Author: admin
Caring for Our Keiki
The light after darkness
“Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.”
-MAHATMA GANDHIAs Easter Sunday arrives, we are reminded of the eternal cycle of the dark pause before the inevitable renewal. Necessarily, we have been confined to our isolated sheltered spaces. We do this to protect our friends, family, keiki, and kupuna. As a world, we have joined together toward this common goal. Our isolation and change of lifestyle, uncomfortable as it may be, pales to the losses of those directly affected by this virus.
We are now seeing some light shedding on places in the world, where some restrictions are being slowly lifted after great suffering. We may not get there for a while, but we know that after great vigilance and careful and mindful action, the light will inevitably shine upon us again. We will emerge from the darkness, possibly wounded, but as a stronger and more united people, and look to rebuild a future far brighter than our past.
Easter and spring bring eternal hope that life will be set at a new and better normal.
Wishing you all a Happy Easter!
Aloha and Stay Healthy,