Tag: hawaii state,oahu,honolulu,senator district 12,sharon moriwaki
Survey Results, News, Events
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!“Thankfulness is the quickest path to joy” – Washington Middle School.
Lucky and thankful we live Hawaii with educators and students who choose to share this quote for Thanksgiving! My staff and I are grateful to all of you in our community who help make our neighborhoods the best they can be. We wish you a healthy and Happy Thanksgiving!Click here for the City’s Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule
May you enjoy the bounty of Thanksgiving!
One of our neighbors asked that we share the yummy pumpkin mochi recipe we served at one of our events. We got it from Jane Watanabe Hee at Hawaiian Electric. It’s easy to make. Enjoy! See the link here. Enjoy!COVID Update: The Next Phase
Governor Ige will be signing another emergency proclamation on Nov. 29 which will continue through January 28 2022 unless terminated or superseded by a separate proclamation. Below are some of what will be in the 11/29 proclamation:
The following measures proven to be effective will remain unchanged:- The Hawaii Safe Travels Program;
- The indoor mask mandate;
- The vaccination or testing requirements for state and county workers; and
- The vaccination or testing requirements for contractors and visitors to state facilities.
As of Dec. 1, the counties are on their own; no longer required to get Governor or Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HIEMA) approval prior to issuing county emergency orders, rules or proclamations. Counties continue to have direct responsibility for emergency management.
- The HIEMA will continue its various support functions.
- The Dept. of Health will continue to issue public health guidance.
- Executive Order 21-08, issued on Nov. 2, 2021 regarding Statewide Limits for Social Gatherings, Restaurants, Bars, Social Establishments, and Gyms, will end on Dec. 1, 2021. It will be up to the counties to implement measures for social gatherings, restaurant operations, social establishments and other venues.
- Extensions for driver’s license renewals, instruction permits, and replacements are ending as of Nov. 29, 2021.
- Consistent with the federal and state implementation of vaccination and testing policies, the state will no longer offer a Critical Infrastructure workers’ exemption to the 10-day travel quarantine. Exemptions for persons who previously tested positive for COVID-19 and other exemptions will continue to be considered.
Honolulu Has Added Flexibility:
Starting December 1, 2021, Honolulu businesses and events will have additional flexibility in their operations. The Safe Access Oahu program will only apply to operations and events that serve food and drinks or that have indoor exercise activities. While no capacity limitations will be placed on businesses and events in Honolulu, all events, whether indoors or outdoors, will require facial coverings/masks. For helpful information and an infographic to show the loosened restrictions on social gatherings, businesses, and events, click here.HDOT and partners kick off “No Excuses” Campaign
One wish this holiday season is for everyone to arrive alive. To make this wish come true, the Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT), Hawaii State Department of Health, four county police departments, MADD Hawaii, community members and other traffic safety partners are are partnering to remind everyone to drive safely, be mindful of all roadway users and buckle up. If we all take these simple steps, our friends and family can ring in the New Year together.There will be several safety campaign activities of enforcement and education throughout the coming weeks. For a list of educational/safety events taking place, click here.Tips for Celebrating Thanksgiving Safely: DOH
The Hawaii Department of Health shares the following tips and safety measures for the holiday season:- Celebrate with fully vaccinated people.
- Stay away from others if you are sick, have symptoms or have COVID-19. Get tested in you have COVID-19 symptoms.
- Limit gathering size to a small group, especially if dining indoors.
- Wear face masks indoors when not eating, and when with people from outside your household.
- Wear a face mask outdoors in crowded gatherings or with unvaccinated people.
- Gather outdoors if possible.
- Spread out and allow plenty of space for everyone.
- Set tables so people from the same households sit together.
- Limit possible exposure by keeping gatherings short in duration.
- Avoid places with poor airflow and improve airflow where possible.
- Keep your hands clean.
- Take extra precautions to protect seniors and the those who are immunocompromised.
- Do not travel unless fully vaccinated.
If you are not yet vaccinated against COVID-19, starting the two-dose primary vaccine series this week will ensure full-vaccination status in time for the New Year. More information is available at https://hawaiicovid19.com/vaccine/
The 2021 Hawaii reapportionment and redistricting process is happening right now. The redrawing of our election districts occurs only once every ten years and impacts our future for the next decade. Every State House and Senate seat is impacted by the 2021 reapportionment and redistricting process and every State legislative seat will be open in 2022. New election districts, therefore, affect everything from who will run for office, if the people will be able to elect representatives of their choice, to funding for hospitals, roads, and more. You may view the proposed redistricting maps at here under the tab “Legislative Plans” >>> “Legislative Redistricting Plans” and the maps are labeled “Proposed District Maps”. The people have a voice in how the redistricting election maps are drawn and if your community will be able to form a uniform, cohesive voice to ensure that you may elect a representative to the State House and/or State Senate to properly represent you. Look at the proposed maps and participate at a Public Hearing here >>> under the tab “Public Hearings” >>> “Meeting Notices” to ensure that the maps best represent your community! Or, you may send in your comments now to the State Reapportionment Commission at reapportionment@hawaii.gov.Click here for a list of Oahu restaurants dine-in and takeout menus for Thanksgiving. Many of the eateries featured here are in our Ala Moana-Kakaako, Waikiki, and Moiliili neighborhoods!The Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor (AWSBH) Neighborhood Watch will not me patrolling on Thanksgiving Day, Nov 25. It will resume on Dec 2 at 6:00pm starting at the grassy area oceanside of the Harbor Office, 1651 Ala Moana Blvd. Mahalo to community member Joanne Weldon for circulating the Neighborhood Watch information for the AWSBH.This Holiday season, Books 4 Keiki has partnered with eight Title I Schools in Hawaii to give keiki the gift of literacy. There are a variety of ways to give keiki more access to books, such as monetary donations, Amazon wish lists, dropping off book donations, etc. To find out how you can help and participate, click here.A diagnosis for a person with Alzheimer’s often causes fear and anxiety. Learn about how you can take proactive steps to help your loved ones plan for and control the last chapter of life. If you are caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or other dementia, these planning tips can help you help them. To read more and to register, click here.The full City Council will meet on Wednesday, December 1 at 10:00 am. The agenda will be posted here when it becomes available.Dec 2: McCully-Moiliili Neighborhood meet on Dec 2 at 6:30pm (Virtual). For the December agenda (not yet posted), click here.The 50th Annual Holiday Craft Fair, sponsored by the Hawaiian Mission Houses Historic Site and Archives, will be on Saturday Nov 27, from 8:30am-3:00pm at 553 S. King St. It is the oldest craft fair in Honolulu and features only items made in Hawaii and the artists who make them. For more information, click here.Effective Wednesday, December 1, 2021, at 6:30 a.m., the new automated tee time reservation system will begin accepting online tee time reservations seven days in advance for Ala Wai Golf Course. This is the third and final phase of the City Golf Division’s tee time reservation system upgrade which will allow golfers to book a tee time online at any of its six municipal golf courses. Click here for more information.Take care & stay safe!