April is Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Awareness Month and organizations from around the globe will participate in the awareness campaign to shine a light on the issues of child abuse and neglect. Child maltreatment is more common than we think–In 2020, Child and Family Services reported a total of 5,389 reported child victims in the State of Hawaii. And children under 1 year old make up 15% of confirmed cases– nearly three times higher than any age. Child maltreatment is a public health problem that requires a public health response. To combat this issue, the Hawaii Children’s Action Network built a strong five-pillar framework that together, create the context for children and families to thrive:
- Commitment: Leaders make child safety and well-being a top priority.
- Supports and services: All families have equitable access to quality supports and services that empower them to create safe, stable, and nurturing families.
- Communities: Families live in safe and supportive communities where they can thrive.
- Policy: Laws, policies, and budgets support and are responsive to families.
- Coordination: Systems and organizations collaborate and use data to provide a comprehensive continuum of prevention services.
By working together and by following these five pillars, we can reduce the number of victims and set a positive example for our keiki, families and community. To report suspected abuse or neglect, please call the Child Abuse and Neglect reporting line:
Oahu – 808-832-5300
Toll Free Neighbor Islands – 1-888-380-6688
Caring for each other!
