Tag: hawaii state,oahu,honolulu,senator district 12,sharon moriwaki
Kakaako flu shots this weekend, Covid resources, Community happenings
Neighborhood Happenings
Aloha Neighbor,
As the number of new covid cases are starting to decrease and the new leadership at the State department of health is working to address the issues and protocols needed to meet the Governor’s October 15 deadline for pretest travel requirements to open transpacific travel without quarantine, we take pause to share some of the happenings in the district. KAKAAKO/ALA MOANA: ALA MOANA PLAZA DEVELOPMENT PERMIT HEARING; SEPT 30
On Monday (9/28), we co-sponsored a virtual town hall on the Ala Moana Plaza development with Representative Scott Saiki, Councilmember Tommy Waters, and Councilmember Ann Kobayashi, to hear from developer Brookfield Properties on its proposed 400 ft.-high, mixed-use residential tower. About 80 people participated, and raised a number of questions and concerns, including sea level rise, traffic, safety, view corridors, minimal community benefits (e.g., the limited number of affordable units and parking spaces), and the lack of a park or open green space.The developer seeks interim approval for a 400′ maximum height that would be allowable under a draft Ala Moana Transit Oriented Development Plan that has not yet been approved by the City Council. Send your input to the City Department of Planning & Permitting (DPP) at its hearing on the developer’s permit on Wednesday, September 30, 10:30am. You can attend and/or submit written testimony about the project. Click here to view the public hearing notice and view testimony submission options.
- Jefferson Elementary School. Good news for our keiki that Governor release the legislature’s appropriation in 2019, for $300,000 to resurface the basketball court resurfacing; and $300,000 for resurfacing the school parking lot. This is well overdue as the courts have become unsafe and the parking lot has become rough and gravelly.
- Waikiki Beach. The Governor released $2 million for Waikiki Beach sand replenishment. Thanks to the Waikiki Beach Special Improvement District Association (WBSIDA) contributing $1 million in private funds, this $3 million project will replenish up to 20,000 cubic yards of sand from near offshore to the beach which will restore and maintain the beach between the Kuhio Beach Ewa Groin and the and Royal Hawaiian Groin.
The City’s Department of Transportation Services (DTS) announced the opening of the Pensacola protected two-way bicycle lane that runs in both mauka and makai directions on the Diamond Head side of Pensacola Street, between Wilder Avenue and Kapiʻolani Boulevard. The Pensacola bike lane connects to the King Street two-way protected bike lane, which takes bicyclists eastbound to Mōʻiliʻili or westbound to the Fasi Municipal Building and Honolulu’s Civic Center. For more information visit the City’s website: http://www.honolulu.gov/completestreets/urbancoreSHERIDAN/ALA MOANA AFFORDABLE HOUSING AT 902 ALDER STREET: CONSTRUCTION BEGINS
Albert C. Kobayashi (ACK) began construction on Monday (9/28), beginning with the demolition of the existing Judiciary buildings. A vector control program has been put in place. Construction will take about 20 months for this 200 affordable rental unit and Juvenile Service Center/Shelter will take approximate 20 months. If you live in this area, you should have received a written notice of some of the disturbance that you might encounter. Should you have questions or problems pls call (808) 284-5734:Community Safety/Noise
- Barricades and water suppression systems have been installed to reduce dust and debris.
- ACK procured a Noise Permit from the Department of Health specifying that ACK will strictly enforce work hours
- ACK procured a Street Usage Permit from the city allowing them to monitor and close off sidewalks when dangerous activities are occurring.
- Parking throughout the neighborhood will not be affected as ACK has paid for the employee parking at the neighboring Interstate Building and the Eleven50 Building.
MCCULLY/MOILIILI NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD IS IN RECESS The McCully/Moiliili Neighborhood Board No. 8 will recess its regular October meeting to combat the potential spread of COVID-19. Tentatively, the next regular meeting is Thursday, November 5, 2020 at a location to be determined. 6:30PM. Visit the Neighborhood Board website for updates.
If you haven’t yet completed this brief survey to help us all please do. You have until Oct 5. Help Hawaii get its fair share of federal funds –especially now – go NOW to: my2020census.gov. Mahalo!Take care & stay safe!