Author: admin
Legislature, COVID relief, vaccination, district happenings
Legislation re: electric scooters, bikes and trikes
Aloha Neighbor, SCR76 requesting that the City and County of Honolulu prohibit electric scooters, electric bicycles, and electric trikes on sidewalks is set to be heard by the Senate committees on transportation and public safety this Thursday, March 23 at 3:15. We introduced this measure to address concerns that some of these vehicles can move at high speeds that threaten the safety of others using sidewalks. We urge you to submit testimony on this measure if you are interested.
HB72 relating to electric foot scooters passed out of the Senate transportation committee and will move to the committees on judiciary and ways and means. This would establish a framework for the regulation of electric foot scooters by the State and counties. There have been concerns with these new foot scooters that a company is renting out to people in Waikiki that was documented in a news report last month.
Take care & stay safe!