Category: District 12 Community Updates

  • Keauhou Shelter in Moiliili

    Waikiki Health opened Keauhou, an emergency shelter for homeless couples and individuals where an estimated 40 people have already been housed from the homeless tent community living in the Moiliili Neighborhood Park.  Keauhou Shelter will use the Housing First model, which places clients in housing as quickly as possible, followed by client-centered “wrap-around” services.  For more information, visit

  • Elevated Pedestrian Walkway in Kakaako

    The State Department of Transportation (DOT) and Ward Village have begun meetings and work on the elevated walkway that will bring a safe, pedestrian experience crossing over Ala Moana Boulevard.  The initial work has included sitting down with the local Federal Highways team to ensure everyone is aligned to move this public private partnership forward.  To be most efficient in time and cost for the project, Ward Village is taking the lead on initial planning phases of the project, which will ultimately be built by the State DOT, using the recently awarded Federal Grant Funds.  Ward Village has also agreed in principle to provide the needed land space mauka of Ala Moana Blvd for the landing area of the public walkway.  Current timeline highlights include:

    • February 5 – Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) Hearing requesting approval for the Executive Director to enter a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with State DOT and Ward Village regarding the planning work for the project and examination of the landing area at Kewalo Harbor.
    • Upon the execution of that MOU, Ward Village will begin specific planning, design, environmental, and other permit work, in coordination with State DOT.  The environmental work will include an opportunity for public input.  As we can identify timelines for that work, those dates will be shared.  This planning and permitting work will take place over the next, approximately, 18 months
    • June 2021 – Deadline for construction solicitation pursuant to the Federal grant requirements.

    Given the tight timeline to take advantage of the $20 million Federal grant money to bring a safe pedestrian crossing to Ala Moana Blvd., all of the parties have dedicated themselves to working with the community and area legislators through all necessary steps.  We are preparing a project development schedule and a robust communications plan to ensure success.