Tag: hawaii state,oahu,honolulu,senator district 12,sharon moriwaki

  • Park playgrounds open, Small business safety net, Makiki Neighborhood Board

    Park playgrounds open, Small business safety net, Makiki Neighborhood Board

    Aloha Neighbor,

    As Summer blossoms, Hawaii blossoms in more meaningful ways: the reopening of major social activities, an opportunity for small businesses to flourish, and people to use more outdoor facilities.

    The phased reopening of park facilities continues with the reopening of City park playgrounds and outdoor exercise equipment this Friday, June 19.  But take precautions: the City is not regularly sanitizing the equipment so the City recommends that you sanitize your hands before and after using the park equipment. You should also practice physical distancing and use facial covering. Stay healthy and be considerate of your neighbors!

    In the wake of the permanent closing of some businesses, the city is adding $25 million more into its Small Business Relief & Recovery Fund for those who are continuing to keep afloat. These federal CARES Act funding that are to help deal with the COVID-19 emergency and can help businesses pay for rent, utilities, payroll and physical distancing and safety costs.  Apply for these grants through the City’s four partner credit unions – Aloha Pacific Federal Credit Union, Hawaii State Federal Credit Union, Hawaii USA Federal Credit Union, and Honolulu Federal Credit Union.  For information on the program qualifications and required information for application go to: https://www.oneoahu.org/small-business

    The board meets at Makiki District Park Thursday, June 18, from 6:00 – 8:00 pm.  Click here for the agenda.

    Take care and stay healthy!

  • Caring for our keiki, COVID committee hearing

    Caring for our keiki, COVID committee hearing

    Aloha Neighbor,

    Summer is almost here but school’s out! Parents, your keiki can still thrive in this age of COVID. Nothing can contain their special curiosity to search, grow, and know!  For those with keiki at home today’s message is for you. Fun resources for our keiki begin here:

    IMAGINE YOUR STORY: Join the State Library to Explore Creativity & Imagination
    The Hawaii State Public Library launched yesterday its 2020 Virtual Summer Reading Program, running from June 15 to August 31, 2020. It’s an expanded online program for everyone — keiki to kupuna– to explore creativity and imagination using an easy mobile phone app.  Engage in virtual activities and take the challenge to read and log 1,000 minutes. For every 100 minutes, you’ll get a virtual badge and an automatic entry in the lucky prize drawing. The more you read, the better your chances to win the grand prize of 4 roundtrip tickets to anywhere Alaska Airlines flies.  Mahalo to Alaska Airlines! If you don’t have a library card, just apply online here and register to participate in the Summer Reading Program here

    The Honolulu Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR)’s annual Summer Fun is free this year but is modified to keep everyone safe and healthy under COVID guidelines.  The program meets every weekday (except Friday July 3) from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. beginning Wednesday July 1 through Tuesday July 28.  Lunch will be provided. Children must be six years old before Aug. 1, 2020 and not older than 13 years old by July 28, 2020. For more details on eligibility and program modifications click here. Because of the new guidelines there will be fewer spaces so sign up as soon as registration opens.  Online Registration begins this Saturday, June 20 at 9 a.m. for our district parks:  Ala Wai Community Park and Makiki District Park. Online registration, called PROS, works best using the Google Chrome web browser. Create an HNL.Info account and a PROS profile ahead of registration here.  An online tutorial is available to assist the public with creating their account and profile.  If you don’t have a computer or internet access, call the summer fun sites for assistance at (808) 768-8944. For general program inquiries, call (808) 768-3003, email honolulu.gov?subject=parks@honolulu.gov” target=”_blank” style=”mso-line-height-rule: exactly;-ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;color: #007C89;font-weight: normal;text-decoration: underline;”>parks@honolulu.gov or visit the summer fun website.

    MORE RESOURCES: Here Are More Summer Programs

    COMMITTEE ON COVID-19 HEARING: Coming Thursday (6/18)
    The Senate Special Committee meets this Thursday, June 18, at 1:00 pm.  Join the committee to hear updates on COVID testing from Drs. Bruce Anderson, DOH Director and Sarah Park, State Epidemiologist, and Attorney General Clare Connors.  You can watch the hearing live on Olelo Channel 49 or on 

    LIVE AT THE LEGISLATURE: Meet Your Legislators
    Live at the Legislature is a half hour weekly program every Tuesday at 8:30 a.m., with senators and representatives discussing emerging issues and topics.  It’s usually filmed live at the capitol, but due to COVID, it’s broadcast remotely. Today Representatives Bertrand Kobayashi and Tina Wildberger each had a segment.  I discussed the interisland quarantine that lifted today, the Senate Special Committee on COVID-19, District 12 and Waikiki’s “Open Street Sundays.  You can see the program here.

    Take care and stay healthy!