Tag: honolulu

  • COVID-19 Screening Sunday In Kakaako

    COVID-19 Screening Sunday In Kakaako

    Caring for Ourselves—COVID-19 SCREENING IN KAKAAKO

    WHERE: On Ilalo Street in front of Kakaako Gateway Park
                    (click here for map)

    WHEN: Sunday, March 29 from 8am-2pm

    WHO: Individuals showing symptoms such as:

    • Fever, cough or shortness of breath
    • Recently traveled outside Oahu or
    • Exposed to tourists or someone who has COVID-19
    Note: Individuals will be screened to determine if they meet specific criteria.  You may be turned away if you do not meet the criteria.  For more information on the testing, call (808) 304-8816 or (808) 367-6020.

    See Star-Advertiser article for details.


  • Senate Committee On COVID-19

    Senate Committee On COVID-19


    I hope you are all well and keeping healthy and practicing the 6 foot rule of social distancing as well as sanitizing—washing your hands with soap and water often and sanitizing your homes especially frequent touch surfaces.

    The Senate Special Committee continues to meet to ensure the state is executing plans to prepare for and mitigate the COVID-19 spread.  Today we meet again beginning at 11am.  The big news, of course, is the federal relief package. We have learned that Hawaii will receive $1.25 billion.  US Senator Brian Schatz will be calling in to update us. Also on the agenda to update us on their plans are the departments of transportation, public safety and health and the Incident Commander, HiEMA. Here’s the agenda. If you are interested the meeting will be streamed on YouTube (see link on the agenda)