Author: admin

  • CARES funds to help Hawaii, small-business grants, limited re-opening for physical activity

    CARES funds to help Hawaii, small-business grants, limited re-opening for physical activity

    Today, May 15, is Peace Officers Memorial Day where we remember peace officers who died or have been disabled in the line of duty.  Let’s take a moment to honor and pay our respects to them.  Thank you to all peace officers who put their lives in danger to keep us safe. (ABOVE) Kakaako Citizen Patrol’s visit to the Hawaii Law Enforcement Memorial last year.

    Aloha Neighbor,


    • CARES Federal Relief funding.  Hawaii received a total of $1.2 billion under the Federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. The state received $862,823,978 to support the State and smaller Counties to be used for food, unemployment funding, rental assistance and other essential services.  The City & County of Honolulu received an allocation of $387,176,021.  The committee adopted the House recommendations to fund programs to help those most affected by the pandemic: the SNAP (food stamps) program for additional household benefits; enhancements to the unemployment insurance processing program, Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program for independent contractors and gig economy workers, and a reserve for unemployment insurance benefit payments; Emergency Food Assistance Program; and kupuna meal delivery/caregiver services.
    • Health Care Enhancement Act funding. The state also received $50 million under the Health Care Enhancement Act which will fund thermal screening equipment for the airports; and testing, contact tracing and other COVID-19-related services.

    The Aloha United Way 2-1-1 is Hawaii’s statewide COVID-19 Resources hotline partnering with the Department of Health. Residents can call 2-1-1 or go to for a comprehensive list COVID-19 Resources that cover services ranging from food, home-delivered meals, landlord/tenant assistance, rent payment assistance, utility service payment and more.

    Under the CARES Act, the City and County of Honolulu/Office of Economic Development (OED) is offering grants up to $10,000 to small businesses for costs due to the impact of the COVID-19.  Funds can be used to help small businesses implement the safety precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19.  Applications will be accepted beginning Monday, May 18.

    The Relief Fund covers businesses injured by the COVID-19 public health emergency, such as boutiques, food establishments, accommodations, entertainment and recreation establishments, personal care services, auto transportation, retail businesses, and other businesses.

    The city is partnering with the following credit unions where you can apply for a grant.  You do not need to be a member to apply.  The partner Credit Unions are:

    • Aloha Pacific Federal Credit Union
    • Hawaii State Federal Credit Union
    • Hawaii USA Federal Credit Union
    • Honolulu Federal Credit Union

    You can learn more at the city’s site for this program, however, the application is not yet posted at the time of the writing of this message, so check back before Monday. The city has allocated $25 million for this fund so apply as soon as you can.  It’s on a first come, first served basis.

    Beginning today (5/15), outdoor sport fields and courts are open for one-on-one sports or exercise with limitations.  The Mayor’s Order allows public and private outdoor sport fields and courts to re-open for one-on-one sports and exercise activities in which it is both possible and reasonable for individuals to maintain six feet of physical distance between each other at all times. Examples include, but are not limited to, singles tennis, singles pickle ball, yoga, and tai chi. Excluded are activities such as one-on-one or team basketball, in which it is neither possible nor reasonable to play while maintaining six feet of physical distance. For outdoor group exercise, the maximum number of participants allowed is ten and there shall be no social gatherings at the sport field or court complex. To view all of the guidelines for outdoor sport fields and court use, see Exhibit A of the order.

    Also opening today (5/15) are drive-in services (e.g., spiritual/religious services). These services may be conducted only if all persons attending the service drive up in an enclosed vehicle and remain in that same vehicle during the entire service. Vehicle windows, sunroofs and convertible tops must remain closed during the entire service, unless the vehicle is parked more than six feet away from any other vehicle. Each vehicle must also only be occupied by members of the same household or living unit and no food, beverages, equipment, or materials of any kind may be distributed or collected during the service.

    All beaches will open tomorrow (5/16) but you are limited to members of the same household, cannot cluster with more than 10 people, adhere to the social distancing requirements, used only a half hour before and after sunset. See details here.

    The committee continues to work on closing the loopholes in the quarantine of incoming passengers. To date, in addition to adding thermal screening of every passenger, the Department of Transportation has implemented stringent checks to verify address of lodging, to require all passengers to read and sign an order of quarantine, to prohibit rental cars from renting to passengers. All hotels now have a one-day key system and anyone violating the self-isolation will be turned over to enforcement. The illegal short-term rental problem is a bit more challenging and will require cooperation among the state and county agencies.  The committee is working with the Department of Transportation-Airports, the Hawaii Tourism Authority, Honolulu Police Department, Attorney General and the Courts to address how best to protect our community from incoming passengers violating the state and county quarantine orders. To hear more tune in to the meeting on Monday (5/18) at 1pm  Live viewing information will be posted here shortly before the hearing.

    On another note: I have received complaints about HPD not enforcing the emergency proclamation orders.  But you judge for yourself:  Chief Susan Ballard reported today (Friday) that,  since the order was issued on March 20 and until yesterday, over 9,000 warnings and 5,000 citations have been issued; and 292 arrests have been made.

    Take care and stay healthy!

  • Legislative hearings, retail stores and malls opening tomorrow, testing at Kakaako Park Sunday

    Legislative hearings, retail stores and malls opening tomorrow, testing at Kakaako Park Sunday

    Aloha Neighbor,

    Today the committee was briefed on the State Administration’s proposal for $1.25 billion appropriated under the federal Coronavirus Aid Relief & Economic Security (CARES) Act (SB75 SD2) which is before the House Finance Committee. You can see a recording of the briefing at when it’s available on the Senate Webcast Archive.  There were more questions than answers as these funds are to assist states in responding to the emergency and its effects, such as economic support to the suffering. Missing was funding to provide economic relief to those suffering from the COVID-19 emergency such as the Unemployment Insurance applicants still awaiting a benefit payment.  We hope some of these needs will be addressed by the House.  See the House Finance hearing tomorrow at 9 am on Olelo TV or

    Many retail stores and shopping malls – including Ala Moana Center, Royal Hawaiian Center, and the International Marketplace – will reopen tomorrow. While you are encouraged to shop at the newly-opened stores and malls, please remain vigilant and do follow the social distancing rules: avoid congregating and gathering in large groups, keep your 6-foot distance, use sanitizer and wear your face masks.  Do not loiter in malls; make your purchases and head home where it is safer.

    • Ala Moana Center will be open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Saturday and from noon to 6 p.m. on Sunday.  The center said it has added hand-sanitizing stations, touch-free interactions and clean frequently and intensely. Signs will advise customers and employees that face coverings are required. The food court dining areas, however, will remain closed, except for delivery and takeout.
    • Royal Hawaiian Center will reopen on Friday. Signs will remind guests to wear facial masks and practice social distancing. The center’s complimentary cultural classes and live entertainment, however, will remain on hiatus.  From Friday to July 31, the center is offering guests three hours of free, validated parking with any purchase, no minimum required.  
    • The International Market Place will be open 11am – 7pm but its center court and grassy lawn areas will remain closed. There will be hand sanitizers at designated stations.

    Drive-thru testing for COVID-19 will be offered at Kakaako Waterfront Park this Sunday, May 17, from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. by Premier Medical Group Hawaii.  Testing using the PCR (nose swab) will be conducted; but a new Antibody Test will also be available (if approved by the attending doctor).  Everyone who gets tested must follow the DOH quarantine protocol at the Department of Health website. Testing will be offered without charge for those without insurance.

    What is Antibody Testing? It will be through actual blood draw. It determines whether a patient has had or has COVID-19 antibodies against the virus; it is not used to determine whether someone currently has the disease. The test also does not tell you whether or not you may be susceptible to getting COVID again. If you do take this test, do discuss the results with your healthcare provider to understand what the results mean for them.

    Test participants should follow the posted signs to the test area. All who attend will first be screened and asked to provide personal information and contact numbers so results can be sent to you.  For more information on the testing, contact Premier Medical Group Hawaii at (808) 304-8816 or (808) 367-6020.

    1. Previous COVID-19 positive individuals and their families and close contacts
    2. Healthcare workers and first responders
    3. Frontline tourism industry workers with direct exposure to visitors
    4. Anyone with unexplained respiratory illness since January 2020 and never tested for COVID-19

    The committee will meet Monday, May 18 to discuss enforcement of quarantine procedures.  Invitees include Mayor Kirk Caldwell, HPD Chief Susan Ballard, Angela Keen of the Visitor Aloha Society, and Kathy Sokugawa of the City Dept. of Planning and Permitting.

    Take care and stay healthy!