Author: admin

  • Making a difference on Earth Day and Volunteer Week

    Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
    —Margaret Mead

    Left: Rev & Mrs. George Scott,  with Senate Vice-president Michelle Kidani, as they shared the mosaic of trash carefully pieced together to create a beautiful work of art – a celebration of April’s Easter and Earth month

    Earth is our home. And we all share the responsibility of caring for our home. It may sound like an overwhelming challenge, but it becomes easier when we all share in the work. Today, April 22, is Earth Day — the perfect time to reassess the resources we use and find new ways to appreciate our planet. Luckily, there are lots of small steps you, your family, and our community can take that can have a big, positive impact on the environment. A great example is the mosaic above that captures ‘the last supper’ sustainably. Shared with the Senate by Reverend George Scott, the artwork was created by his student who conscientiously collected trash on the beach and piece by piece created this work of art! May it inspire you to get creative as you celebrate Earth Day not only today but every day of the year. I also encourage you to visit local businesses in our district that support a greener Hawai`i:

    • Re-Use Hawaii transforms waste into community resources. Support them by purchasing repurposed furniture and home supplies.
    • Trees for Honolulu plants, cares, and protects trees around our community across O`ahu. Donate or volunteer to support this amazing cause.
    • Rent tools at Honolulu Tool Library and help contribute to our community’s efforts to reduce waste, by fixing things instead of throwing them out, and by sharing tools instead of creating more purchases that eventually end up at the landfill.
    • Kanu Hawaii makes it easy to participate in Volunteer Week (April 17-23). You can sign up for community clean ups, pledge to protect Hawai`i, and E Ala Ē on your island this Earth Day.
    • Head over to Kaka`ako Farmers Market every week from from 8-12 p.m. You’ll find an abundance of fresh local produce, artisan foods and wares to serve the community.

    On this Earth Day, let’s pledge to take the lessons we’ve learned over the years and extend our efforts to build a more sustainable future for our planet. Mālama ‘Āina.

    Caring for each other! 


    Legislative Updates

    As the Senate and House begin conference negotiations on the final form of bills, internally we are working on upcoming deadlines we must meet before the Legislative Session ends on May 6:

    • April 22 — deadline for bills proposing constitutional amendments – a proposed amendment must be sent to the Governor before passing final reading by a 2/3 vote in each chamber.  Once adopted by the Legislature, the proposed amendment is goes to the voters.  For a list of constitutional amendments that have yet to pass, click here
    • April 25 — deadline for adopting amended concurrent resolutions in the non-originating chamber in order to “cross back” to the originating chamber.

    State News

    Governor Ice Announces $276M In Capital Improvement Projects

    Gov. David Ige announced the release of $276,557,732 for Capital Improvement Projects (CIPs) that will be administered by various state departments. These funds were released in February and March. Projects released in February is here, and March 2022 here.

    National Take-Back Initiative (NTBI)

    Date and time: Saturday, April 30, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  
    Location: Kahala Mall, Macy’s Men’s Parking Lot
    The District 7 Community Policing Team is partnering with the Drug Enforcement Agency and the Hawaii Attorney General’s Office with the National Take Back Initiative event. This is a great opportunity to safely dispose of your unused medications and vaping devices (No Batteries Please). If you have pills, medications or vaping devices that are no longer useful please consider taking them to a NTBI location for safe disposal.

    New or used needles and syringes will NOT be accepted. For more information please call 808.541.1930 or visit this link here.

    Recycle an Old Phone to Someone in Need

    The Emergency Reentry Hui and the Partners in Care community need cell phones for people experiencing homelessness and those who have recently been released from prison.  Needed are 150-200 cellphones. Your help and support will affect the safety and health of our entire island. Please send your interest here.

    Virtual Tour Provides Safe, Legal Way to Experience Kaniakapūpū

    Kaniakapūpū, the summer palace of King Kamehameha III, lies within a restricted watershed in a densely forested part of Nuʻuanu. The site is closed to people, with the exception of Native Hawaiian cultural practitioners or permitted caretakers. A new virtual tour provided by the DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) aims to counter online misinformation while also giving interested users a chance to learn about the site in a manner that is safe, legal, and respectful. Check out the Kaniakapūpū virtual tour, access information, and social media badges here:

    Earth Day Events In Our District

    Mālama ‘Āina Earth Day Community Cleanup

    Date and time: Saturday, April 24, 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.
    Location: Our Kaka‘ako nine-block mauka neighborhood, The Barn at SALT at Our Kaka‘ako, and Mother Waldron Park.

    Participate in Our Kaka‘ako’s Mālama ‘Āina Earth Day Community Cleanup. Do your part by helping to clean up the nine neighborhood mauka blocks of Our Kaka‘ako and Mother Waldron Park. Check-in at The Barn at SALT at Our Kaka‘ako between 9:30 and 10:00 a.m. to pick up a map, gloves and a trash bag. After collecting trash and placing it at the designated trash drop off location at the edge of Mother Waldron Park on the corner of Cooke and Pohukaina Streets, return to The Barn at 11:00 a.m. for a mahalo gift and grab n’ go snack bag. While you’re at the Barn, check out the pop-up tables of Our Kaka‘ako participating merchants as well as the Surfrider Foundation’s educational resources tent just outside the Barn! Visit Our Kaka`ako’s website for more information and pre-register at to join in the fun!

    Waikiki Aquarium hosts 15th Annual Mauka to Makai Environmental Expo

    Date and time: Saturday, April 23, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
    Location: Waikiki Aquarium
    Swim over to the Waikiki Aquarium to celebrate Mauka to Makai- a family-friendly expo of educational activities from community partners, visit the Aquarium galleries and exhibits, and complete an event passport to receive a free native plant (one per household, while supplies last). The first 100 kamaʻaina guests will receive FREE admission to the Aquarium. 

    Aquarium admission is $12 for non-members; $8 for Kamaʻaina and military with ID; $5 for senior citizens and juniors ages 4 to 12 and free for children three and under and Friends of the Waikiki Aquarium (FOWA). 

    Re-Use Hawaii – Transforming ‘waste’ into treasure

    Re-use Hawai‘i is an environmental nonprofit on a mission to cultivate the circular economy in Hawai‘i. Their Deconstruction and Redistribution programs are sustainable alternatives to wasteful practices where we convert tons of ʻōpala into valuable community resources and lower the cost of living for residents of Hawai‘i. Visit the Kaka‘ako site this month as they hosting an Earth Month Bingo designed to encourage our community to get connected and stay rooted. Their instagram account (@reusehawaii) is featuring how-tos all month long! Join the fun and grab your copy here.

    Rescue food with Aloha Harvest at Kaka`ako Farmers Market

    Date and time: Every Saturday, 11:40 a.m. to 12:40 p.m.
    Location: Kaka`ako Farmers Market
    Help us rescue food from the Kaka`ako Farmers Markets on Saturdays from 11:40 am-12:40 pm! Oftentimes food vendors and farmers will have perfectly good leftover food at the end of the market that they won’t be able to sell at a later date. Volunteers rescue excess food and redistribute to organizations that feed Hawaii’s’ hungry. Get more details here on how you can participate.

    Ala Wai Cleanup and Fundraiser

    Date and time: Saturday, April 30, 1–3:30 p.m., 3–5:30 p.m.
    Location: 1739 Ala Moana Blvd.
    Join Ikaika club in cleaning our Ala Wai Canal! They will be paddling on a kayak and Stand Up Paddleboarding while collecting trash. Bring swimmers! Snacks will be provided. Express your interest here or email
    with any questions.

    District Happenings

    Kolowalu Park Irrigation Systems Updates

    Mahalo to residents who brought to our attention the need for irrigation at the much-used Kolowalu Park. Reps Scott Saiki & Adrian Tam and I went to inspect; and, yes, sprinklers are broken and our grass and trees are in need of water. We reached out to Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) to repair the irrigation system and maintain the park. HCDA was manually watering but assures us that the landscape contractor will be out on Saturday to repair and restore the system to automatically water the plants.  Mahalo to HCDA for improving our parks!

    Mark Your Calendars

    Ala Moana / Kakaako Neighborhood Board

    When: Tuesday, April 26 at 6:00pm
    Where: WebEx & Kapalama Hale, 925 Dillingham Blvd. Conference Room 153 

    *NOTE: This is an alternate meeting site for those without internet capabilities*

    Agenda and link to the meeting: click here.    

    Our office will continue to be here to serve you. If you enjoy our newsletter, it’s always appreciated to share it with a family, friend or community member. 

    If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to respond to this email or email me here: my inbox is always open. You can also give our office a call at (808) 586-6740. Mahalo for waking up to our newsletter! Have a great day!





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  • Recent brutal attacks in Waikīkī prompt renewed discussions about what can be done

    Recent brutal attacks in Waikīkī prompt renewed discussions about what can be done

    Hawaii Public Radio Interview
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    State Sen. Sharon Moriwaki says she hopes Honolulu Prosecuting Attorney Steve Alm brings the “Weed and Seed” program to Waikīkī following a rise in violent crime in the tourist district.

    The program has seen some success in neighborhoods such as Oʻahu’s Chinatown. Chronic drug users and other criminals have been arrested and removed, while social programs have been implemented to help with community building.

    Moriwaki told HPR that she and state Rep. Adrian Tam have discussed the issue with Alm.

    “We definitely support that, in fact, both Rep. Tam and I reached out to Prosecutor Alm to see whether he could speed up that process of coming to Waikīkī and we would put every assistance that we can from the state side. And I’m sure that Council Chair (Tommy) Waters would do the same thing on the county side to make that happen sooner rather than later,” the senator said.

    Tourists have been flocking back to Waikīkī following the lifting of COVID restrictions, and violent crime has risen in the district.

    A brutal assault on a military veteran and his girlfriend is the latest high-profile crime in the tourist district.

    A little over a week before veteran Joe Herter and Amanda Canada were attacked in March, 20-year-old Marqus McNeil was shot and killed in the same area.

    “I think in the past there was a prohibition, I guess, for the military to come into Waikīkī because there were concerns that they were attacking the military, for example. And it had a racial undertone to it. And of course, any kind of violent attack on anybody is problematic. Really, there’s no place for that in Hawaiʻi,” Moriwaki said.

    Moriwaki represents Waikīkī, Ala Moana, Kaka‘ako, McCully, Mō‘ili‘ili, and part of Maikiki.

    All of us have to be vigilant until we are able to stem out the crime that’s happening, and having the message sent to the criminals that they can’t do this anymore without really having severe consequences,” Moriwaki told HPR.

    This interview aired on The Conversation on April 13, 2022. The Conversation airs weekdays at 11 a.m. on HPR-1.