Tag: hawaii state,oahu,honolulu,senator district 12,sharon moriwaki
Travel, elections, taxes, census
2020 Legislative Session ends, sine die
Aloha Neighbor,
The 2020 Legislative Session officially ended today, Friday, July 10, sine die. However, this does not rule out the legislature reconvening in special session, if needed; and the senate returning sometime later in the summer or fall to advise and consent on judicial appointments.
It was a tough session and none like it due to the coronavirus pandemic. A positive case closed the capitol down on March 19 and cut short our session. We recessed to plan for safe social distancing. While the capitol was closed to visitors, the Senate Special Committee on COVID-19 continued to meet weekly — sometimes three or four times a week — to nudge the administration to move with more urgency. We brought in departments to address and to implement speedy action, e.g. closing our borders to cruise ships and small boats. We couldn’t close our airports but we instituted a 14-day quarantine that kept the traveling virus out. But it also kept the tourists out causing our economy to be severely impacted: hotels and businesses closed down and unemployment–which a year before was the lowest in the nation–surged to the highest.
While we are seeing spikes and may see more, the Governor has set August 1st as the marker for reopening our borders to transpacific travelers. We all want to open so business can get back and our unemployed back to work. But we must open safely…so bills and resolutions passed over the protracted session focused on the COVID safeguards such as thermal screening and security at the airports, funding to help those most severely hit; creating jobs in new industries in health care, diversified agriculture, aeronautics; workforce development; as well as other legislation relating to health, housing, education, traffic safety, homeless services, etc. which we will share with you in a future email. The Senate leadership summarized key points in a press conference today. Next step: Governor. The Governor may veto any bill sent to him (but must notify the legislature at most, 35 days from today of his intent to veto) so send him your input on any bill you want signed into law as soon as possible. There are also a number of resolutions adopted by the senate (SR) or both Houses (SCR).
Our senate district is chock-full of vibrant businesses serving the community in their own unique ways. Unfortunately, we are seeing some shut down permanently due to the coronavirus pandemic. Others are struggling to return. We need to help them through these rough times. The State’s Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT) is launching the “Buy Hawaii, Give Aloha” initiative to assist local businesses affected by the COVID-19 crisis. To learn more about “Buy Hawaii, Give Aloha,” go to buy.hawaii.gov. If you’d like to list your business, click here.KAKAAKO FREE FOOD CONTINUES IN JULY
Na Kupuna Makamae Center (NKMC), a project of Pacific Gateway Center, will be distributing food again during the month of July 2020. Providing innovative, quality services and programs to our seniors. Mahalo the Center’s partners: Help is On the Way, Aloha Harvest, and Ham Produce & Seafood Inc.
DATES: July 11, 18, 25
TIME: 12:00 – 2:30pm
LOCATION: Corner Keawe St. & Ala Moana Blvd (old pump station)
FOR MORE INFO: Call 773-7047 or Email carmenlee@pacificgatewaycenter.org.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nakupunamakamaecenter/AMERICAN JOB CENTER HAWAII (AJCH) OPENS FOR SERVICE
The City’s American Job Center Hawaii (AJCH) re-opened its in-person computer use service to job seekers on July 1. It’s a one-stop center that provides free employment training services to job seekers. Since the beginning of the stay-at-home order, AJCH Job Resource Specialists have been working with job seekers to support job training and job placement opportunities through phone and online appointments. If you’re looking for a job, reserve an appointment by emailing ajch@honolulu.gov or calling (808) 768-5701.
Scheduled computer time is available by appointment only; closed to walk-in customers. Customers may schedule appointments for one hour of computer time by calling (808) 768-5701 or email to ajch@honolulu.gov. Computer time is for individuals to complete job searches or to file for unemployment benefits online. Customers are required to wear facial coverings and remain six feet apart from others throughout their time at the center.SUPPORT RESTAURANTS & BARS: Follow Safe Rules
Please support our restaurants and bars. And know that they will be healthy. The Department of Health’s Food Safety Branch (FSB) will make sure they meet safety and health standards. If a restaurant or bar doesn’t adhere to rules for preventing coronavirus spread, FSB inspectors will begin shutting them down. It will issue red placards, temporarily suspending the operations of restaurants, bars and other eateries that do not comply with rules that include physical distancing and wearing masks. Under state law, health inspectors can temporarily close food establishments that pose a danger to public health. Click here for more information.HOUSE SELECT COMMITTEE ON COVID-19: Update on Economic and Financial Preparedness
Speaker Scott Saiki continues to co-chair the committee with Peter Ho, CEO of Bank of Hawaii, to look into ways to recover the economy from the effects of the virus. The committee meets online next week Monday, July 13, at 10:00 am. The meeting will be available for live viewing on Olelo channel 49 and at olelo.org. See the agenda here.SENATE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON COVID-19: What’s the Status on Reopening?
Chair Donovan Dela Cruz is reconvening the committee on Wednesday, July 15, at noon to review the current status of the state’s pandemic response and plans and safeguards for the proposed August 1st reopening of our airports to transpacific travelers. We’ll hear from the Attorney General; Departments of Health, Transportation-Airports, Hawaii Tourism Authority, Labor & Industrial Relations, and Taxation. Click here for agenda. You can watch it live on Olelo 53 or olelo.org.
“Open Streets Sunday” on Kalakaua pilot continues:
The Mayor is continuing the pilot project hoping to help businesses in Waikiki by offering a venue for pedestrians, cyclists and others to use Kalakaua Avenue while it’s closed to vehicular traffic. If you plan to be there, it’s Sunday from 8 am – noon. The rule is that gatherings are not allowed unless they are in pods of 10 people or fewer and they must be moving at all times, whether it be walking, running, bike riding, skateboarding or using some other non-vehicular transportation. If you haven’t, check it out.Take care and stay healthy!