Author: admin

  • “Travel Bubble” explored, Kakaako food distribution, driver license expiration extension

    “Travel Bubble” explored, Kakaako food distribution, driver license expiration extension

    Aloha Neighbor,

    Mahalo for your vigilance in preventing the spread of the virus.  With the low number of new COVID19 cases (although Oahu had a small uptick today at 3 new cases), the number of deaths has stayed at 17.  This is why we’re seeing the reopening of many businesses, facilities, and public spaces.  Even so, please continue the same level of caution to avoid a resurgence.

    The committee explored today how the state could reopen tourism ever mindful of the public’s health.  As other countries are exploring so, too, should we look at opening via a “travel bubble” to allow a quarantine-free travel zone between countries (or states) that have contained the virus, e.g., the Balkan region (Estonia-Lithuania-Latvia), Germany-Austria, and being discussed between New Zealand and Australia. The committee heard from and agreed to support the Hawaii Executive Collaborative that is developing a pilot Japan-Hawaii travel bubble. You can see today’s discussion and summary notes when posted at the senate website.

    The committee will meet again next Tuesday (6/2) to discuss contact tracing technologies and DOH plans.

    Free food will be distributed tomorrow at Kakaako’s Na Kupuna Makamae Center from noon to 2:30 p.m. at 653 Ala Moana Blvd. (corner of Keawe Street and Ala Moana Boulevard).  It’s a walk-in pickup NOT drive-thru. Mahalo to the Center and Aloha Harvest for the food boxes. Due to the high demand, delivery to the elderly is limited to high-risk kupuna or those without families. Call 773-7047 or email

    RENEWAL DEADLINES EXTENDED THRU SEPTEMBER: Driver’s License, State ID, Instruction Permit.
    If you are worried about renewing your driver’s license, not to worry. The state is allowing a blanket extension for all driver’s licenses, state identification cards, and instruction permits until the end of September.  Click here for more details.

    The Honolulu Department of Emergency Management (DEM) urges everyone to prepare for hurricane season especially with the challenges that COVID-19 brings.  The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Central Pacific Hurricane Center (CPHC) announced there is a 75% chance of near or below-normal tropical cyclone activity during the Central Pacific hurricane season this year, beginning Monday, June 1 and running through November 30.  Click here for more information on preparedness.

    The City Department of Environmental Services will be doing sewer work next week, beginning June 1, at 2025 Kalakaua Avenue and 240 Paoa Place from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. It may cause traffic congestion.

    Take care and stay healthy!

  • Reopening dates, Handi-Van, neighborhood boards, free mental health services

    Reopening dates, Handi-Van, neighborhood boards, free mental health services

    Aloha Neighbor,

    Although we are in recess until mid-June, we are working on continuing COVID issues and looking at the impact on our community so we can address when we return in a couple weeks. In the meantime, we will continue sending you information that I hope you find helpful.

    The Governor approved the city’s reopening timeline for several businesses, services, and facilities over the next several weeks.  While we are happy to see the reopening of the activities below, they are required to follow strict restrictions to ensure the public’s health.  See more details here.

    • Outdoor attractions such as sea life attractions, water parks, pools, campgrounds, People’s Open Markets, shooting and archery ranges, and similar outdoor facilities may reopen tomorrow (5/28)
    • Personal Services such as barbers, beauty operators, hairdressers, nail technicians, and tattoo artists may open with modifications on Friday (5/29)
    • The Honolulu Zoo is targeting for a June 5 opening.
    • Business/commercial offices (in addition to restaurants that were already announced), indoor residential, non-commercial gatherings of 10 or fewer (regardless of household) may open June 5.  For restaurants, as noted by Governor Ige, the Oahu county rules will apply in such a case as there is a conflict between City and State rules. These rules can be found in Mayor Caldwell’s Order.  Section III.F of the Governor’s 8th Supplemental Proclamation on page 13 of 35 provides as follows:  In the event of any inconsistency, conflict or ambiguity between this Proclamation and any county emergency order, rule, directive or proclamation, the relevant documents shall be read to allow a county maximum flexibility to exercise its respective emergency management authority.
    • Indoor operations such as movie theaters, museums and fitness centers with modifications may open June 19


    • TheHandi-Van Eligibility Center is again conducting in-person assessments for those wishing to apply for or extend TheHandi-Van services. For questions or to schedule an assessment call (808) 538-0033, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.  TheHandi-Van Eligibility Center is located at the First Insurance Center, 1100 Ward Avenue, Suite 835.  Know that the appointment schedules and procedures have been adjusted to maintain proper social distancing within the office and waiting areas.
    • Free Mental Health Services if you are uninsured. The city launched a new program to support for the psychological well-being and mental health needs of individuals needing help during the COVID-19 pandemic. Free therapy and counseling services will be provided online. It’s on a first-come, first-served basis. Just log on to and click on the “Please click HERE for more information” link under the heading: Hawaii Mental Health Pro Bono COVID-19 Project.  For more information, click here.

    Neighborhood boards will be able to reconvene public meetings starting on Monday, June 1.  As with all other gatherings, they must adhere to the social distancing requirements (in the Order)  and the City’s “COVID-19 Guidance for Business”. For more information please contact the NCO at 768-3710,, or visit

    The committee meets tomorrow (5/28) at noon to explore reopening quarantine free travel through “travel bubble” agreements with other regions that have contained the virus.  Paul Yonamine, Duane Kurisu and Lori Teranishi will present their proposal on a Hawaii–Japan “Travel Bubble.”  The hearing will be available for live viewing on Olelo.  Check this page shortly before the hearing for broadcast information.

    Take care and stay healthy!