Category: Newsletter

  • COVID-19 Unemployment, Alert System, Masks

    COVID-19 Unemployment, Alert System, Masks

    Aloha Neighbors,

    I hope you are well and continue to social distance and be healthy!

    Some of you told us you were unfortunately still having problems filing for Unemployment Insurance.  The Department of Labor & Industrial Relations (DLIR) Director said that the unprecedented numbers of filings –almost 117,000 for March—caused the problem.The good news is that the UI benefits will be greater when they do come, so keep trying:

    • Filing online:  Try again. DLIR had to submit to the feds an accounting for the monthly claims but because of the numbers, it took longer than the usual. The expected time to complete the accounting was 12:00 noon today so it should be up and running. So try again.
    • Phone system:  It is operational. The number previously posted was in error.  Here is the correct number: HUI Password Reset: (833) 901-2272; and for UI Phone Appointments: (833) 901-2275

    The Senate Special Committee on COVID-19 met Tuesday.  In addition to the small business measures discussed in an earlier email, the committee urged the State to engage in a number of more aggressive measures to reduce community spread e.g., stronger messaging on social distancing, transmission prevention measures, concerns about the release of prisoners who have no housing upon release, responsibility in purchasing consumer products so there is enough for everyone.  See highlights of the meeting.

    On Tuesday, the special committee also sent a letter urging Governor Ige and the Department of Health to, “put in place as soon as possible a public health alert network system to provide critical information and reminders about COVID-19.”  This system could more aggressively send messages to everyone to keep off of beaches, recreation areas and other closed public spaces to reduce the spread of the virus.  On Wednesday, the Governor announced that his administration is looking in to implementing such a system that has been very successful in other parts of the nation and the world.  See Star-Advertiser article.

    Continue to support our district restaurants. We have a couple restaurants that have closed but a couple that have since opened so please visit our restaurants page if you are looking for takeout sustenance.

    Finally, on the use of masks. Experts have not been in agreement on the use of masks but we have seen the reduction of spread in Hong Kong, South Korea and Singapore.  As a precaution the senate special committee urged the Governor to encourage their usage in public places, particularly grocery stores and food service establishments. We can all do our share in fighting the COVID-19 virus by wearing a mask when you are in public places. Think about it.   Masks for All: something to think about.

    Keep healthy!

  • COVID-19 Small Business Resources

    COVID-19 Small Business Resources






    Aloha Neighbors,

    Yesterday’s senate special committee meeting focused on support for small business, inviting Jane Sawyer, Director, Hawaii District Office of the US Small Business Administration, and Dennis Ling, Administrator of the Business Development and Support Division of the State Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism.  See agenda and link to the session. The state will be working to support the funding coming from the federal relief act—CARES (H.R.748).
    The CARES Act provides $350 billion for guaranteed loans under the Small Business Administration to help small businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.   There are two major programs approved for Hawaii on March 20: Economic Injury Disaster Loan and Paycheck Protection Program (see below).  The faster employers apply for these loans, the more it will help them to survive and keep their workers employed through the COVID-19 pandemic.  You apply through your bank and once approved, you can receive the loan quickly. There is no cost to apply and no prepayment penalty.  Sounds too good to be true?  Well, it is. The federal relief act is meant to be just that – funding to buttress businesses and their workers against the downturn from the COVID-19 disaster.  For more information on SBA resources to help you see the SBA small business guidance page or contact our Hawaii District Office.

    • Economic Injury Disaster Loan for up to $2 million to support small businesses and nonprofits to help overcome the temporary loss of revenue caused by COVID-19.  The low interest loan (3.75% for small business and 2.75% for nonprofits) for a period up to 30 years can be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, taxes, etc. that cannot be paid because of disaster’s impact. See SBA disaster assistance page. You can see the loan application here.   You can also apply for an advance of $10,000 as a bridge to continue your current operations and this will be forgiven. 
    • Paycheck Protection Program (for period February 15 through June 30 2020) is an incentive program for small businesses to keep their workers on the payroll.  The loan is for 8 weeks and can used for payroll, rent, mortgage interest, taxes, utilities:


    • Economic Impact Payment. One more thing we learned. The direct cash payment to help in recovering from the economic impact of COVID-19 is administered by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).  IRS will be sending checks directly to you.  However, if you are not working, you need to file a simple tax return.  See

    Like the special committee you may have been wanting to hear from the Governor on what’s happening in our battle against the coronavirus. We are pleased that Governor along with Health Director Bruce Anderson and Incident Commander Kenneth Hara will be having daily press briefings at 2:30 pm. The first was held yesterday.  For updates, see the Hawaii COVID-19 website
    One last thought: We are just learning about the COVID-19 virus (can you believe that it has been around for less than 3 months) but South Korea has had a long history with other virus outbreaks and has tackled and contained the virus. So I leave you with advice from Dr. Kim Woo-Ju, the “Dr. Fauci” of South Korea, professor and expert in infectious diseases at Korea University and instrumental in South Korea’s success in containing the virus.  Each individual can contribute to ending the COVID-19 outbreak: Wash your hands well, wear a mask, and social distance.
    Keep healthy!