Tag: hawaii state,oahu,honolulu,senator district 12,sharon moriwaki

  • Memorial Day, Masks & Vaccines, Relief, Community events

    Memorial Day, Masks & Vaccines, Relief, Community events


    The Unknown Soldier
    You need not ever know my name. This unknown soldier seeks no fame.
    I’m here to bring out thought from you. May your heart see more than your view.
    America, we marched with pride. We gave our life, for you we died.
    How well we knew the time might come when life could sound that final drum.  Please think of us as life moves on. We tried so hard till that last dawn.
    Do let our spirit fill the land. Pass treasured freedom, hand to hand.
    God blessed this country with such love. Hold in your heart, abundance of.
    And when you stand before my grave think not of one, but each who gave.
    ~ Roger J. Robicheau


    The holiday schedule for the City and County of Honolulu operations is as follows:


    • Emergency medical services, fire, lifeguard, medical examiner, and police services.
    • TheBus will operate on a Sunday schedule. Visit thebus.org for route and schedule information.
    • Trash collection and transfer stations, convenience centers, H-POWER, and the Waimanalo Gulch Sanitary Landfill. Visit opala.org for information.
    • Parks and botanical gardens. Visit honolulu.gov/parks for park use guidelines.
    • Municipal golf courses. Visit honolulu.gov/des/golf for revised play information.
    • The Honolulu Zoo. Visit honolulu.gov/zoo for information.


    • The Neal S. Blaisdell Center box office. Visit blaisdellcenter.com/ for information.
    • People’s Open Markets.
    • Satellite city halls and driver licensing centers.


    • On-street parking will be free, except for the meters on Kalakaua Avenue along Queen Kapiolani Park, metered parking lots, and meters on specific Waikiki streets. View the list of Waikiki streets here.
    • Traffic lanes will not be coned for contraflow.


    CONGRATS to all private and public school students across the district for completing an unprecedented year. Special congratulations to our high school graduates and students promoting to another school. You did it! Kaahumanu Elementary School Vice-Principal Maryann Barr’s sentiments are shared by all our schools, “Our school is incredibly grateful for the outpouring of assistance from community members and families as we all became a stronger ohana.  We cherish the relationships we have made and look forward to our future together.”  Mahalo also to our school principals, teachers, and staff for guiding our keiki and community during this incredibly challenging year!

    In the last days of the school year before summer begins, we lined Kapahulu Avenue early Monday morning waving our signs.  Along with Principal Garret Zakahi, staff and students were Waikiki District 6 HPD Officers Vivardi, Yamamoto & Moses with signs to remind everyone to “Drive with Aloha!”


    Governor Lifts Mask Mandate & Other Pandemic Restrictions
    You can now breathe a bit more freely outdoors with Gov. Ige’s latest Amendment to the 19th Emergency Proclamation lifting the mask mandate when outdoors, effective immediately. However, mask wearing is still recommended outdoors if you are in large groups. Wearing masks indoors is still mandatory. Gov. Ige also announced that ocean sports competitions can resume beginning June 1. This includes surfing, canoeing, and swimming events among others. The state will resume issuing permits for ocean activities, and the counties will issue permits for the use of parks. Also permitted on June 1 are the use of canopies and tournaments in city parks.   Permits will be issued with the understanding that health and safety protocols are to be followed to protect communities, contestants, and spectators.

    Mask Rules Changed at Ala Moana Center
    Outdoor shopping malls fall into a gray area for Hawaii’s modified mask mandate. Ala Moana
    Center officials made a decision following Governor’s announcement: Face coverings will not be required in outdoor common areas, but they will need to be worn in indoor spaces like stores, restaurants, and food courts.

    Should Your Teen Get the Covid-19 Vaccine?
    Hawaii’s health department has answers. You can find them here.


    Governor Releases $5M for Ala Moana Blvd Elevated Pedestrian Walkway
    This is great news for walkers, joggers, dogwalkers, and outdoor enthusiasts alike who’ve longed for safety measures on Ala Moana Blvd. The pedestrian-friendly walkway would be accessible to the public via both stairway and an ADA disabilities pathway that connects to Ala Moana Boulevard sidewalks and other pathways on either side of the structure. It would be equipped with lighting, landscaping, and drainage that ties into the roadway facility. It is touted to bring a safe, pedestrian experience crossing over Ala Moana Boulevard. The Governor thanks all who’ve advocated hard to keep the district safe. “Mahalo for your work to secure these funds. Projects such as these are critical components of the public infrastructure and contribute to building a better home for our kūpuna, keiki, and all the residents of Hawaii.”

    Travelers can get Covid-19 Tests in Waikiki
    Travelers can get tested at recently launched Waikiki PCR Testing Center. Results are available within 12 hours, or within six hours for priority testing. Booking, testing, and documentation are provided in both English and Japanese. The center provides any test-result forms or certificates that travelers may need for entry into their country of destination. Located on the 4th floor of the Waikiki Shopping Plaza, the center operates 7 days a week between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM, with last check-in at 4:45 PM. Book your testing appointment by calling (808) 218-6124 or visit https://lealeatours.com/pcr/

    Waikiki’s International Marketplace and SALT to Hold Vaccination Clinics
    The International Marketplace and SALT are partnering with the Queen’s Health Systems to host community COVID-19 vaccination clinics. Free and open to all residents ages 12 and up, vaccinations will be held from noon to 5 p.m. on Fridays — including May 28, June 4, and June 11 — at International Market Place’s Level 3 Parking; and participants will receive one hour of free self-parking for Levels 4 through 6. Although appointments are recommended, walk-ins are welcome. The SALT vaccination clinic will be held on May 29 from 9am-3pm. Participants should bring a photo ID and insurance card, although insurance is not required to get the vaccine. To register, click here. Participants complete the pre-screening form here and bring it on the day of vaccination. Call the Queen’s COVID-19 Vaccination Line at 691-2222 for more info.


    End of Moratorium on Electricity Disconnections Won’t Trigger Immediate Shutoffs
    Despite the disconnection moratorium ending on May 31, HECO says it won’t immediately start cutting off electricity to people behind on their bills. Customers are urged to act now to set up a payment plan to avoid disconnection in the future. Click here to view payment plan options.

    Free Honolulu Veteran Virtual Job Fair:  June 1, 11am – 2pm
    MilitaryX is hosting a virtual career fair on June 1 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Local companies, Costco, Google General Motors, and many others are looking to hire military service members, veterans, and their spouses. They will be interviewing virtually. To register, click here. For more information call Scott Lobenberg at 702-269-0808 or send an email to scott@hirex.us


    May 30
    Bus Route 4 and 13 Changes
    The city’s Department of Transportation Services (DTS) is adjusting Route 13 to bypass McCully Street and instead operate from Kapiolani Boulevard directly onto Kalakaua Avenue. DTS is also adjusting Route 4 to eliminate the loop around the Kawananakoa Middle School in Liliha. For comments/questions, contact DTS at 768-8372.

    June 1
    New Mobile Medical Unit Launching in Kakaako to Serve HIV Residents
    A new mobile medical unit will be launched on June 1 at 9:30am to assist persons from underserved communities who are living with HIV. Located at the Nā Kūpuna Makamae Community Center (NKMC) and operated by the Hawaii Health & Harm Reduction Center, the mobile unit will provide free HIV and hepatitis C testing, acute care, wound care, syringe exchange, and behavioral health services. NKMC is located at 653 Ala Moana Blvd, Honolulu, HI 96813. For more info., call 521-2437.

    June 2
    Honolulu City Council meeting
    The City Council meets as a whole at 10am.  See the agenda along with instructions on how to submit testimony here.  One item of interest to our community on the agenda is Resolution 21-129 which recommends appointees to the Hawaii Community Development Authority.  The measure nominates five individuals, one being a representative of a business or nonprofit which is currently Phillip Hasha, and another representing residents which is currently Jason Okuhama.  Both are included in the proposed list of nominees.  Their terms expire on June 30 of this year.

    HCDA Decision-Making Hearing on Kamehameha Schools Project Amendments
    The Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) will be holding a decision-making hearing on amendments to Kamehameha School’s Kaiāulu ʻO Kakaʻako Master Plan (KKMP). KS seeks a 5-year extension of the KKMP entitlements which are set to expire in 2024.

    • To view the KKMP, click here.
    • To join, submit written comments, or watch the hearing, click on the Public Hearing Notice here.

    June 3
    McCully-Moiliili Neighborhood Board: 6:30pm
    Look out for June’s agenda here.  This neighborhood board meets every 1st Thursday of every month. To schedule an agenda presentation, or if you are interested in serving on a committee (open to non-board members), contact Chair Tim Streitz at tstreitz.nb8@gmail.com. For more info., call (808) 768-3710.

    June 4
    DOE “Grab-and-Go” Meals:  June 4 – July 19
    Free meals for keiki begin on Friday, June 4, for those 18 and younger. Hawaii Department of Education’s Grab-and-Go meal service is open to all keiki 18 years and younger regardless of their enrollment status. Meal distribution will take place at lunchtime at about 80 different distribution sites. Families are asked to visit their nearest participating school so schools can produce the correct number of daily meals. Pick-ups for the service include one lunch for that day and one breakfast for the next day per child. Parents or guardians must provide verifying documents each day to pick up meals without their child present. Click here to see which docs are required.


    While annual events like the Memorial Day Parade, 50th State Fair, and performances at the Waikiki Shell are taking the year off, there are still ways to remember, pay tribute, and celebrate those who lost their lives in service to our country.

    Memorial Day Virtual Run/Walk: May-June 2021
    Participate in the 3rdAnnual Memorial Day Virtual Run/Walk.
    WHEN: Complete your race any time in May or June 2021.
    WHERE: You choose the course and report your time.
    WHY: Because you want to honor all the heroes out there, especially if there is one close to your heart.
    COST: The price is $25 and that includes your medal, bib and shipping. Medals and bibs will start shipping out April 15th! After that they will ship out within 2 to 5 days of signing up.
    TICKETS: Click here.

    Lantern Floating Ceremony: May 27-June 5
    The annual Lantern Floating Ceremony, usually held at Ala Moana Beach Park, brings together nearly 50,000 people from around the world each Memorial Day. This year, organizers have invited the public to take part in a number of virtual and in-person activities. Participants are encouraged to submit handwritten messages and images to become part of the Many Rivers, One Ocean interactive art experience which will be offered on the grounds of Shinnyo-en Hawaii Buddhist Temple (2348 S. Beretania St., Honolulu, HI 96826, phone: 808-947-2814)

    • Book your tour at the Shinnyo-en Hawaii Buddhist Temple here https://lanternfloatinghawaii.com/
    • The above will be showcased in a TV broadcast called “Share Your Light” – A Shinnyo Lantern Floating Hawaiʻi Special on May 31 at 6:30pm – 7:00pm on Hawaii News Now’s KGMB.

    Memorial Day Picnic: May 31, 10:00AM – 2:00PM
    WHERE:  Nu’uanu Baptist Church, 2010 Nuuanu Ave., Honolulu, HI 96817, on Church Lawn, Playground, and Fellowship Hall.
    FOOD: It’s provided, but if you’d like to bring a potluck dish, contact nbc@nuuanubaptist.org
    ATTIRE: BE READY TO GET WET and bring your own towel and change of clothes if needed!
    REGISTER: https://nuuanubaptist.breezechms.com/form/memorialday

    Pearl Harbor Tour
    Visit Pearl Harbor’s Battleship Missouri, Bowfin Submarine & the Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum nearby. The tours include a fast-track ticket to view a 23-minute documentary about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and board a Navy-operated boat for a solemn visit to the Memorial. For more information see:  https://www.pearlharbortours.com/

    Waikiki Natatorium War Memorial
    Constructed in the form of a saltwater public swimming pool in Waikiki, the Natatorium was built as a memorial honoring the 10,000 citizens of Hawaii who served during World War I. The entrance includes an arch featuring four stone eagles typical of the 1920s Hawaiian Beaux-Arts architectural style. It is located at 2815 Kalakaua Ave, Honolulu, HI 96815. For more info., call 254-1828 or visit https://natatorium.org/

    Punchbowl Cemetery
    The National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, commonly referred to as Punchbowl Crater or Punchbowl Cemetery, is located at 2177 Puowaina Dr, Honolulu. There you may pay your respects to our country’s heroes. Sitting on the top of an extinct volcanic tuff cone, the cemetery provides a final resting place for over 50,000 veterans and their families. For more info., call 532-3720 or visit https://www.cem.va.gov/cems/nchp/nmcp.asp

    Take care & stay safe!

  • District happenings, resources, weekend events

    District happenings, resources, weekend events


    Old and new groups patrol our neighborhoods with our HPD officers.  Join us!  (From left to right: Waikiki-East, Waikiki-Eaton Square, Kakaako Citizen Patrols)

    Citizen Patrols Are Growing in Our District – Mahalo to HPD for Organizing Our Community Policing

    • Kakaako patrol meets on Mondays at 5:45pm at Mother Waldron Park
    • Waikiki Eaton Square meets on Tuesdays at 6:15pm in front of Eaton Square on Hobron Lane
    • Waikiki East Citizen Patrol meets on Thursdays at 4:30pm at the big banyan tree on Kalakaua at the Uluniu intersection
    • Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor Citizen Patrol meets on Thursdays at 7:00 pm at the grassy area between the Harbormasters office and the 500 row

    Mahalo to HPD District 6 Officers Virardi, Yamamoto and newest officer Moses for leading our Waikiki Citizen Patrols!  All neighbors welcome to join us!   For more information on the Waikiki and Ala Wai Small Harbor patrols, please contact Officer Stephanie Virardi at 808-723-3349 or svirardi@honolulu.gov.  For the Kakaako patrol, please contact Louise Black at louise.leilehua@gmail.com.

    Updated Behavioral Health Dashboard: Substance Abuse, Mental Health, Homeless
    Want to know the status of our state’s behavioral health? The newly updated Department of Health/UH dashboard will give you key information and statistics on substance use, homelessness and mental health in Hawaii and comparisons with national indicators. Other data on the dashboard are statistics on inpatient stays and drug prescriptions, homeless numbers and mental health emergency calls. The dashboard also contains information about Hawaii CARES, the state’s 24/7 help line for crisis support, referral to treatment for mental health and substance use, and COVID-19 isolation/quarantine services. If you or anyone you know needs support, please call 808-832-3100 on Oahu or toll-free 1-800-753-6879. Click here to view the dashboard.

    DOT Advises Travelers to be Prepared for the Busy, 3-Day Holiday Weekend
    The first holiday weekend since reopening inter-island travel to vaccinated residents is coming up so if you are planning to travel to the neighbor islands, make sure you have their documents ready to go. The state is allowing Hawaii residents to bypass the mandatory quarantine or pre-test to travel inter-island. See the Governor’s update on interisland travel,
    Airport officials advise that travelers get to the airport 90 minutes before their departure time, whether they are vaccinated, took a pre-travel test, or plan to quarantine. Travelers to the mainland are advised to be at the airport earlier and especially make sure documents like QR codes and vaccination cards are printed on paper before getting to the airport.
    Federal Child Tax Relief
    The federal child tax credit from the Federal Government has the potential to help 278,000 children in Hawaii who could receive monthly payments of at least $250 throughout the last half of this year.  Beginning in July, most families with children who have filed taxes and earn below a certain income threshold will start receiving monthly deposits in their bank accounts.  This expansion will help many of our keiki out of poverty.  For more details and additional resources, click here.

    Alice’s Kids Charity provides assistance to keiki from low-income households

    Alice’s Kids, a charity which helps thousands of children pay for clothing, shoes, musical instruments, sports equipment, school fees, etc., is offering financial assistance to keiki in low-income households.  The program accepts requests for help from a “trusted network of teachers, coaches, religious leaders, and social workers,” granting each child an average of $125.  Requests are fulfilled within 24-hours in the form an electronic gift card or check send to the adult who requested assistance.  For more information and details on where to go to submit a request, click here or you can contact them directly at contact@aliceskids.org or call (703)746-8108.
    Requirements for fully unemployment claimants changing
    Because the economy is starting to recover and vaccines are increasing our immunity, the Department of Labor & Industrial Relations is encouraging jobless Hawaii residents to return to work, requiring fully unemployed claimants to start searching for work and logging on the “Record of Contacts Made for Work (ROC)” form at least three times a week, starting Sunday, May 30, 2021. Click here for the form.

    This requirement does not apply to claimants who are partially unemployed, still tied to their full-time employer in some way, or are in the PUA program. Two programs that deter claimants from skirting the UI system– the Reemployment Services & Eligibility Assessment program (RESEA) and DLIR’s internal, federally regulated audit section. Claimants are randomly selected, and their ROC form is documented. Claimants should know that:

    • Employers can report claimants who refuse to work and are collecting unemployment benefits to the UI Division.  For the website employer portal, click here
    • Most adjudication issues currently involve claimants voluntarily leaving the employers, misconduct, and overpayment issues.
    • Claimants who are unable to work because they are caring for a child due to COVID-19 circumstances will not qualify for regular unemployment insurance benefits; they will qualify under PUA.
    • The following programs will continue: PEUC, PUA, and the $300 weekly plus-up.
    • Hawaii’s current unemployment rate is 8.5% while the national average is 6.1%.

    Waikiki Galleria Tower Getting New Owners
    Hawaii investors led by BlackSand Capital are buying the Waikiki Galleria Tower on Kalakaua Avenue. Its former owner DFS Group closed this luxury retail store last year. The building includes the 75,000-square-foot two-story retail podium, topped by parking and 86,000 square feet of office space.

    The sands of Waikiki Beach are restored ahead of schedule

    The Waikiki Beach Maintenance project restored the sands to Waikiki Beach, doubling the beach width on most sections of the Royal Hawaiian Beach between the Royal Hawaiian Hotel and Kuhio Beach Park—and completed three weeks ahead of schedule!  The 12-hour-long working periods of hauling and replacing sand allowed for the project to be completed just in time for summer.  For before and after photos of the shoreline, click here.

    Ala Moana Center Offering Gift Cards to Customers Who Shop Local
    Ala Moana Center is offering an incentive for customers who shop local: if you spend $100 or more at one of its local stores or restaurants you can receive a $25 Ala Moana Center gift card while supplies lasts.  The promotion runs through May 31 and is valid at more than 100 participating tenants (applies to purchases made on weekdays only).  To see the list of stores and more information on the promotion, click here.

    Ala Moana-Kakaako Neighborhood Board: May 25, 6:30pm
    To participate and/or to submit testimony, click here for the agenda.
    Discussion will include the following:
    • Bus Route Changes
    • Biki Bike Update
    • Ala Moana Transit Oriented Development Plan
    • Kamehameha Schools “Kaiāulu o Kaka‘ako” Master Plan
    • Honolulu bicycle sharing program
    • Status of Pensacola bike lane and parking during peak periods
    • Status of H-1 Piikoi on-ramp PM peak period closure
    The board meetings can be viewed on ʻŌlelo 49 on the first and third Thursdays at 8:00 a.m. or 2:00 p.m., and every second Sunday at 6:00 p.m.  Click here for the full schedule, or for archived videos, click here.

    OahuMPO Meeting: May 25, 1:00pm
    The Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization (OahuMPO) will be holding its policy board meeting on Tuesday, May 25 at 1:00pm.  For the link to the agenda, click here.  For general information about OahuMPO, projects, resources, and more, click here.

    Storm Water Workshops: May 27 & June 7
    The City and County Department of Facilities Maintenance is holding virtual workshops on the development of a comprehensive Storm Water Master Plan. Primary Urban Center workshops will be held on Thursday, May 27, 2021, at 12:00 noon and Monday, June 7, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. For meeting registration and information, click here.

    2021 Shinnyo Lantern Floating Hawaii: Starting May 21, 5:00pm-9:00pm
    On the grounds of the Shinnyo-en temple in Honolulu, a large-scale lantern will be installed as a space for reflection. Designed by artist Hide Tsutsui, the lantern will be adorned with a silhouette of a kukui tree, symbolizing light, hope and renewal.  Participants will be able to write and hang prayers and messages on the trees. Those who can’t visit the temple in person may send in their remembrances online. Tributes received between April 12 and June 4 may be included as part of the art installation. The exhibit runs from May 21 to June 5 at the Shinnyo-En Hawaii Buddhist Temple, 2348 S Beretania St., Honolulu.  Reservations for the exhibit can be made on the website here.  On Memorial Day, a 30-minute TV program will air on KGMB at 6:30pm, called Share Your Light – A Shinnyo Lantern Floating Hawaii Special.  For more info., call 808-947-2814.

    Young Artists of Hawaii Exhibit:  Starting May 21, 10:00am-4:00pm
    Experience Hawaii through award-winning student artwork! Free admission. Young Artists of Hawaii is an annual student art competition and exhibition. This year’s theme is “My Culture, My Family, and Me.” The State Foundation on Culture & the Arts and the Hawaii Tourism Authority sponsor the program recognizing the creative excellence among Hawaii’s public and private school students, kindergarten through the 6th grade.  A panel of judges select 96 works for the exhibition displayed at the Hawaii State Art Museum on the 2d floor at 250 South Hotel Street in downtown Honolulu, from May 21 to June 25, daily from 10am-4pm. Replicas of the artworks are also displayed at the Hawaii Convention Center for one year (May 2021 – March 2022), in the Pa Kamalii Courtyard on the third floor. For more info, contact Kamakani Konia at 808-586-0900 or email hawaiisfca@hawaii.gov

    Kenny Endo & Taiko Center of the Pacific: May 22, 6:30pm-8:30pm

    The Taiko Arts Center presents “Ame – Tears of the Earth,” a virtual live-stream concert in response to the 9/11 tragedy, broadcast from the Hawaii Theatre, 1130 Bethel Street in Honolulu, on Saturday May 22, 2021 at 6:30 pm. Featured artists include: master taiko artist Kenny Endo, Taiko Center of the Pacific (Performing Ensemble, and the Youth Group), and special guests: Peter Rockford Espiritu & Tau Dance Theater (hula and contemporary dance), Todd Yukumoto (saxophone, flute), Abe Lagrimas Jr. (ukulele, vibes, drum set), and Nawahine Lanzilotti (cello, voice). For more info, call 528-0506.

    (Virtual) Special Olympics Hawaii’s Paradise Plunge Fundraiser: Starting May 21

    This socially-distanced event allows participants to safely support local athletes by sharing a video or photo of yourself performing any type of water activity – such as beach bodyboarding, surfing, or taking the plunge in a swimming pool. The Paradise Plunge is open to individuals, families and student groups, and anyone else who wants to take the plunge to support Special Olympics Hawaii athletes. Plungers are asked to send photos or a 60-second, horizontal video clip of themselves performing their “Paradise Plunge” using www.wetransfer.com to development@sohawaii.org. The deadline for submissions is Sunday, July 11. Register here.  For more info, call 808-783-8395 or email chantel.crystalclearhi@gmail.com

    Take care & stay safe!