Author: admin

  • Creativity of Love Can Overcome Isolation

    Creativity of Love Can Overcome Isolation

    Aloha Neighbors,

    We usually take a break on the weekends but it’s Palm Sunday – the first day of Holy Week in the Christian calendar. Whatever our approach to faiths, I thought Pope Francis’ words of love can help us through this tumultuous period.

    What follows is an excerpt from Pope Francis’ Holy Week Message “Creativity of Love Can Overcome Isolation” broadcast on April 3, 2020. See the full message here.

    “…Let us try, if we can, to make the best use of this time: let us be generous; let us help those in need in our neighbourhood; let us look out for the loneliest people, perhaps by telephone or social networks; let us pray to the Lord for those who are in difficulty in Italy and in the world. Even if we are isolated, thought and spirit can go far with the creativity of love. This is what we need today: the creativity of love. …. Beside each other, in love and patience, we can prepare a better time in these days…”


    I also thought you might enjoy scenes of Waikiki never before seen. It is Waikiki under social distancing rules — both calming and energizing, making us more mindful of our beautiful Hawaii. Let’s remember these images when we return to the “new normal.” The video is long — about 9 minutes—so enjoy it as long or as short as you want. Mahalo to the videographer who gifted it to us.

    Take care and stay healthy!

  • Kakaako Farmers Market, Federal Resources, State Updates

    Kakaako Farmers Market, Federal Resources, State Updates

    Click here for Federal Tax Relief details

    Aloha Neighbors,

    The Senate Special Committee on COVID-19 met today with the Governor’s Chief of Staff, State Human Resources and Department of Agriculture Directors and the Superintendent of Education. See the agenda and link to the briefing. The Superintendent updated us on the DOE grab and go program—which will be expanding the number of sites—as well as the Board of Education’s approval of waivers for student assessment and graduation requirements.  They are working on graduation ceremonies for seniors but will have to await how the COVID-19 crisis proceeds.  See DOE updates at their website.  The classes and programs are being handled school by school so call your school if you have specific questions.

    USDA loans and programs for disaster assistance.  Although not so relevant to us in the urban district, you may find some of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) programs under the federal stimulus act helpful.

    Inter-island travel requires 14-day quarantine. The 14-day quarantine rule on all incoming travelers is in full effect.  Zero foreign travelers arrived yesterday.  Essential workers travelling between islands will need to fill out the inter-island declaration form prior to going to the airport.  Mayors Kirk Caldwell, Derek Kawakami, and Michael Victorino sent letters to the President of the United States requesting the suspension of all non-essential travel to Hawaii.  The Senate special committee supports this request and sent a letter to the Governor asking him to do the same.

    Gov. David Ige is continuing his daily press conferences at 2:30 pm at all channels. If you missed. See link to the video of today’s conference that covers health, HIEMA,  national guard and “hotels for heroes” program sponsored by the hotels for our healthcare workers.  Four units of the Hawaii National Guard are activated  immediately to help in providing various state needs. About 250 members will assist at the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HiEMA) and help distribute personal protective equipment.

    Update on SBA loans.  Yesterday we sent you information on SBA loans for small businesses and non-profits. The SBA website has been updated so if interested visit:

    As we face the COVID-19 crisis not knowing how long it will last, I understand the financial challenges facing us. The federal relief act is intended to help with a number of programs.  The US Department of Treasury website provides resources for financial relief which you might find helpful.

    Economic Impact Payments. These are coming to you if you are eligible. Some of my neighbors have already received a check.  For more information see:

    ADA Placards: Some of you asked about the ADA placards that may be expiring. Governor’s  Executive Order No. 20-01, suspends the expiration dates on long term (blue) placards.  Permittees may continue using their expired blue parking placard until the suspension is rescinded.  We have also received inquiries as to whether the rule also applies to temporary (red) placards. Unfortunately, the temporary (red) parking placards are not covered; however, the Disability and Communication Access Board has asked the Governor to include temporary placards under his proclamation; and awaiting a response.

    The Kakaako Farmers Market is open this Saturday from 8 am – Noon.  Please practice social distancing by maintaining a distance of 6 feet apart.


    The CDC recommends today, “…wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies) especially in areas of significant community-based transmission.”

    Take care and stay healthy!