Tag: hawaii state,oahu,honolulu,senator district 12,sharon moriwaki
The light after darkness
Unemployment Insurance, Prisoner Release, Homelessness
Aloha Neighbors,
The Senate Special Committee on COVID-19 hearing Thursday focused on concerns raised by the community: unemployment insurance, homeless and release or prisoners. If you missed it you can see it on Olelo.
Unemployment Insurance Concerns: The committee heard from Labor Director Scott Murakami that the number of claims filed since COVID19 is about 207,000. The committee voiced the concerns from those who are unemployed and have/are feeling the brunt of the system overload and understaffed department, We heard that the department is correcting these problems and adding more staff to meet the unprecedented numbers.
We did ask some of your questions and were assured of the following: (1) do keep trying to file on the DLIR/UI website if you have not been able to file (received a “congratulations” message). If you are having problems with the website see the department’s slideshow with instruction on how to apply for unemployment online. (2) as long as you receive the confirmation, you are in the department’s system and it will process your claim but it may take longer than usual because of the volume of filings so please be patient in awaiting a confirmation code and further instructions. (3) once an application is confirmed, your payment benefit will begin from the day after your last day of employment (not the date when you filed). (4) you will not need to seek employment but do answer the question in order to get certified. (5) the department is streamlining the process and hopes to decrease the time between confirmation and your first check. If you still have problems getting on, call (833) 901-2275 between 7:45am – 4:30pm from Monday to Friday (I know the number is constantly busy but keep trying; the department is working hard to increase staff at its call center).
No mass release of prisoners. Special Master Daniel Foley reported on the recommendations he is proposing to address the Public Defender’s petition to release 426 prisoners from State facilities to deal with overcrowding during the COVID19 crisis. He proposed that each case be evaluated by the trial judges based on public health and public safety, with the trial judges making rulings on whether the candidate should be released based on their danger to the community and whether they have a place to “stay at home” and can be monitored.
Homelessness: Three State agencies along with the City and UH have formed the Behavioral Health and Homelessness Statewide Unified Response Group (BHHSURG) to help the homeless during the COVID-19 crisis. Together, these entities oversee the majority of the state’s behavioral health and homelessness services systems. Other partners will be added to help coordinate and lead the response as needed. For more information, see their website. To voice concerns regarding any matters relating to homelessness in your community call (808) 586-0193 or email gov.homelessness@hawaii.gov. If you suspect a homeless person has COVID-19 and they need to be tested call (808) 832-3100. If homeless are in need of medical or other care, call Partners in Care at (808) 543-2282.
Support our farmers markets: Farmers Markets remain open as they are considered an essential service. The Kakaako Farmers Market at 1050 Ala Moana Blvd. will be open this Saturday, 8am – 12pm. The following changes have been made for the health of the community: no cafe seating, only produce, pre-packaged food, and grab-and-go, will be sold. Social distance will be followed. Sinks and sanitary wipes will be available for customers’ convenience. Please continue to support our farmers and care for your neighbors—6 foot rule, if you have a cold or fever stay home this week, and mask up.
The next Senate Special Committee on COVID-19 hearing will be on Monday, 4/13 at 11am. Check the committee page as Monday approaches for more details.
Take care and stay healthy!