Category: Newsletter

  • Silver linings – still “lucky you live Hawaii”

    Silver linings – still “lucky you live Hawaii”

    Aloha Neighbor,

    Amidst the uncertainty and suffering due to pandemic there is a silver lining to appreciate “lucky you live Hawaii.” We now can enter parks –of course not to congregate as yet – to jog, walk, bike. We can enjoy the blue skies above and green grass and sand below. Below Mother Waldron Park in Kakaako but see the other photos taken by our neighbors here.

    More than five years in the making the restoration/replacement of the Royal Hawaiian Groin was launched today (Wednesday) with a blessing sponsored by project partners Department of Land & Natural Resources (DLNR) in collaboration with the Waikiki Beach Special Improvement District Association (WBSIDA).

    Construction will take about two months to build a 160-foot long groin to replace the deteriorating 90-year groin, which, if not replaced, would result in the destabilization and eventual loss of over 1,700 feet of sandy shoreline located to the east of the groin.  The project will maintain the beach, facilitate access along the shore, and provide a first line of defense to the backshore in the event of storm wave attack.  For more information about the project, click here.

    In our last message we repeated to you what the Governor conveyed in his press conference Tuesday that certain businesses and organizations may reopen on May 7.  That evening, the Governor changed the reopening date for businesses to May 15 for Oahu and apologized for the miscommunication.  Childcare, wholesalers and nonprofits are among the essential business that will be allowed to reopen starting Friday.  Additionally of note, select State parks re-opened today for exercise purposes only.  Click here for more information.  The Governor’s full 7th Supplementary Proclamation is available here.

    Hawaiian Electric announced that it modified its operations to reduce the potential spread of COVID-19, which includes suspending service disconnections for nonpayment through June 30. Customers experiencing financial hardship because of the pandemic should contact Hawaiian Electric to discuss payment arrangements and options. The quickest way to start the process is to fill out and submit a Payment Arrangement Request Form at

    With concerns about the passengers coming into state –visitors, returning residents and intended residents as well as crew, the committee will hear from Sean Williams, Vice President of the Airlines for America, Transportation Director Jade Butay, Hawaii Tourism Authority CEO Chris Tatum and State Attorney General Clare Connors on the plans and procedures to ensure the safety of our community, including but not limited to screening and verification at the airport and quarantine monitoring and control.  Also presenting are the directors of labor and tax on the unemployment insurance payment concerns of all claimants and, in particular, the pandemic unemployment assistance program.

    The meeting will be available for live viewing on Olelo Channel 49 and online at  To see the agenda click here.  For information on prior or upcoming meetings, see the committee’s webpage.

    Take care and stay healthy!

  • Some biz can reopen Thurs, but it’s still “safer at home”

    Some biz can reopen Thurs, but it’s still “safer at home”

    Happy Cinco de Mayo, All!

    Cinco de Mayo celebrates the courage and victory of those who battled at Puebla in 1862; saving their communities from the French invaders. Like them, we are in battle.  And we can overcome the enemy with social distancing considerations for our neighbors.  So…. If you are in the mood and feel like celebrating this day, do as we did. We went to take out delicious food from our McCully/Moiliili chat restaurant—Margaritas– and also enjoyed their classic margaritas – raising a toast to all of you and to your good health: Salud!!!

    The Governor today announced his phased approach to reopening — certain businesses and organizations will be allowed to reopen on May 7 but with the requirement that they adhere to social distancing and PPE measures, eg six-foot rule, masking up, sanitizing, etc. You should know the drill by now (that won’t change for a while).  The re-openings include:

    • Non-food agriculture, including landscape, floral and ornamental (that mean moms will get flowers on Sunday!);
    • Astronomical observatories and support facilities;
    • Car washes;
    • Pet grooming services;
    • Healthcare and social assistance, including elective surgery and non-emergent services;
    • Non-profit organizations;
    • Retail businesses and services, including apparel, electronics and florists;
    • Shopping malls; and,
    • Wholesale and warehousing operations.

    This first phase of the State’s re-opening in the Governor’s 7th Supplemental Proclamation is here.  Governor calls this the “safer at home” order to replace the “stay at home” order.  The re-opening is being phased in because three criteria were met: (1) declining trend in COVID-19 cases, (2) capacity in healthcare to handle cases including any new surge, and (3) robust testing and contact tracing.

    The Mayor, at his press conference today,  stressed the need for a robust system of contact tracing that includes testing of asymptomatic individuals and people who were/are in close contacts with anyone who was exposed to or infected with COVID19.  He also stressed the need for testing of healthcare workers, first responders, those who work with kupuna, high risk individuals, and tourists; and those who are exposed to them regularly.

    Businesses are urged to exercise discretion in their reopening plans and be mindful of what they must do to protect all of us in preventing the spread.  And, remember it is a joint responsibility. Consumers should also decide whether to patronize businesses; if they are not following the social distancing orders, think twice about your safety –and their employees.  It may not be as much fun, but it is still “safer at home”.


    KOKUA KAU KAU KITS is continuing its service. thanks to many of you. Remember it’s a program by Hawaii Lodging & Tourism Association and Y. Hata to offer some special grocery options to furloughed hospitality workers and their families, as well as the public. They are selling two hefty packages to feed families of 8-10 people.  Order by tomorrow (5/6) at 5pm for pick up on Friday(5/8). See the two bundles and other details.  Let’s help our hospitality workers and their families!

    Take care and stay healthy!