Tag: hawaii state,oahu,honolulu,senator district 12,sharon moriwaki
COVID update, Rent assistance, District news
COVID updates, Development projects, Driving, Shopping
Aloha Neighbor,
- VACCINES COMING TO TOWN: Joint Senate-House informational briefing
- HELP DOH: Participate in the DOH COVID-19 Vaccine Survey
- CITY RESOURCE FOR SMALL BUSINESSES : Adapting to the pandemic
- ALA MOANA PLAZA PROJECT: City Council sends it back to the Zoning Committee to consider community benefits
- SHOP TO HELP THE Hawaiian Humane Society: Sponsor a pet! Hawaiian Humane Society “Deck the Paws” Event: Dec. 7 through 13
- VACCINES COMING TO TOWN: Joint Senate-House informational briefing – On Friday, the Senate Committee on Health and the House Committee on Pandemic and Disaster Preparedness held an informational briefing on the COVID-19 vaccines. It was a very informative session covering the basics of the vaccine, the vaccine trial and FDA approval process, and the effectiveness and safety of the two currently available vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna. Also presented was the network of working groups with over 90 partners and stakeholders and 150 individuals involved in the preparation for and distribution of the vaccine once here. There was also significant discussion on the priority of vaccine distribution to health care workers and vulnerable populations in long-term care facilities. Many questions on vaccine distribution, managing pharmacy partnerships, storage and distribution points for the vaccine. You can see the full informational briefing at the
Hawaii Senate YouTube page
- HELP DOH: Participate in the DOH COVID-19 Vaccine Survey – The State Department of Health (DOH) survey will help DOH better understand residents’ perceptions of the new vaccines. All information collected is confidential and will be used by the DOH to plan for the state’s COVID-19 vaccination program. To complete the survey, click here.
- CITY RESOURCE FOR SMALL BUSINESSES : Adapting to the pandemic – This past Monday, the City launched an online resource hub called the Small Business Resource Network (SBRN) to connect small businesses with experts and resources to help them adapt to operating during the coronavirus pandemic. It includes guides for applying for relief funding, advice on financial management, assistance with digital business, guidance with leases, suppliers and vendors as well as coaching on the COVID-related health and safety protocols. For more information, click here.
- ALA MOANA PLAZA PROJECT: City Council sends it back to the Zoning Committee to consider community benefits – This past Wednesday the Honolulu City Council heard and sent a developer’s high-rise project resolution back to the zoning committee for further consideration of community benefits commensurate to the height variance requested by the developer. Resolution 20-315 and Resolution 20-315, Proposed CD1, both of which approve a development transit permit for the Ala Moana Plaza Development Project. The developer, Brookfield Properties, is requesting to build a high-rise tower to a height of 400 feet, among other variances. Testifiers supporting the resolutions opted for more time to consider the recommendations of the City Council. Some of the considerations were:
- STUDY: Councilmember Carol Fukunaga sought $500,000 to undertake a regional traffic study because the growing number of condo rentals and sales is resulting in traffic and pedestrian safety issues, plus the City has been removing pedestrian crosswalks in the area.
- CONCERNS ABOUT SETTING PRECEDENCE: Worry that the 400-foot variance will set a precedence for other developments.
- TRAFFIC: Construction preparations for rail lines are already causing major traffic problems
- Click here to view the full video.
- Click here to view agenda (Scroll down to Reso 20-315)
- PUBLIC MEETING ON ALA MOANA-NIMITZ CORRIDOR PROJECTS: DEC. 15 – The state transportation department (HDOT) will hold a virtual public meeting to provide an update on current and future projects for the Ala Moana Boulevard/Nimitz Highway Corridor. These projects include the ongoing Ala Moana/Nimitz Resurfacing – Kalihi Stream Bridge to Atkinson and the planned Ala Moana Elevated Pedestrian Walkway. Meeting details:
- TIME: 6 – 7 p.m.
- PHONE: Call in at 1-808-829-4853; ID: 985 850 87#
- VIDEOCONFERENCE: Find the Microsoft Teams Meeting link here
- For more info, call 808-587-2160 or email dotpao@hawaii.gov.
The long lines are familiar during the holidays but of course the coronavirus has made it hard to happily spend our money. Here are some tips that might make holiday shopping a little less painful:- Avoid last-minute panic-shopping. Get your shopping done early.
- The best times to shop are during the weekday. Mondays and Tuesdays are the least crowded days at most malls.
- You likely won’t find a line in the morning when stores have just opened.
- Check if your store offers shopping by appointment, especially on the weekends.
- Ask if your shopping mall store has a pick-up area where attendants bring out items to your car.
- For more info, click here
SHOP TO HELP THE Hawaiian Humane Society: Sponsor a pet!
Hawaiian Humane Society “Deck the Paws” Event: Dec. 7 through 13 – The Hawaiian Humane Society dug up ways we can lend a paw to its residents this month. Sponsor a stocking, which will hang on the house of an animal waiting to be adopted or purchase a DIY stocking kit for your own pet that includes fun, fetching decorations: one stocking, six glitter glues, one iron-on paw print and an assortment of embellishments. Sponsored stocking, $35, DIY stocking kit, $60. Cost includes shipping to anywhere in the U.S. For more info, click here.TRAFFIC ADVISORY – SEWER WORK: DEC. 14-18
The City Department of Environmental Services traffic alert cautions drivers on Cedar Street (Ala Moana) next week as city contractors will be conducting work between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. at 816 Cedar Street (Ala Moana) for a main rehabilitation.DRIVERS: GET VEHICLE SAFETY CHECKS BEFORE YEAR’S END
Currently all commercial and non-commercial motor vehicle safety inspection certificates and stickers that expire during the declared emergency period for COVID-19 are still considered valid through Dec. 31. However, HDOT warns that the deadline for the extension is fast approaching. The Periodic Motor Vehicle Inspection (PMVI) stations were approved to reopen under COVID-19 guidelines on May 15. The concern is with drivers with expired safety checks who may get caught in a last-minute rush, should the safety inspection expiration not get extended. These guidelines are required if you go to one of the PMVI stations:- Keep a physical distancing of six feet or greater.
- Implement sanitation measures and wear appropriate PPE.
- Entry will be denied to anyone visibly displaying symptoms of COVID-19
- For more information, click here.
REGISTRATION RENEWALS: An alternative to going to the DMV or Satellite City Hall, you can register online here or at a City DMV kiosk at select locations (Safeways Beretania or Kapahulu near our district). The kiosk can print your registration document and sticker immediately after payment. See Hawaii DMV Now.
Take care & stay safe!