Tag: hawaii state,oahu,honolulu,senator district 12,sharon moriwaki

  • Interisland travel quarantine lifts Tuesday, More reopening Friday

    Interisland travel quarantine lifts Tuesday, More reopening Friday

    Aloha Neighbor,

    June 16 – at 12:01 a.m.– starts the opening of interisland travel.  That means the 14-day quarantine is lifted, but travel will be different. For more details see: 
    https://health.hawaii.gov/travel/. For our own protection, travelers will go through thermal screening at the airport and anyone with a fever of 100.4 degrees or greater will not be allowed to board.  Passengers must also complete a mandatory travel and health form, which may be filled out online here.  Let’s support our airlines and local businesses across the state — and do our part in making travel safe by physical distancing and wearing our face masks.

    We’re not yet there on lifting the quarantine for out-of-state travelers—it continues in place until July 31. See the 9th supplementary emergency proclamation giving Governor the flexibility to reopen travel when the state is ready, and authorizing exemptions for transit corridors/bubbles with other destinations having low virus incidence.

    As we continue to reopen and allow for more congregating (safely), we will continue to see increases in cases. With the various events over the past couple weeks –and opening Waikiki Sunday —we will see the double digit numbers.  Many people will not survive an encounter with the virus, and many businesses can’t survive a second shutdown, so it is in everyone’s best interest to prevent the spread of this virus.  To keep the numbers manageable as we enjoy these outings — practice physical distancing, mask up, and wash your hands regularly. The following designated business and operations, with limitations, will be opening this coming Friday, June 19:

    • Education and care facilities (private education, adult care, special needs care facilities),
    • Indoor attractions (theaters, museums, arcades, bowling alleys, etc.),
    • Outdoor organized team sports (two phases, with phase 1 beginning June 19),
    • Fitness facilities (spaces for yoga, barre classes, hula halau, etc.),
    • Bars

    Click here for more details on re -openings, which follow the Mayor’s Emergency Order 2020-15.

    Take care and stay healthy!

  • Kalakaua Open Street, Pedestrian Plan, Kakaako food dist., Unemployment

    Kalakaua Open Street, Pedestrian Plan, Kakaako food dist., Unemployment

    Aloha Neighbor,

    As we go into the weekend a lot is being discussed about reopening our border. No word yet from the Governor but stay tuned in.  Continue to support our local businesses and, next week, our hotels and airlines when inter-island travel starts. In the meantime, let’s support our restaurants as they begin dine-in services.

    For four consecutive Sundays, beginning this Sunday, June 14, the Mayor is opening up Kalakaua Avenue in Waikiki between Seaside and Kapahulu Avenues. Bicyclists, joggers, and walkers will be able to travel down Waikiki’s Kalakaua Avenue from 6 am to noon, enjoying outdoor exercise and visiting Waikiki businesses minus the crowds of tourists and traffic.  For more information: click here.  This is a pilot project, so let the City know of your thoughts — positive or negative — by calling (808) 768-4381 or email your comments here.

    We want our streets and public places to be safe for walking. What is the Oahu Pedestrian Plan? It’s the City’s long-term plan to create vibrant, safe, and accessible streets for all ages and abilities to walk around the city safely and comfortably. Visit their website to learn more. And see this presentation.  You can post your comments to an interactive map here. The City is asking for public input. Deadline is Monday, July 6, 2020 at 4:30 p.m.  If you have questions or need more information call Daniel Alexander at 808-768-665 or email daniel.alexander@honolulu.gov.

    Free food will continue to be distributed at Kakaako’s Na Kupuna Makamae Center at 653 Ala Moana Blvd. (corner of Keawe Street and Ala Moana Boulevard (old pump station)).  You can walk-in to pick up the food box (Not a drive-through) tomorrow (6/13) and every Saturday for the rest of the month from noon to 2:30 p.m.  Mahalo to the Center, Aloha Harvest & other partners for the food boxes. Questions: call (808) 773-7047 or email carmenlee@pacificgatewaycenter.org

    We’ve gotten a number of inquiries and concerns on unemployment insurance. We’ve been working to find out the answers. As we do, we share with others who may have similar questions.  Here are two:

    • Fraudulent Claims: Why is the Department of Labor asking for my IDs?  Nationwide the pandemic has attracted scammers filing fraudulent claims to collect UI benefits. If you received a letter that says “submit additional information for your Pandemic Unemployment Assistance claim or your eligibility will be affected,” but you never filed a PUA claim, please call (808) 586-8947. Also, call if you suspect someone is fraudulently collecting unemployment benefits. For more information on Hawaii Unemployment Insurance Fraud, visit the DLIR website. The Honolulu Star Advertiser’s Kokua Line also provides further details in this article.
    • Extended Benefits: Still unemployed and benefits exhausted – If you’ve exhausted all the funds in your UI account, the federal Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) provides Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) claimants an additional 13 weeks of benefit payments. Similarly, UI claimants who receive 26 weeks of benefit payments are eligible for another 13 weeks so the total benefit period will last for 39 weeks.  But you must apply for these extended benefits. Some of you have had problems so the DLIR has put together this slide show to help.  For more information Kokua Line also has some information you may find helpful.

    Have a great weekend but be mindful to take care & stay healthy!