Tag: hawaii state,oahu,honolulu,senator district 12,sharon moriwaki

  • Pre-tested travelers, Vote!,  COVID resources, In the community

    Pre-tested travelers, Vote!, COVID resources, In the community

    Aloha Neighbor,

    HAWAII OPEN TO TRAVELERS:  SAFE TRAVELS Program Launches Tomorrow 
    Yesterday, the Governor signed a 14th supplementary emergency proclamation that extends the COVID-19 emergency period through Nov. 30.  While it leaves in place the 14-day mandatory quarantine requirement for out-of-state travelers, beginning tomorrow – Thursday Oct. 15– a pre-travel testing option will give travelers an alternative to the quarantine.

    Travelers, five years and older, who do not want to be subject to the state’s 14-day mandatory travelers quarantine must take an approved COVID-19 test within 72 hours prior to departure from the final leg of travel. If results are not received prior to arrival, the traveler will be required to self-quarantine until a negative test result is reported to the state Dept. of Health. The state will accept test results from trusted testing and travel partners only. A complete list can be found here.  Negative test results may be uploaded to the Safe Travels Digital Platform, and all travelers must also complete the state’s mandatory travel and health form on this digital platform. For more information, see the Governor’s press release here.

    The Hawaii Restaurant Card provides a prepaid restaurant debit card to Hawaii residents who received unemployment insurance (UI) benefits after March 25 and are still receiving benefits. Each Hawaii Restaurant Program Card will be loaded with $500. There is no need to apply; UI recipients will receive a preloaded, non-transferable card in their name that will be mailed to them in the coming weeks. The card will work like any other debit card for use at Hawaii restaurants. For more information, including use of the card on alcoholic beverages, gratuity, etc. click here.

    Food-A-Go-Go restaurants are encouraged to create special deals and promotions around the card to support cardholders and drive traffic to their businesses. While the Hawaii Restaurant Card is valid for use at all restaurants, select Food-A-Go-Go restaurants have created special deals and promotions for Hawai‘i Restaurant Cardholders.  To see special deal, promotions, and to find restaurants, visit https://foodagogo.org/.

    If you registered to vote, you should have already received your ballot for the 2020 General Election. If you have not received your ballot by Friday, October 16, please contact your County Elections Division. The last day to return your ballot by mail is Tuesday, October 27. After this date, voters must return their ballot to their nearest Voter Service Center or Ballot Drop Box (for Senate District 12 – Honolulu Hale, 530 S. King St.)

    Honolulu Hale is also available for in person voting Monday through Saturday, 8:00am – 4:30pm from October 20 through November 2 and from 7:00am – 7:00pm on Election Day. All ballots must be received by your Clerk’s office no later than 7:00 p.m. on Election Day (Tuesday, November 3, 2020. You can track your ballot through the entire voting process, from your ballot being mailed to your returned ballot being accepted by the Office of Elections by clicking here.

    The 2020 Primary Elections showed the highest rate of voter turnout in the state in over 40 years, so I encourage everyone to continue this trend and VOTE!

    IF YOU DON’T HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE: Check Out HealthCare.gov
    The Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Insurance Division is encouraging Hawaii residents who have lost their health insurance coverage at any point this year to visit HealthCare.gov.  You may be eligible to enroll in healthcare coverage, and possibly qualify for a premium tax credit that lowers your premium through HealthCare.gov.  Individuals who lost their health coverage any time this year, regardless of job loss or other reasons, should immediately check www.healthcare.gov/sep-list/ for more information and to apply for coverage. Individuals who experienced life changes other than job loss may also qualify if their life was affected in some way by COVID-19. Anyone with questions may contact the HealthCare.gov call center at (800) 318-2596.

    A capital improvement project is beginning this week to create a more inviting and stable shoreline along the Hawaiian Pond at Ala Moana Regional Park.  Constructed as a flood control basin for storm water drainage, the banks of the Hawaiian Pond located near the park’s entrance at Atkinson Drive have become severely eroded. This has created a pond perimeter that is muddy and not frequently used by park goers, as the pond’s water levels regularly fluctuate due to tidal conditions and runoff from the mauka streams.

    To prevent further erosion and sediment run-off, this project will place Flexamat® pre-cast concrete bank stabilization material along the edges of the pond.  The scope of the work also includes repairs to the central bridge over the pond, construction of a lit walkway connecting the bridge to other mauka pathways, a new seating area along the Ewa-end of the pond, replacement of eight trees from the pond’s edge to a more stable location mauka of the pond, and protection of Exceptional Trees near the construction zone.  The over $1.96 million contract for this project was awarded to Hawaiian Dredging Construction Company, Inc.  The project is expected to be finished in summer 2021.

    DLNR’s Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement (DOCARE) conducted a sweep at Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor on Wednesday, September 30, 2020, at 5pm to address concerns about the public’s safety.  The entire harbor was swept but efforts were concentrated on the concrete steps on the Ala Wai bridge (Ala Moana Blvd.) which has been reported to have a large area with homeless occupants.  DOCARE issued five citations for Restricted Area.  They also issued two Restricted Area and two Storage citations to individuals at the grass area between the 700 and 800 rows.

    The Ala Wai Dredging contract allows the contractor to work every day (M-Fri, Sat, Sun and Holidays) until 10pm as long as the noise doesn’t exceed a certain decibel level. In July 2020, DLNR announced a change in working hours to eliminate night work only on Monday-Fridays, but the contractor was still allowed to work days and nights on Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. Just recently, the contractor has requested to resume night work (until 10pm) every day (i.e. Monday-Fridays, weekends and holiday) to allow them to stay on schedule to complete the project in early 2021.  This revised schedule will resume on or around October 16.

    The DLNR states that extended work hours are being allowed because the Ala Wai Canal dredging is a major, highly visible, and complex project and allowing nightwork shortens the overall duration of the project so the community can benefit from the project sooner, rather than later – as was done in its 2003 dredging.  DLNR recognizes the heavy recreational use of the canal so the new construction timeline will address the canoe/kayaker’s concerns regarding restrictions during their practice/racing seasons.  You can send complaints to dlnr.engr@hawaii.gov.

    Take care & stay safe!

  • Ala Moana shoreline safety, elevated pedestrian walkway, COVID resources

    Ala Moana shoreline safety, elevated pedestrian walkway, COVID resources

    Aloha Neighbor,

    If you haven’t had the chance yet, please take our online community survey.  It will take no more than 5 minutes and will help us to understand what is important to you.  We will be closing the survey next week Wednesday and will send the results to you in a future message. We will use the results to craft legislative proposals for the 2021 legislative session.

    There is a lot going on and you should make your voices heard.  It is important. Talk to your neighbors and get involved.  Also sharing some important happenings and advisories.

    The Senate met on Tuesday to advise and consent on eight judicial nominees: one judge to the Intermediate Court of Appeals and seven to the district court:  First Circuit Court Judge Karen Nakasone to the Intermediate Court of Appeals (ICA); Karin Holma, Tracy Fukui, Bryant Zane and Andrew Park to the District Court of the First Circuit; and Courtney Naso, Elizabeth Paek-Harris and Thomas Haia to the District Family Court of the First Circuit.

    With the closure of our parks, fish that were scarce previously have returned. Fishers have followed the fish and created conflicts with the swimmers and other recreation activities at Ala Moana Beach Park.  Ala Moana Beach is for all users and thanks to the joint effort of the State Department of Land & Natural Resources (DLNR), in particular the division of aquatic resources; and the City Departments of Emergency Services/Ocean Safety Division and Parks & Recreation have collaborated to come up with a possible solution to address the public use, historical and cultural interests as well as safety of park users. Join in the briefing and discussion on  the DLNR’s proposed draft management plan here.

    We invite you to attend a zoom meeting to discuss the options and give us your feedback on: Monday October 12 from 10:30-11:45 am.   Join us via zoom at https://zoom.us/j/91240426522

    Kakaako saw the tragic accident and death of pedestrians waiting to cross Ala Moana Blvd. The Department of Transportation (HDOT) in collaboration with Howard Hughes Corp obtained federal funds to build an elevated walkway over Ala Moana Blvd. between Ward Ave. and Kamakee St. for pedestrians and bicyclists.  You can see the proposed project details here and give your input:

    • When: Thursday, Oct.15, 6:00-7:30pm ( via Phone at” 877-853-5257 (Toll-free) or via Zoom: www.rebrand.ly/AlaMoana | Meeting ID: 876 2476 8446 | Passcode 539066

    For more info click here or call 692-8441. You can also Email: DOT.HWY-AlaMoanaPed@hawaii.gov

    While the state does not expect an immediate flood of travelers, Oct. 15 is set as a deadline to bring pre-testing and contact tracing protocols to ready Hawaii to allow travelers to avoid the 14-day quarantine if the pass the certified pre-test for covid. Many of the partners that are involved with the pre-travel testing program – government, airlines, hospitality industry and businesses – are also using this start date as a deadline to ensure all safety measures, operations and information for residents and visitors are ready.
    The following partners that are certified to provide the pre-test for travelers are: AFC Urgent Care, Carbon Health, CityHealth Urgent Care, Color, CVS Health, Hawaiian Airlines, Kaiser Permanente (members only), Quest Diagnostics, Southwest Airlines, United Airlines, Vault Health, Walgreens.  Registration instructions and costs can be found at the partners’ websites here.

    Find out more on the Governor’s Emergency Proclamation on pre-travel testing and the UHERO survey on the impact of covid on Hawaii’s rental properties.  The informational briefing will be available for live viewing on Olelo Cable Television Channel 49 on Oahu. It will also be livestreamed via www.olelo.org. View agenda here.


        Those who are still not called back to work can continue to receive extended benefits by applying for the State DLIR’s Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PUEC) program, which is funded by the federal CARES Act to provide 13 additional weeks of unemployment benefits.  Click here to apply. Those applying will need to be patient as this is not the regular UI program so UI staff must manually input the information into the state system. Processing will take about 21 days. Claimants should continue to file certifications. In the meantime, those needing rent or mortgage assistance through December 28, 2020, should visit Catholic Charities here.  For instructions on how to apply for PEUC, click here.

    You can hear an update on unemployment and workforce development on October 12  at noon.  Presenters for the October 12 webinar are: Anne Perreira-Eustaquio, Director, Department of Labor & Industrial Relations  and Leinaʻala Nakamura, Administrator, City Department of Community Services – Work Hawaii Division. To register for this webinar, click here.  Other topics are covered every Monday at 12 noon.   A list of weekly webinar topics can be found here.

    • KAKAAKO FREE FOOD DISTRIBUTION: October 2020 ScheduleIn partnership with Aloha Harvest, Help is on the Way, and Ham Produce & Seafood Inc., Na Kupuna Makamae Center (NKMC) will again provide free food to the community! A BIG MAHALO to NKMC for all you do!
      • DATES: Saturdays, Oct. 10, 17, 24, 31.
      • LOCATION: 653 Ala Moana Blvd. Corner of Keawe St. & Ala Moana Blvd. (old pump station)
      • FOR THE BEST EXPERIENCE: Onsite pick-up only, walk-in only. No drive-thru.
      • INFO: Call 773-7047 or email: Carmenlee@pacificgatewaycenter.org

    Take care & stay safe!