Author: admin
Emergency Mgmt, Food Resources
Unemployment, Landlord-Tenant, Foreclosures
Aloha Neighbor,
The Senate Special Committee met today to hear updates from Attorney General Clare Connors, Labor Director Scott Murakami, Airports Deputy Director Ross Higashi and Health Director Bruce Anderson. It was an especially long meeting with a number of questions from members so the agenda was not followed. We went overtime. If you missed the meeting, you can see the recording when posted on Olelo’s Senate Video Archive Page. Tomorrow’s meeting will begin at 1:00 – 1:30 pm with a followup meeting on the airport protocol for deplaning passengers; and a briefing on the state’s emergency plan at 3:00 pm by Incident Commander Kenneth Hara. It can be viewed on Olelo Channel 49.
Unemployment Insurance (UI) Concerns: The Senate Special Committee took UI concerns to Labor Director Scott Murakami today. Because of the state’s overtaxed computer system and the need for more staff to handle the over 230,000 filings, he has offloaded some items such as certification and status inquiries and is adding more staff and call centers to accelerate claims processing. Below are updates installed today which I hope will help you. So don’t give up. Please try again tomorrow! Below are some of the changes to the website and services:
- Video instructions on all aspects of filing a claim to claim certification are on the DLIR site. It also includes a number of “Frequently Asked Questions” you may find helpful.
- If you are filing for the first time, click on “For New Claims, Please Complete This Form” and complete the form.
- For claim certification click on “Claimant Services” and sign in. You will be asked two questions, answer “yes” to both: (1) availability to work and (2) sought 3+ employers.
- Status of claim. Folks trying to get on the website or calling the department to check on status of their claims also overloaded the system so this is separated out. Click on “Check Your Claim Status” to find out the status of your claim.
- If you have problems, contact the office. Click on “Contact”. You will see phone numbers and email addresses for various issues or general numbers. If you cannot get through on the phone, you can email the office with your problem and someone will respond.
Consumer Concerns. A number of issues impacting consumers were raised. State Attorney General Connors addressed foreclosure and eviction issues.
Landlord-Tenant Problems. Asked how the Governor’s COVID Proclamation could help renters who are being threatened with eviction, the AG said that the Office of Consumer Protection (OCP) oversees landlord-tenant issues and would be able to assist if in violation of the Governor’s Proclamation. See the OCP website. While it does not cover those who are not able to pay the rent, she advised to call the OCP office at 586-2634 every weekday (except holidays) from 8am-12noon. If the office receives a large number of complaints, the Governor will be asked to issue a policy on the matter.
Foreclosures. If you are facing problems in paying your mortgage there are a number of federal and state resources to help. Check out this link. For information on other consumer resources from price gouging to scams, visit the OCP website. Or to file a complaint, call the Consumer Resource Consumer at 587-4272 and press 2.
Take care,