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Community meetings, COVID assistance updates
Kakaako projects update, Ala Moana shoreline safety, healthcare coverage, food distribution
Aloha Neighbor,
We have been monitoring a number of Kakaako community projects that warrant continued public input. Below are some project updates. If you have concerns, contact info is also below.Ward Village Master Plan
Howard Hughes Corporation (HHC) shared its plan for the next phase at the recent Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) meeting. To watch the video recording, click here. See the presentation slides here. If you have questions, concerns, or want more information, email Communityplanning@wardvillage.comBriefly HHC envisions building out Blocks H & F and partnering with the state department of transportation and HCDA on an elevated bridge over Ala Moana Blvd. The vision for the Ward properties:
- Will transform 60 acres of Kakaako land into an urban and neighborhood community with parks, energy efficiency, sustainability, walkable spaces, bicycle lanes, native Hawaiian plants.
- Includes 3,700 public parking stalls, 39 restaurants, 36 retail shops, 4,500 new residential condos.
- The Victoria Ward Park project (former Sports Authority location) would include a podium for recreation supported by high-rise of residential units.
- The Auahi Street Promenade project would include the re-alignment of Auahi Street to connect to Pohukaina St.
- The Ulana Ward Village project would include industrial use, recreational space, and a playground.
The master plan timeline has begun with tenant & community outreach; with the next steps to include HCDA permitting, home sales, building permits, financing, and construction.
Ala Moana Blvd Elevated Bridge
- Builds a mauka-makai oriented “land bridge” linking to paths on either side of Ala Moana Blvd.
- Located within a 10-minute walking distance to the future Kakaako rail transit station and expected to host about 2,650 pedestrians and cyclists each day.
- Safely connects pedestrians and bicyclists to Kewalo Basin, Kakaako Waterfront Park, and Ala Moana Beach Park.
- Awarded a $20 Million BUILD grant from the Federal Highway Administration and in partnership with the Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT), Victoria Ward Ltd. (VWL) and the Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA).
- HDOT is currently drafting an environmental assessment.
- Timeline: Scheduled out to contractor bid in late 2021. Construction to start 2022-2023.
- For more info, click here. For questions, call 692-8441 or Email DOT.HWY-AlaMoanaPed@hawaii.gov
If you are an avid user of Ala Moana Beach Park, we invite you to a scoping meeting on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12 at 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. to address user interests for Ala Moana Beach Park including fishers, swimmers, waders and other park users. We would like to hear your thoughts and preferences on the various options proposed in the Draft Fishery Management Area Plan. The objective is to come to a consensus on the plan option(s) that will be recommended to the Board of Land & Natural Resources. Mahalo to those who have previously provided input. These were considered in the revised draft plan. Please review it prior to the meeting. Here is the zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/93863675817 to attend the meeting.ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: HEALTHCARE COVERAGE
If you have lost you health insurance coverage this year you may be eligible for health coverage. Visit HealthCare.gov to check if you’re eligible, and qualify for a premium tax credit that lowers your premium. Those who lose their health insurance typically get a 60-day special enrollment period (SEP) to enroll in coverage, but with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) declaring COVID-19 a national emergency, individuals may qualify for another SEP outside of the 60-day deadline. Regardless of job loss or for other reasons, apply for coverage at www.healthcare.gov/sep-list/ For more info, contact the HealthCare.gov call center at (800) 318-2596 or the State Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs at (808) 586-7582.ASSISTANCE. PROGRAM: FOOD DISTRIBUTION FOR NOVEMBER 2020
Central Union Church is distributing food bags to kupuna and others in need:- Dates: November 11, 18, 25 (Wednesdays)
- Time: Noon – 1:30 p.m.
- Location: 1660 South Beretania St. Corner of Punahou and South Beretania streets. Enter through the Punahou Street entrance to park and walk in.
- More Info: Call or Text 741-3066 OR Email: khedberghawaii@gmail.com
Take care & stay safe!