Category: Newsletter

  • Caring for our Keiki and other updates

    Caring for our Keiki and other updates

    Aloha Neighbor,

    Hawaii’s future lies in our keiki. As resilient as they are, we still must make sure we continue to nurture and support them, especially in these delicate times. While schools and childcare centers are closed, we all are adapting and learning a new more resilient normal. Today we focus on caring for our keiki: district schools and distance learning tools, essential worker childcare sites, organizations offering free internet to students, an updated Grab-and-Go free meal schedule, and tips for parents on teachable moments to nurture their own emotional health as well.

    The State Department of Education (HIDOE) is continuing enrichment and distance learning through May 28, the last day of the 2019-20 school year. Each school has adopted a different approach to distance learning to fit the needs of their students so if you have students in our public schools you should go to your respective school website or you can phone the school if you are not connected via distance learning. Also see AT HOME LEARNING BOARDS for additional enrichment resources.  HIDOE COVID-19 updates will continue to be posted on the Department’s website at Below are the contact information for the schools in our district:

    THE HAWAII EXECUTIVE OFFICE ON EARLY LEARNING shares their new resource website for families and early care and education providers to help young children during the COVID-19 pandemic. The site contains resources specifically tailored to children under kindergarten age and who may have unique developmental needs.  It includes how to apply for child care subsidies and where to find emergency care for essential workers.


    The nerf ball bounced off your head a few times while you were making those work calls or during your videoconference with an important client your 4-year old jumped on your shoulder without a stitch of clothing on. What to do to harness that keiki energy? Below are some resources to help you:


    • ECONOMIC IMPACT PAYMENT: Here’s a link to find out the status of your Economic Impact Payment: We found an informative article in Forbes on the payment program that you might find helpful
    • CONDOMINIUM COVID RESOURCE FROM THE REAL ESTATE COMMISSION: The Commission produced a flyer for your use combining the various state and county COVID-19 resources. It is also working remotely but you can contact them at or browse through their website at
    • HAWAII AGRICULTURAL FOUNDATION is supporting our farmers by supporting restaurants with its Food-a-GO-GO program to market the 1,200 restaurants statewide open for takeout, delivery and/or curbside pickup. See
    • SENATE COMMITTEE MEETING: The meeting on Wednesday covered a lot of topics from the federal relief package coming to the state; the contact tracing/testing and coordination of health and medical services between the Department of Health and the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HIEMA); and the status of state employee deployment to assist the labor department – few answers but you can gauge for yourself when the meeting notes are posted on the Senate Committee’s web page.
    • THE NEXT SENATE COMMITTEE MEETING is Friday (4/24) beginning at 11am. We’ll hear updates from the department of transportation-airports and department of education.

    Take care and stay healthy!

  • Happy Earth Day, Federal Programs, Neighbor to Neighbor

    Happy Earth Day, Federal Programs, Neighbor to Neighbor

    Aloha Neighbor,

    As we see our efforts of sheltering in place and social distancing paying off with fewer positive cases, let’s take some time to look forward and to honor our Planet Earth.  Today, Wednesday, April 22, is Earth Day 2020, celebrating its 50th anniversary. We can take action -anything small or grand- to change our world for a better sustainable future.  While sheltered at home, you can still join in the celebration going digital at:

    This article from The Verge links to different virtual ways that people can celebrate Earth Day from home, including “Earth Day Live 2020,” which will be hosted by activists, entertainers and politicians to discuss, perform and instruct teach-ins about the Earth Day Movement.  It links you to Earth Day animation and poetry, telematic festivals and meditative YouTube videos, with a range of different interactive events for adults and kids to do while being stuck at home.

    And here at home, you can participate in:

    To add to our prior message on the “silver lining” of the COVID-19 pandemic and in celebration of Earth Day 2020, consider the following changes to the health of our planet:


    • Unemployment Insurance:  Over 200 state administration and legislative staff have come to the aid of the Unemployment Insurance Division. They commenced training Monday and will complete training on Wednesday; and beginning  Wednesday, the call center will be working in two shifts (6 am-12 noon and 12:30-6 pm).   For those still waiting to get into the system, to be certified, or to receive a paycheck, it will come.  As for gig workers and independent contractors, because this is a new program funded by the federal relief act, it may take longer as the department installs the new system, but please know that you will be helped.
    • Economic Impact Payments:  Depending on your income, this payment will also be coming. If you filed your tax return for 2018 or 2019 or received social security, you will receive payment directly from IRS. If you did not file a tax return, you need to submit a non-filer form. For more details click here.

    Some of our neighbors have been sending additional information sources that might be helpful and of interest to neighbors. We share a few with you:

    • Keeping a Cool Head:  Another source of help is the Samaritan Counseling Center of Hawaii (808) 545-2740. The Center’s therapists work with clients via video and telephone. The Center accepts all forms of insurance but never turns anyone away who cannot pay away.  Donations to the Center’s Client Assistance Fund supports anyone regardless of ability to pay.
    • Safe Grocery Shopping: Keeping safe while shopping is critical as we overcome the Coronavirus.  Masking up is only part of the new routine to keep healthy. Here are some helpful healthful tips when shopping and preparing foods from the U.S. Food & Drug Administration
    • KUPU Conservation Leadership Program is an environmental leadership training program located in Kakaako Makai so it’s appropriate to announce their call for applications on Earth Day.  KUPU offers entry-level opportunities for young professionals committed to a career in environmental conservation.   Trainees gain valuable insight into the conservation field and also may also receive a living allowance and an AmeriCorps education award. Deadline is June 15.  To learn more about the  KUPU program click here.

    THE SENATE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON COVID-19 WILL MEET TODAY (WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22) starting at 11:30 am. The committee asked for updates on: the federal relief package (Department of Taxation Director Rona Suzuki); support for agriculture (Hawaii Agriculture Foundation Executive Director Denise Yamaguchi); and the status of our COVID-19 tracking, testing and medical inventory (DOH Director Bruce Anderson and HI Emergency Management Agency Lead Health Director Steven Hankins). The meeting will be available for live viewing on Olelo Channel 53 on Oahu or live online on Olelo’s website. See the agenda here.  If you missed last week Friday’s hearing or want to view past hearings, please visit the Senate Committee’s page.

    UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE INFO TODAY (WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22):  Governor Ige joins director Scott Murakami on Facebook live to provide the latest update on unemployment filings, give us details on the new tools to help you with your claims, and answer your questions live. Tune in at 10:15 am.

    Take care and stay healthy!