser article for details.


  • Caring For Our District Restaurants

    Caring For Our District Restaurants


    With the Governor’s and Mayor’s Orders we are seeing our district restaurants closing their dining services.  Some are continuing with takeout or delivery services. We know how difficult it is for them so we hope you will support them as we meet the “stay at home” order.  They have served us. Let’s support them.  We are maintaining a list of district restaurants still open for business.  We will add more restaurants as we get them and update this list. Mahalo! And everyone stay healthy and socially distanced!