Category: Newsletter

  • Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year!

    New Year’s Eve is a time of reflection.  This March, we will be at the two-year mark since our state was hit with COVID-19.  As so much was unknown about the virus back then, nearly everything was shut down so we could protect each other, so we could protect our loved ones and neighbors and our community.

    This Eve is also a time filled with gratefulness.  I am so grateful that we now have COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters available to help protect us. It is wonderful that our businesses are open again and that we may carefully gather together again.  I look forward to 2022 in anticipation of more positive things to come.

    Let’s be filled with kindness and positivity.  Let’s learn from the past year and go boldly into 2022 to work together for a more caring and fulfilling normal.  In the words of poet Amanda Gorman…

    “…This hope is our door, our portal.
    Even if we never get back to normal,
    Someday we can venture beyond it,
    To leave the known and take the first steps.
    So let us not return to what was normal,
    But reach toward what is next…”

    From “New Day’s Lyric

    Caring for each other, it is the heart of our aloha that takes us all to what is next!

    With deepest gratitude,

    Legislative Informational Briefings
    The Senate Committee on Ways and Means (WAM) will begin informational briefings of the Governor’s proposed budget on January 4th.  We in WAM will work hard to support projects and programs that are important to our District.  For the briefing schedule and viewing information, please click here.  Legislative Calendar for the 2022 Session, click here.

    Virtual Public Meetings Continue
    On December 30th, Gov. David Ige signed an emergency proclamation that allows public meetings to continue to be conducted online to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. His proclamation will remain in effect through Feb. 28, 2022, unless otherwise amended. The Governor’s latest emergency proclamation can be read here.

    COVID-19 Guidance from the State Department of Health

    Updated Quarantine and Isolation Guidelines & Daily Metrics
    Per the new CDC guidelines, the Hawaii State Department of Health (DOH) has updated Hawaii’s quarantine and isolation guidelines.  You may learn more here.  For COVID-19 daily metrics, please click here.

    Get Vaccinated and Boosted Too!
    COVID-19 vaccines are open to all residents age 5 years and older. See how easy it is to get your vaccine in 3 easy steps with walk-ins and extended hours available at many vaccination sites.  Getting your booster is super easy too!
    For more information – click here

    COVID-19 Testing
    The Department of Health (DOH) expanded access to free COVID-19 testing on Oahu by providing families with community testing options during winter break.  Health Director Dr. Elizabeth Char, FACEP says – “School-aged children and their families are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity and test for COVID-19 before returning to school in January.”  For testing sites and further information, please visit or


    City and County of Honolulu Services – New Year’s Holiday Schedule
    Please click here for information on City services that are closed and/or have adjusted hours for this New Year’s holiday three-day weekend.  Please note holiday changes for their bus schedules, trash collection and landfill hours, parks and botanical gardens, golf courses, the zoo, Neil Blaisdell Center, People’s Open Markets, parking, traffic, and more.

    Christmas Tree Recycling
    The National Christmas Tree Associations says – ”Real Christmas Trees have a second life!  After the holidays, don’t throw your Real Christmas Tree in the trash. Real Christmas Trees are biodegradable, which means they can be easily reused or recycled for mulch and other purposes.” The City & County of Honolulu can recycle your Christmas Tree.  Please click here for details.

    Students Returning to School – Driving & Pedestrian Safety
    Please be extra mindful of pedestrians and traffic as our K-12 public school students return to school for the start of their second semester on Tuesday, January 4th.  The Hawaii State Department of Education’s complete 2021-2022 school calendar may be found here.

    Red Hill Information

    • Board of Water Supply updates – click here
    • State’s Hearing Officer Decision issued on 12/27/21– click here
    • Town Hall with the Honolulu Board of Water Supply (held on 12/21/21)  Click here
    • Evidentiary Hearings – DOH v. Navy (held on 12/20-21/21).  Click here

    2022 Waikiki New Year’s Fireworks
    December 31st to January 1st – 12:00 am to 12:15 am
    On December 31st, at the stroke of midnight, the sky off Waikiki will be filled with electrifying colors and bright lights.  Hawaii Public Radio will air a live radio special for it too – tune your radios to 88.5 FM. The fireworks will be located approximately one mile off Waikiki Beach and will be visible throughout Waikiki and surrounding areas to anyone with a makai view!  Yipee!  Thank you, Waikiki Improvement Association for sponsoring this event!!!

    Island Crafters’ Market
    Saturday & Sunday, January 1 & 2, 2022
    11:00 am – 5:00 pm at the International Marketplace in our District
    Browse dozens of locally made products such as apparel, candles, laser etched home goods, hand sewn totes, baby items and Hawaii’s favorite local snacks too! Located on the second level of the International Market Place.

    New Year’s SuperClass 2022
    Saturday, January 01, 2022
    In-person & Online with The Still & Moving Center Staff.  Free.
    Saturday, January 01, 2022 —  click here for more information
    Contact:  Robin Shepard at
    Phone:  (808) 397-7678

    Bicentennial Printing Press Celebration of Hawaiian Language
    Friday, January 07, 2022
    9:00 am – 2:00 pm
    Hawaiian Mission Houses (HMH) will re-create the first pull and print that occurred on January 7, 1822.  The re-enactment will be live and streaming on its Facebook page The public is invited to watch the ceremonies at 9 a.m. and participate in creating a keepsake flyer after 10 a.m.  Contact Info — or phone: 808-447-3916

    Take care & stay safe!

  • Happy Holidays!

    Happy Holidays!

    Happy Holidays from the Office of Senator Sharon Moriwaki!

    Snowmen, reindeer, Santas, snowflakes, candy canes, Nutcrackers, wreaths, and….a teddy bear too!  Colorful, whimsical holiday lights in our District on South King Street.

    “Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold,
    everything is softer and more beautiful.”

    ― Pastor Norman Vincent Peale

    The pandemic has been more than challenging for all of us but let us take pause during the holidays – or “holy days” — as Pastor Neal Macpherson reminds us, “to strengthen our relation to one another… and to ensure the life-giving values of love, hope, peace and joy remain with us” as we work toward the well-being of all.  Simply seeing the holiday lights near my home makes me smile and hearing holiday music makes the day brighter. Christmas is truly about sharing of love and all that is special and magical and precious!  Singing Christmas carols with loved ones is one of my favorite things to do.

    Please enjoy these classic Christmas tunes as you share time with your loved ones this Christmas!  And please get vaccinated and boosted, too, if you are eligible and remember to always wear a mask!  I wish you all the very best this holiday season and always!

    God bless!  Mahalo Ke Akua!


    NORAD Christmas Eve Mission 2021
    This week, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) headed by General Lori Robinson, contacted our office to brief us on preparations for tracking Santa.  We asked them what security they had in place to ensure Santa would be safe as he travels over the Pacific Ocean to Hawaii.  NORAD conducts aerospace warning and control and maritime warning for the US and Canada and had intelligence reports that Santa’s sleigh uses next generation technology to travel safely everywhere!  On Dec. 24, NORAD adds a very important mission: tracking Santa for the world. Over 200 countries depend on NORAD to keep an eye on Santa on Christmas Eve.  This year they are implementing safe COVID protocols (vaccinations, boosters, masks, handwashing, and social distancing) to keep everyone tasked with this crucial mission healthy.  NORAD told us they hope more Hawaii children will learn STEM skills and grow up to join the U.S. Space Force so they may help track Santa in the future or invent new technologies that will help the world!  NORAD makes available its Santa Tracker to civilians worldwide only on December 24th – click here


    City and County of Honolulu Services — Christmas Holiday Schedule
    Please click here for information on City services that are closed and/or have adjusted hours for this Christmas holiday three-day weekend.  Please note holiday changes for their bus schedules, trash collection and landfill hours, parks and botanical gardens, golf courses, the zoo, Neil Blaisdell Center, People’s Open Markets, parking, traffic, and more.

    Need help during the holidays?  Dial 2-1-1
    Aloha United Way’s specialists at 2-1-1 will talk with you and search for you over 4,000 government and nonprofit services and programs to find the information and resources you need.  Their specialists can help finding food, shelter, clothing, financial assistance, childcare, parenting support, elderly care, disability services and more for you!  Just dial 2-1-1.  It’s free and confidential!  Language translators are available too!  Or, you may also do your own search of the AUW’s extensive online database.

    Safe Holiday Celebrations Guidance
    Here are things you can do to guard against COVID-19 during holiday get-togethers.

    • Limit gatherings to household members
    • Celebrate with fully vaccinated & boosted people
    • Gather outside
    • Wear masks indoors and outdoors when crowded – over your nose & mouth please
    • Maintain distance from non-household members
    • Take extra precautions to protect kupuna and those who can’t get vaccinated
    Find information on COVID-19 vaccines and tests at

    COVID-19 case counts are soaring. We typically experience an increase in cases during and after holiday celebrations. Showing your love for family and friends will help the entire community.  Please visit the Hawaii State Department of Health’s Hawaii COVID-19 Data Metrics for daily COVID-19 Data test results, case counts, and data dashboards.  The State Department of Health (DOH) posts updates every morning around 9:00 am.

    Red Hill Information – View on-demand video recordings
    New Online Permit Process for Photovoltaic!
    The City and County of Honolulu launched a new online photovoltaic building permit application process in response to the increase in number of homeowners seeking tax credits and other incentives from Hawaiian Electric Co.’s Battery Bonus program.  Applicants are able to immediately self-issue permits. Click here to connect to the City’s application process.


    Waikiki Beach Walk – Christmas Day 12/25 (Sat) 6:00-7:00 pm
    BLAINE KAMALANI KIA “ALL IN THE OHANA CHRISTMAS!” — THE KIA FAMILY & SPECIAL GUESTS!  The KIA Family shares their gift of “Aloha” on Christmas night. There is no better way to celebrate Christmas than with a family of Waikiki! Three generations! One night! A very Merry Christmas, indeed!  For more information, click here
    Annual Fukubukuro Shopping at Stores located in our District!
    Fukubukuro is a Japanese New Year custom in which merchants make grab bags filled with unknown random contents and sell them for a substantial discount, usually 50% or more off the list price of the items contained within. From the Japanese words “Fuku” (good fortune or luck) and “fukuro” (bag).
    • International Market Place Fukubukuro – click here
    • Ala Moana Shopping Center Fukubukuro – click here

    Take care & stay safe!