Author: admin

  • All-mail voting, COVID hearing on elections

    All-mail voting, COVID hearing on elections

    Aloha Neighbor,

    VOTE! Are you registered? Did you update your address?  

    Election 2020 is coming up with the Primary Election on August 8 and the General Election on November 3.  See who the candidates and offices they are running for here.  Voting is  going to be different this year.  You can vote by mail so you don’t even have to leave home.  2020 voting will be by mail but early walk-in voting will still be available at Voter Service Centers (Honolulu and Kapolei Hales) and drop boxes.  For more information, see the Honolulu Elections Division website.   What is important is that you are registered to vote. You can register, update your voter information (if you moved since the last election), or confirm your voter registration address online by going here.  July 9 is the deadline to register for the Primary Election.  Voters will begin to receive their Primary Election ballots starting July 21 and the election closes on August 8 at 7 pm.  Find more voter information on the State Office of Elections website

    The senate special committee will meet tomorrow (Tuesday, June 9) at 1 pm to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on the upcoming elections. Specific topics include the number of Voter Service Centers, available drop boxes, and the steps being taken to ensure the health and safety of voters.  Reporting to the committee will be State Chief Election Officer Scott Nago, Maui Chief Election Officer Kathy Kaohu, Hawaii County Clerk County Jon Henricks, Kauai County Clerk Jade Fountain-Tanigawa, and City and County of Honolulu Clerk Glen Takahashi.  See the agenda here.  The meeting will be available for live viewing on Olelo channel 49 and on

    Take care and stay healthy!

  • Waikiki Neighborhood Board, Peaceful protesting

    Waikiki Neighborhood Board, Peaceful protesting

    The last email contained a bad link.  Corrected email below.

    Aloha Neighbor,

    Just a few updates today.

    WAIKIKI NEIGHBORHOOD BOARD meets next week at 6:00 p.m.
    The Waikiki Board will meet next Tuesday, June 9, at 6:00 pm at the Waikiki Community Center.  See the agenda here.  A previous email erroneously stated that the Waikiki Board starts at 7:00 pm.  The regular start time has been changed to 6:00 pm.  You can find future agendas for all neighborhood boards on the Neighborhood Commission website.

    Peaceful protesting have come to the islands in the wake of the “Black Lives Matter” movement. As your Senator, I urge you to take care of each other. You should stand and march for your beliefs and commitments to ensure civil and equal treatment in enforcement and all activities.  If you participate in protesting, definitely get your voice heard, definitely grieve for the late George Floyd whose passing was both egregious and unjust, but please do it safely. My staff was looking for safety tips; they found a few safe protesting tips. Not all may apply in our civil “aloha spirit” state but wearing comfortable and protected clothing and other hints here may be helpul to allow you to share your concerns in the most effective and heartfelt way. And don’t forget to mask up!

    Demonstrators are scheduled to protest this weekend in our district and you can find out More on this weekends protesting

    • Friday, June 5, 2020, 12 noon (NOW). Protesters will walk from Ala Moana Beach Park to the Duke Kahanamoku statue in Waikiki.
    • Saturday, June 6, 2020, 12 noon. Protesters will return to Ala Moana Beach Park.

    Take care and stay healthy!