Tag: hawaii state,oahu,honolulu,senator district 12,sharon moriwaki

  • Tax revenue projections, Census 2020, COVID committee hearings

    Tax revenue projections, Census 2020, COVID committee hearings

    Aloha Neighbor,

    Day by day… the legislature, looking at all sources of funding, is crafting a way to pay for our neediest and to reopen safely. But …

    At its meeting yesterday, the state’s Council on Revenues projected a 7% decline in revenues for this fiscal year, and a 12% decline in FY2021. It does predict that FY2022 will show a 12% increase. So we’ll have to weather a terrible storm for two years.

    Senate Ways and Means Committee Chair Donovan M. Dela Cruz and House Finance Committee Chair Sylvia Luke, however, believe that, using the federal CARES Act funds, strategic budget cuts, and possibly federal loans, the state can move forward without imposing teacher furloughs, statewide pay cuts, or slashing critical social services

    The Legislature appropriated $562 million of the $1.2 billion federal CARES Act relief funds to the counties to support their needy residents and businesses, providing  rent subsidies, direct food aid,  business support, etc.. We held the balance of $635 million until we assessed the community’s greatest needs and the final federal relief measures. We will be allocating the balance in two weeks when the legislature reconvenes.

    US CENSUS: Did you respond?
    The US Census counts everyone in the country every 10 years. The numbers are used to distribute more than $675 billion in federal funds for programs like housing, education, transportation, employment, health care; and, now, how we get our share of relief for our unemployed needy and businesses. So it’s important to be counted. Did you respond — by phone, mail or online?  If not, it’s not too late. See the map below to see how well your community is doing.

    Self-Response Rate by Census Tract

    Robert Su, US Census Bureau Partnership Specialist, urges you to respond especially those in communities like Waikiki that have a very low response rate. So boost your numbers so we can get more help! The deadline is July 31 but,due to COVID19, it‘s extended to October 31. But while you’re still “safe at home” do your civic duty and respond NOW. It’s quick and easy. It’s safe and secure.  Go to my2020census.gov  and enter your ID from the Census Bureau invitation letter or if you don’t have it, just enter your address online.

    The committee continues to meet and will keep looking for a plan forward on reopening and recovery. We will meet next Tuesday (6/2) beginning at 12:45 pm.  Live viewing will be available on Olelo channel 49 and on olelo.org.

    We will be be updated on the state’s recovery plan by  Alexandra Slous, State Disaster Recovery Coordinator of the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HiEMA); and a full coverage of contact tracing technologies, beginning with an update on DOH’s plan, from DOH Director Director Bruce Anderson; followed by Dean Mary Boland, UH Nursing & Dental Hygiene; President Lynn Babington, Chaminade University; President John Gotunda, Hawaii Pacific University; and technology companies Aloha Trace (Brandon Kurisu), Everyline Hawaii (Robert Kurisu) and SafePaths (Michael Kamida).

    Take care and stay healthy!

  • “Travel Bubble” explored, Kakaako food distribution, driver license expiration extension

    “Travel Bubble” explored, Kakaako food distribution, driver license expiration extension

    Aloha Neighbor,

    Mahalo for your vigilance in preventing the spread of the virus.  With the low number of new COVID19 cases (although Oahu had a small uptick today at 3 new cases), the number of deaths has stayed at 17.  This is why we’re seeing the reopening of many businesses, facilities, and public spaces.  Even so, please continue the same level of caution to avoid a resurgence.

    The committee explored today how the state could reopen tourism ever mindful of the public’s health.  As other countries are exploring so, too, should we look at opening via a “travel bubble” to allow a quarantine-free travel zone between countries (or states) that have contained the virus, e.g., the Balkan region (Estonia-Lithuania-Latvia), Germany-Austria, and being discussed between New Zealand and Australia. The committee heard from and agreed to support the Hawaii Executive Collaborative that is developing a pilot Japan-Hawaii travel bubble. You can see today’s discussion and summary notes when posted at the senate website.

    The committee will meet again next Tuesday (6/2) to discuss contact tracing technologies and DOH plans.

    Free food will be distributed tomorrow at Kakaako’s Na Kupuna Makamae Center from noon to 2:30 p.m. at 653 Ala Moana Blvd. (corner of Keawe Street and Ala Moana Boulevard).  It’s a walk-in pickup NOT drive-thru. Mahalo to the Center and Aloha Harvest for the food boxes. Due to the high demand, delivery to the elderly is limited to high-risk kupuna or those without families. Call 773-7047 or email carmenlee@pacificgatewaycenter.org.

    RENEWAL DEADLINES EXTENDED THRU SEPTEMBER: Driver’s License, State ID, Instruction Permit.
    If you are worried about renewing your driver’s license, not to worry. The state is allowing a blanket extension for all driver’s licenses, state identification cards, and instruction permits until the end of September.  Click here for more details.

    The Honolulu Department of Emergency Management (DEM) urges everyone to prepare for hurricane season especially with the challenges that COVID-19 brings.  The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Central Pacific Hurricane Center (CPHC) announced there is a 75% chance of near or below-normal tropical cyclone activity during the Central Pacific hurricane season this year, beginning Monday, June 1 and running through November 30.  Click here for more information on preparedness.

    The City Department of Environmental Services will be doing sewer work next week, beginning June 1, at 2025 Kalakaua Avenue and 240 Paoa Place from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. It may cause traffic congestion.

    Take care and stay healthy!