Author: admin

  • Library Reopening, National Gun Violence Awareness Day and More

    Showcasing the children’s area in the newly renovated McCully-Moiliili Library with Nainoa Mau (Executive Director at Friends of The Library of Hawai’i) and Stacey A. Aldrich (State Librarian).

    I am pleased to announce the grand reopening of the McCully–Mōʻiliʻili Public Library is today, June 3, 2022 after being closed for renovations for over two years. During the pandemic, they were able to address some long-standing repairs, refresh the layout of the library to support community use, and initiate plans for future exterior improvements. Some of the amazing new features you will experience are:

    • Access and improvements to the community meeting room
    • Renovated children’s area that will feature a 75” monitor for movies and education
    • New circulation desk and front lobby area
    • Improved lighting and refurbished flooring throughout the library 
    • New Hawaii State Public Library App to manage your account, search the catalogue, renew, reserve books and borrow books and more!

    I am beyond thankful that we were able to obtain $1.75m in Capital Improvement Project funds and $250,000 in General Funds to support these renovations. We could not have done this without the support of many! McCully–Mōʻiliʻili Public Library will be open Friday from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. and resume weekly hours of Saturday-Tuesday from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., and Thursday 12 p.m. – 7 p.m. You can also enjoy virtual access to library resources at

    Caring for each other,




    National Gun Violence Awareness Day

    We must do all we can to end gun violence that strikes the heart of our community!

    Governor signs HB2075, Relating to Firearms, and Proclamation for National Gun Violence Awareness Day – June 3

    Governor Ige at 11:30 a.m. signed HB2075, followed by a proclamation ceremony for National Gun Violence Awareness Day. The bill requires physical inspection of a firearms transported into the State from another jurisdiction, obtained in a private sale or transfer, or was not manufactured with a serial number (“ghost gun”).  Ghost guns are the fastest-growing gun safety problem facing our country and is becoming a weapon of choice for violent criminals, gun traffickers, and other legally prohibited persons. This act adds to Hawaii’s strict gun laws by ensurint that gun registration information is accurate, the firearm complies with Hawaii law, and confirms the identity of the firearm to facilitate tracing by law enforcement.  You can also watch the event being live streamed on the Governor’s Facebook page:

    #WearOrange for National Gun Violence Awareness Day

    Every year, the gun violence prevention movement comes together on the first Friday in June (June 3, 2022) to mark National Gun Violence Awareness Day by wearing orange. The first Friday in June is recognized as National Gun Violence Awareness Day– the #WearOrangeDay. In 2015 the day was first organized in part to memorialize the 2013 death of Hadiya Pendleton who was shot and killed in Chicago at the age of 15 – just one week after performing at President Obama’s 2nd inaugural parade in 2013. After her death, her friends asked others to stand up, speak out, and Wear Orange to raise awareness about gun violence. Since then, orange has been the defining color in the gun violence movement.

    Take action on social media using the hashtag #WearOrange and

    • Attend a local Wear Orange event and join virtual events throughout #WearOrange Weekend, June 3-5, by texting ORANGE to 644-33.
    • Post on social media: On June 3, wear or hold anything Orange (a pin, a scarf, an orange, or be creative and hold up any orange item in your home that strikes your fancy), take a selfie and share it via social media with the hashtag #WearOrange
    For more details, visit You can reference this link here for personal resources for impacted individuals, statistics around gun violence nationally and in Hawaii, policies, and best practices on how to talk about this and other instances of gun violence.

    The Hawaii State Public Library: More Than Just Books!

    2022 Summer Reading Challenge, June 5 to July 30, 2022

    Summer is “oh-fish-ally” here and readers “anglin’” for a wonderful time are invited to join the Hawaiʻi State Public Library System’s Summer Reading Challenge! This year’s program runs from June 5th to July 30th and includes virtual and in-person activities, author talks, and opportunities to earn reading rewards, and more! Registration details can be found on our “Summer Reading”.
    Children, teens and adults are “shore” to enjoy ocean-related virtual programs; visit the Summer Reading webpage to register and for more details!

    ‘Ukulele Lending at Your Library

    Have you ever wanted to learn how to play the ‘ukulele or just needed one to play? You can now borrow Hawaii’s favorite music instrument at a public library! The ‘Ukulele Lending Program is available at all Hawaii’s public libraries. You can use an ‘ukulele at no cost with a valid library card, a completed Loan Agreement, and photo ID.

    HSPLS is grateful to Leo Daquioag and Jake Shimabukuro of the Music for Life Foundation and partners for making this program possible by donating the ‘ukulele instruments. The goal of the lending program is to make ‘ukulele and ‘ukulele-playing opportunities accessible for all by allowing them to be checked out as easily as books at a local public library. For more information, visit the Hawai`I State Public Library website.

    State News

    Department of Health Urges Caution as COVID-19 Cases Rise Statewide 

    • Avoid large gatherings, wear your mask, get vaxed and boosted, stay home when you’re sick and call your health care provider for treatment, especially within five days of a positive test 
    • Be smart in making decisions about your activities. 
    • DOH is adopting federal guidance in recommending boosters for children ages 5 through 11, five months after their initial Pfizer-BioNTech vaccination. It’s also recommending a second booster for people 50 and older and those 12 and older who are immune-compromised. 
    • For updated information, including the latest treatment options and coronavirus prevalence by county, go to The public can order up to three rounds of free COVID-19 home tests at

    DOH advice during the graduation and summer travel season as covid numbers rise across the state: 

    HPD’s Humane Enforcement: HPD Major Mark Lambert is Honored as “Heritage Hero” in Addressing Oahu Homelessness

    In honor of Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month, The Asian American Foundation (TAAF) recently debuted ‘Heritage Heroes,’ a film spotlighting six unsung AAPI heroes on Hulu. Click here to view the video spotlighting HPD Major Mike Lambert and his efforts to address homelessness. On behalf of our community we send our congratulations and mahalo to Major Lambert!

    Weekend Waysides

    2022 Island Crafters Market

    Saturday and Sunday, June 4th and 5th from 3 to 7 p.m. 
    International marketplace on the 2d Level next to Mitsuwa’s Marketplace
    Browse dozens of locally-made products and Hawaii’s favorite local snacks too! For more info visit

    Three Little Ducks Ohana Yoga

    Sunday, June 5 at 9 a.m.
    The Barn at SALT at Our Kakaako
    Three Little Ducks is hosting a free Ohana Yoga class for you and your keiki. Join with your own yoga mat and keiki (ages 3-10) for a 45-minute yoga exercise and 5-minute meditation led by Dr. Suma Metla, pediatric physical therapist and registered yoga teacher. Family yoga promotes child-parent relationships, healthy habits, and community connection. The first 25 families will be accepted. To register, click here.

    Art Show! Art on the Zoo Fence

    Every Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
    Monsarrat Avenue, along the Honolulu Zoo fence
    Art on the Zoo Fence has been Hawaii’s premier outdoor art gallery since 1953. Artists and photographers showcase their work in beautiful Waikiki. Come and meet the artists in person and find something truly special for yourself or as a gift for someone else.

    FREE Zumba with Cat

    June 5, 11 to 11:45 a.m.
    International Market Place- Queen’s Court, 2330 Kalakaua Ave.
    Join in a free Zumba class taught by Cat Nitelet-Vedder! After class, visit Fabletics for free parking validation and an exclusive discount for participants! Bring shoes & water. Register and get more details here.

    District Happenings

    Hawaii Agricultural Foundation – Eat Think Drink

    June 15 from 5 to 7:30 p.m.
    Ward Consolidated Theaters, 1044 Auahi Street
    Be the first to watch the world premiere of Taste Our Love for Hawaiʻi, Aqua+Culture at its 18th episode of EAT THINK DRINK (ETD). Tickets are $85 and include 1 popcorn, 2 drinks from Ward Consolidated Theater’s beer and wine selection, and an aquaculture-inspired dinner by MW Restaurant’s chefs Wade Ueoka and Michelle Karr-Ueoka featuring: Hawaiian Kanpachi (from Blue Ocean Mariculture); North Shore Shrimp (from Kualoa Ranch); and greens from Kunia Country Farms and Kupu Place. Get your tickets here!

    Mark Your Calendars

    Older Americans Celebration

    Friday, June 3 at 10 a.m.
    The Administration for Community Living leads our nation’s observance of Older Americans Month. The theme for 2022 is “Age My Way”. Every year, Hawaii celebrates our kupuna who have contributed much to our community.  Each of the four counties–Hawaii, Maui, Kauai, Honolulu–nominate outstanding Older Americans chosen because of their contributions to the community. This year we honor the following nominees from Kauai County — Colleen Kasperek and Timothy Albao; from Maui County– JoAnn Rockwell and Ernest Rezents; from Hawaii County –Lucy Makuakane and Daniel Perreira; and from Honolulu County — Mae Fujii and Clarence Agena. The state award will be announced at the Hawaii Older Americans Month celebration at 10am on June 3—today!  Olelo will be broadcasting the entire celebration; and will rebroadcast on June 5th at 6pm, June 6th at 8am, and June 7th at 4pm.

    What:              Older Americans Month Celebration
    Where:            Olelo Channel 53
    When:             Friday, June 3, 2022 at 10:00 a.m.

    Our office will continue to be here to serve you. If you enjoy our newsletter, it’s always appreciated to share it with a family, friend or community member.

    If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to respond to this email or email me here: my inbox is always open. You can also give our office a call at (808) 586-6740. Mahalo for waking up to our newsletter! Have a great day!





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  • Making our Community a Safe Place to Visit, Work and Live

    Last night was the “Safety in Waikīkī” Town Hall virtual event. Waikīkī legislators, City departments, and community partners came together for a lively discussion to address two most pressing issues of the district: public safety and homelessness.  

    These crises existed long before the COVID-19 pandemic; however, the outbreak has exacerbated socio-economic hardships, causing an increase in crime and the numbers who have become homeless. To combat this pressing issue, the legislature appropriated $15,000,000 in funds to renew the Ohana Zones program, $300,000,000 for rental housing relief (to build more rental housing), and $1.9 million grant-in-aid to the Institute for Human Services (IHS) to provide triage services—and a place for police and outreach workers to drop people off to get mental health, substance abuse and medical services. One of the big programs that an “end homeless group” focused on is the need for inmate re-entry support to remove or reduce barriers to successful integration so that motivated individuals  who have served their time and paid their debt to society are able to get a job, stable housing, support their children and their families, and contribute to our communities. 

    I deeply appreciate the community, legislators, officials and partners for coming together to collaborate on how we can increase our public safety and end homelessness once and for all. 

    If you didn’t get a chance to participate, you can view the full video on Honolulu City Council’s Facebook

    Caring for each other,


    Legislative Updates

    Governor Signs Bill Extending Freedom of Press Protection for Hawaii’s Student Journalists  

    Gov. Ige signed HB1848 (Act 24) into law yesterday, establishing freedom of speech and press protections to student journalists in Hawaii’s public schools and at the University of Hawaii. Act 24 also supports student advisors from retaliation for refusing to censor student journalists. 

    Speaker Scott Saiki introduced this important bill, and was at the signing ceremony recognizing Cindy Reeves, the journalism teacher at McKinley High School, who worked with Rep Saiki, on the bill, saying “she has been working on this issue for a number of years and wasn’t able to get it passed. Her heartfelt commitment helped me understand how important this bill would be for student journalists at McKinley and across the state. I am pleased that the rights of student journalists are codified in Hawaii’s law.” Mahalo for our journalists!

    It’s Official! Ohi’a Lehua Becomes Hawaii State Endemic Tree 

    The earnest efforts by hundreds of school children, teachers, state lawmakers, and conservationists resulted in Gov. Ige signing SB2059 into law.  The measure designates ohiʻa lehua as the official Hawaii State Endemic Tree. Ohi’a is the most common native tree in our forest, and it is ubiquitous from lower elevations to the highest peaks. During remarks, prior to signing SB2059, Governor David Ige said, “Ohiʻa lehua is a symbol of Hawaii. As a keystone species it makes up fully 80% of our native forests. Unfortunately, Rapid Ohiʻa Death has killed more than a million ohi’a trees on Hawaii Island alone over the past eight years. Providing this recognition for ohi’a will help spread the message about how important this species has been and will continue to be, to life in Hawaii.” 

    State News

    Governor Ige Orders Flags at Half-Staff Honoring Victims of School Shooting in Uvalde, TX

    At the direction of the President of the United States, Gov. David Ige has ordered that the United States flag and the Hawaii state flag will be flown at half-staff at the State Capitol and upon all state offices and agencies as well as the Hawaii National Guard in the State of Hawaii, immediately, until sunset on Saturday, May 28, 2022. This action is a mark of respect for the 14 children and one teacher who were shot and killed at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. Governor Ige stated, “I join our nation in mourning the tragic and senseless loss of these innocent victims, and I stand with the families of those affected by this horrific act of violence… I express my deepest condolences to the victims’ families, the faculty, staff and student body at Robb Elementary School, and the Uvalde community in Texas.” President Joe Biden’s proclamation can be found here

    Second Emergency Proclamation to Address Food Insecurity  

    Governor Ige signed a second emergency proclamation to allow the continuation of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits in line with the federal COVID emergency  

    Sheriff Impersonators, Extortion Scam Alert 

    The Sheriff Division warns about a recurring sheriff impersonator skulking around our community. In recent days, several people have called the Sheriff Division to report that an individual contacted them via cell phone claiming to be a deputy sheriff. In these cases, the sheriff impersonator stated the individual owed money for outstanding contempt warrants and traffic citations. They were instructed to bring money to clear the warrant to the Department of Public Safety Administration Offices on Alakea Street. In some of these cases the victim paid money to these scammers using crypto currency. 

    The public is reminded that sheriffs do not call, text or email people asking for personal information or to solicit payment electronically or by phone. Hawaii residents are also advised not to provide credit card numbers, bank account information or other personal information to callers claiming to represent a law enforcement agency. If you receive a call, text or email matching this scam please alert the Sheriff Division by calling 586-1352. 


    • Do not communicate with unsolicited e-mail or phone text senders. 

    • Do not open e-mails, attachments or links sent by text from unknown individuals. 

    • Never provide personal information of any sort via phone, text or e-mail. Be aware that many e-mails requesting your personal information appear to be legitimate.

    District Happenings

    Ala Moana Center to Resume Center Stage Performances  

    After a two-year hiatus, Ala Moana Center will resume its once-regularly scheduled center stage performances this summer. Regular shows include Ala Moana Center’s weekly Keiki Hula Show, performances by the Royal Hawaiian Band, among others.  The mall is also currently accepting applications for entertainers interested in performing and Centerstage. To submit an application, go to Ala Moana’s website and click on the events page.

    Weekend Waysides

    Puppy Pow Wow at Starbucks Kaka`ako 

    Date and time: Saturday, May 28, 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
    You are invited to bring your furry friends for some pup cuts, treats, and to meet other furry friends.  During this time, Starbucks Kakaako will also be collecting donations for the Hawaii Humane Society.  Requested donation items include: towels, blankets, paper towels, dog bed, dog kibble, dog toys and puppy pads. For more information, click here.  

    Ohana Stargazing at Our Kaka`ako

    Date and time: Saturday, May 28, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
    Enjoy guided star tours using high-quality telescopes on the parking garage rooftop. Through various cultural and educational activities, you’ll also learn how the moon, sun, and stars influenced traditional Hawaiian life and guided early navigation. For more information and how to register, click here.

    Mark Your Calendars

    Virtual Event: Preparing for Hurricane Season

    Date and time: Friday, May 27, 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. 
    Are you prepared for the next hurricane? Learn how the Homeowner’s Handbook to Prepare for Natural Hazards can help prepare your family and home for hurricane season. The webinar will cover emergency supplies, emergency/evacuation planning and strengthening your house to reduce the risk of hurricane damage. 

    For more information about the presentation via Hawaii State Public Libraries, click hereRegistration is required. To register, click here


    Pakolea Pop-Up Shop at the Lei ‘Ohu Hale

    Date and time: Friday, May 27, 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
    Location: Royal Hawaiian Center in Waikiki
    The Hawaii Tourism Authority invites the public to attend the Pakolea Pop-Up Shop in Waikiki on Friday, the 27th at the Lei Ohu Hale, Royal Hawaiian Center to support our kama’aina and Native Hawaiian-owned businesses.   
    Several businesses will be on display with a multitude of products and creations that embody Hawaii in the areas of agriculture, apparel, culinary, health and wellness, sustainable goods, and more.   
    Pakolea Pop-Up Shop is part of a collaborative initiative between the Purple Mai’a Foundation, Native Hawaiian Hospitality Association, and Hawaii Foundher to empower the next generation of Hawaii businesses.   
    For more information, click here.  

    Hawaii Community Development Authority Public Hearing Notice 

    Date and time: Wednesday, June 1, 2022, 9:00 a.m. 
    Victoria Ward, Limited is proposing to build a single, 330-unit residential, mixed-use condominium on the northeast corner of Ala Moana Blvd. and Ward Ave. The applicant will be presenting the project to allow any other party to the proceeding the opportunity to present its position, and to provide the general public with the opportunity to present oral and/or written testimony. For the public hearing notice and information on how to participate remotely, click here.

    Our office will continue to be here to serve you. If you enjoy our newsletter, it’s always appreciated to share it with a family, friend or community member. 

    If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to respond to this email or email me here: my inbox is always open. You can also give our office a call at (808) 586-6740. Mahalo for waking up to our newsletter! Have a great day!





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