Category: Newsletter

  • COVID-19 Update

    COVID-19 Update

    Aloha Neighbors,

    I hope you and your families are healthy and safe in the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic which is impacting our quality of life and infecting a few.  As of yesterday, the Hawaii Department of Health reported 10 ‘positive’ COVID-19 cases (presumptive and confirmed), and its first case of community spread. This is likely to continue increasing in the coming weeks. 

    To protect the health of the public and our staff and their families, House Speaker Scott Saiki and Senate President Ronald Kouchi announced the immediate suspension of the legislative session to avoid the spread of COVID-19. We will, however, continue to work on the people’s business in our offices but the public hearings and sessions have been cancelled.

    Our office will be open to serve you so please feel free to call or email us. We will also regularly update our website and email you with updates as we receive them.  While our office is open, we are cancelling our monthly community chats (Waikiki, Kakaako-Ala Moana, McCully-Moiliili) until further notice, including our March 28th chat previously scheduled at Vein Kakaako.

    We are all concerned with the impacts of the COVID-19 virus.  The information and mitigation plans are rapidly evolving so we will try to provide information as we receive it. But there is misinformation as well so do visit the best sources of credible information to stay informed and prepared: the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and our State Department of Health.

    If you are sick and have need for testing call your physician or the screening site. Click here for instructions and the full list of screening sites now available. And if you think you have been exposed, please take steps to protect yourself and others.

    During these difficult times, it is important to remember we are ohana. Please take care of yourself, your families and your neighbors. And lend a helping hand where you can, including supporting our local businesses. We pray for your wellbeing.  My staff and I want you to know that we will continue to be here to serve you and working for us all in keeping us heathy and safe. Let’s continue to care for each other!

  • SCR 68

    SCR 68

    Aloha everyone,
    In response to the community’s concerns regarding unsafe electric scooters/bicycles on sidewalks, we introduced SCR68 and SR35, a Senate Concurrent Resolution (which will crossover to the House of Representatives if passed by the Senate) and a Senate Resolution (which would only remain within the Senate) that requests the City and County to prohibit the operation of such electric vehicles on sidewalks.  With the increasing number of individuals and tour operators riding electric scooters, bicycles, and trikes on sidewalks, many pedestrians and motorists have expressed safety concerns while navigating in crowded, urban areas.  Thus, this Resolution would urge the City and County of Honolulu to work with HPD, the City’s Honolulu Department of Transportation Services, and the State Department of Transpiration to create county-level ordinances to address the potential danger that these electric vehicles pose.  You can read the full Resolution here:
    SCR68 and SR35 will be heard by the Senate Committee on Transportation on Wednesday, March 11th at 1:15PM in conference room 225.  The public can submit testimony online through the Capitol website,  To submit testimony, go to this website and create an account using a username and password.  Once you have created an account, you will be able to submit online testimony, track measures of interest to see their status, and receive hearing notices.  The option to submit testimony will appear on the homepage once you have created your account.  If you cannot be present in-person during the hearing, your online testimony will still be counted and considered by the Committee members.  The more testimony and public interest that a Bill or Resolution has increases the chance of its success; your input is important in the legislative process.
    Mahalo for your attention and please let our office know if you have any questions.