Category: Newsletter
Schools/graduation, airports, testing, recovery/reopening
Reopening with social distancing – caring for each other
Aloha Neighbor, The governor’s press conference today was very encouraging. Congratulations to everyone for following social distancing and masking up rules. Today’s 4 new positive cases added to the low numbers during the past 14 days show real progress; so much so that the mayor is reopening certain services with limited human contact. Each county will be providing more specifics.
Until we know more, social distancing is a must. Studies in other places, e.g. Germany, China, the Diamond Princess cruise ship, found that 15-17% of those in close contact with infected persons were asymptomatic – silent carriers. Until we have an effective antibody test or more widely available testing and tracing, let’s care for each other by doing what we can – continue social distancing and mask up. You might find these social distancing tips in multiple languages helpful to post in your condo building, stores, and other businesses: Hawaii Offers Social Distancing Tips In Multiple Languages
Fewer reported cases of COVID-19 understandably leads to an eagerness to return to normal, pre-pandemic life. Although it is important that we consider the best practices to reopen certain businesses and revive our economy, experts urge the public to continue social distancing and especially to protect at-risk individuals with compromised immune systems. While a lot is being written I thought this article might be helpful reading on reopening. Read more…Some of you have sent photos to us that speak both to responsibility and irresponsibility as we envision the new normal when we reopen… until we have an effective treatment and/or vaccine. Check out these DOs and DON’Ts below.
If it is essential to gather people in a room, DO provide for distancing of 6 feet apart. DON’T cluster together even if everyone is wearing a mask. If you are handy with sewing, DO make face masks to give to others in need. Shown here is a face mask workshop in Waimanalo conducted on April 26 by Audrey Chandler. DON’T cluster without face masks, even for toilet paper :o) DO help us think outside of the box. Above is a mask dispenser in a German subway. NEIGHBOR TO NEIGHBOR
McKinley High School continues to pursue the Athletic Complex Improvement Project that includes a new two-story Athletic Physical Education complex with locker/shower rooms and stadium lighting and bleachers at the track and field among other things. DOE’s consultant, G70, is conducting early consultation to seek input from agencies, citizen groups, and individuals to guide the scope and preparation of the Draft Environment Assessment from anyone who may be affected by the project. Send your comments to mckinleyhscomments@g70.design. Comments are due May 22. For more information click here.
The senate special committee convenes tomorrow (Thursday), April 30, at 11:30 am. Scheduled to report to the committee are: Department of Education Deputy Superintendent Phyllis Unebasami; Director of Transportation Jade Butay; Hawaii Tourism Authority CEO Chris Tatum; DOH Director Bruce Anderson and State Epidemiologist Sarah Park; and COVID-19 Public Health Recovery Task Force Member Mark Mugiishi. The meeting will be available for live viewing on Olelo Channel 49 and online at olelo.org. For information on prior or upcoming meetings, see the committee’s webpage.
Take care and stay healthy!