COVID recovery, legislation, meetings, happenings

Governor Announces Updated Travel/Gathering Guidelines

We anticipate that on or about July 8, Hawaii will have achieved a 60% vaccination rate.  Our residents have sacrificed and worked hard to get to this point, but we still have more to do.  Please get vaccinated to protect yourselves and your loved ones. We are close to achieving a 70% vaccination rate,
at which point all restrictions will end and we can return to the lives we remember.”

~ Governor David Ige


Hawaii Allows Vaccinated Mainlanders to Bypass Pre-travel Test and Quarantine
Hawaii will now accept vaccination records from other states. Finally! Fully vaccinated travelers won’t have to be tested for Covid-19 before coming to Hawaii and will not have to quarantine either, starting July 8. Travelers must still bring a hard copy of their vaccination card if they’re heading to Hawaii. Those arriving in the islands prior to July 8 will still be subject to the pre-travel and quarantine requirements. Also effective on July 8, social gatherings will increase to 25 indoors and 75 outdoors statewide. This includes restaurants, which means they can increase up to 75% capacity. However, the 6-foot distance requirement between tables must still be enforced. While this is an important milestone to celebrate, there is still concerned about the spread of variants in the community. Meanwhile the State forges ahead with the goal of getting at least 70% of Hawaii’s population vaccinated. All COVID-19-related emergency restrictions will then be dropped, including the Safe Travels program.

Can’t find your vaccination card?
Just get another one! Learn how here.
Bills Becoming Law; 28 Bills on the Governor’s “Intend to Veto” List Await Final Decision on July 6

Bills Signed into Law: Environmental Protection
This is a momentous day for clean energy. With 25% of fossil fuel use based in ground transportation, our 100% clean energy goal requires us to rein in fossil fuel emissions. These bills are significant because they send a message to the community and to the market that Hawaii is serious about clean energy. Our Government Operations committees in the Senate and the House carried these bills that use our state government purchasing power to lead by example:

  • HB424 directs all state employees who travel to rent zero emission vehicles.
  • HB552, beginning next January, directs the state to purchase/lease zero emission vehicles.
  • HB1142 dedicates funds from the barrel tax to reinvigorate the rebate program for installation of EV charging stations.

A pivotal day for clean transportation and clean energy with Hawaii leading the way. (Above) Governor Ige bill signing at Central Middle School with Representatives Adrian Tam, Tina Wildberger, Nicole Lowen, Senator Joy San Buenaventura, state officials, and stakeholders.  Electric school bus depicted.

Support for Women and Children’s Health & Safety
The Governor also signed into a law HB887 which adds tools for law enforcement to prosecute sex trafficking crimes, in addition to SB828 which specifies that if you can start a divorce in Hawaii, then you can finish it here. This measure helps people who must move before the case is done, an issue for domestic violence victims, as well as the military community.  Mahalo to the Women’s Legislative Caucus and all the advocates who worked hard to get these bills signed into law to ensure women and child across the state have increased protections when needed.

Governor Releases Intent to Veto List
Some measures that squeezed out of the tightly deadlined 2021 legislative session may go down the tubes unless lawmakers hold a Special Session during the interim to override Governor Ige’s vetoes. Governor David Ige has just released his “Intent to Veto” list, singling out bills that state legislators recently passed. Some measures on the list are a bill that overhauls the transient accommodations tax, a bill that would reduce reporting requirements for certain types of communications or political advertisements as well as a number of bills that seek to manage the department of education. A complete list of bills on the veto list can be found here.  If any of these are important to you, contact the Governor’s office and make your voices heard.

Kokua Council Hosts Legislative Review
This past legislative session was like no other. The Kokua Council will recap the 2021 legislative session on June 28, 2021, from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm via Zoom. Lawmakers will review their legislative experiences, summarize their accomplishments, misses, and defeats. Some controversial measures will be discussed, including the minimum wage, the state’s lagging digital transformation, unemployment benefits, crime and public safety, oversight of committees and agencies, public lands, the statewide travel program, tourism, and the growing distrust in government. Because the State Capitol building was closed to the public this past session, hearings were held via zoom which, although gave constituents the same opportunity as advocates to speak their minds, the meetings lacked the passion and energy that once captivated a live, conference-room audience. Watch the livestreamed program here at the scheduled time.  The full video will be uploaded to the Kokua Council’s YouTube page and distributed via social media.


Kaukau 4 Keiki Appealing to Community Due to Overwhelming Demand for Summer Meals
A local program feeding keiki in need around the state is asking the public for help. The public-private partnership, Kaukau 4 Keiki, provides breakfast and lunch meal kits weekly to children 18 and younger in rural communities throughout the islands. Now, they’re asking the public for cash donations to fulfill “an overwhelming need for summer meals.” Families located in zip codes starting with “967” can sign up to receive a meal box for their keiki online, or by calling 2-1-1 if they do not have access to the internet. However, because funding is extremely limited, applications are no longer being accepted in certain areas, while others have started waitlists. The program relies on support from the community and says families could wait weeks or longer for meals without the financial backing. Click here to make a donation.

HOLO Card Replaces Bus Pass
Bussing has never been so techy—until now. Starting July 1, balance protection, access to over a hundred card locations, and autoload features will all be available to you when you get the HOLO Card instead of “TheBus pass”. If you’re 17 years of age and under, fill out the online application here.  For all others, call 768-4656 or click here.  Cash and valid annual passes still accepted.


State Boating & Ocean Recreation Office (DoBOR) Wants to Inform You
Are you an active boater, waterman (or waterwoman)? Receive email and text messages about DoBOR plans and activities that affect you and your ocean user group. DoBOR aims to preserve Hawaii’s natural and cultural resources while ensuring public access to State waters and enhancing the ocean experience. Sign up here.

HECO Past Due Accounts Will Be Auto-Enrolled in Payment Plan
Hawaiian Electric (HECO) is helping you keep your lights on. Customers who normally would face disconnection for nonpayment will now be automatically enrolled in a 12-month plan. It’s an opportunity for customers to avoid disconnection while also affording them time to apply for financial assistance without having to satisfy a hefty bill. Those who have not contacted HECO about their past due charges, may see higher “current charges” where the first of 12 installments appears. The payment plans, whether auto-enrolled or by customer request, will include the current charges, plus the installment amount. Customers were sent a notice on their bill detailing when the payment plan starts and explaining how the arrangement works, including instructions on how to opt out.  Click here to view payment options, including an 18-month plan.

State Food & Financial Assistance Programs to Start Processing Renewals on July 1
The state human services department (DHS) will resume processing benefit renewals for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP; formerly known as Food Stamps) and the Financial Assistance Program (FAP). With SNAP and FAP waivers coming to a close, recipients of these benefits will be required to recertify, or renew, their eligibility annually to receive continued benefits. Households that were scheduled to renew their benefits in March 2020 through June 2021 received renewal extensions. Those affected by this change will receive a notice in the mail when it is time to renew their benefits. Households are now able to complete their renewals and upload required documents here.  Go to the DHS website for more info.


Waikiki Citizen Patrols With HPD
Rep. Adrian Tam and I join the Waikiki Community Policing team, bringing the neighborhood together with our district police officers Stephanie Virardi, Ryan Yamamoto, and Moses Chang to identify and deter crime.  Above (left) on Thursday, Major Mark Cricchio, District 6, came out to thank the Waikiki East patrollers on their weekly patrol; (right) Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor Citizen Patrol composed of concerned boaters and liveaboards.  There are now four Waikiki Citizen Patrols every week:

  • Tuesdays, 4:30 pm, “Waikiki Community Center”, meet at 310 Paokalani Ave.
  • Tuesdays, 6:30 pm, “Waikiki West”, meet at Eaton Square entrance.
  • Thursdays, 4:30 pm, “Waikiki East”, meet at Banyan tree near Duke Kahanamoku Statue, Kalakaua Ave.
  • Thursdays, 7:00 pm, “Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor”, meet by Harbormasters office.

For more information, visit the HPD District 6 Community Policing website.

Waikiki Aquarium Preps to Reopen on July 1
Over 3,500 different marine animals, fish and invertebrates await your arrival, as it’s been over a year since guests have walked through the Waikiki Aquarium doors. On Thursday, July 1, you will finally be able to explore everything the historic aquarium has to offer. For the first few weeks at least, the aquarium will be booking reservations online, so book a ticket in advance, as they need to regulate the numbers that are in the aquarium at a given time. Hours of operation will be from 9 am to 5 pm daily. To reserve a ticket, click here.

Honolulu Airport Mobile Coronavirus Testing Lab to Reduce Hours; Waikiki Location to Close
The City’s mobile COVID-19 testing lab at the Daniel K. Inouye International Airport will reduce its hours starting on Sunday, July 27. The testing lab at the airport will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. starting Sunday. The mobile COVID-19 testing lab at the Hawaiian Monarch Hotel in Waikiki will close on Wednesday, June 30.


Virtual Town Hall along with Mayor Rick Blangiardi & Rep. Scott Saiki
Please join us for a Virtual Town Hall meeting on June 29, 2021 at 5:30pm.  Bring your questions and concerns, we’re here to hear from YOU.  Register in advance for this meeting here.  After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.  Put this on the right side so it doesn’t take up so much space

City Council Briefing on Condo Fire Safety Challenges: June 29, 2:00pm
Living in a condo and concerned about fire safety? City council members will be briefed by engineers, community associations, and insurance agents on the challenges surrounding condo fire safety. Panelists include:

  • Sam Dannaway – Coffman Engineers
  • Richard Emery – Community Association Institute (CAI), Hawaii Chapter
  • Ted Sakai – Punchbowl Condominium Owner
  • Sue Savio – Insurance Associates
  • Jane Sugimura – Hawaii Council of Community Associations.

To view the meeting, click on the agenda here.

Virtual Benefits Workshop for Veterans: June 29, 3:00pm – 5:00pm
The United States Department of Veterans Affairs is federal department charged with integrating life-long healthcare services to eligible military veterans at 1,700 VA medical centers and outpatient clinics throughout the country. A virtual meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 29, 2021. Click here and scroll to the event.  For more info., email

City Council to Hear Reso on Regulation of People’s Open Markets: June 30, 10:00am
City Council members will discuss a resolution requesting the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) to amend its regulations for vendors of the “People’s Open Market Program” to require that a minimum percentage of the food products, plants, flowers, and other DPR-designated products sold by vendors at the People’s Open Markets be grown, caught, or cultivated in Hawaii; and to specifically require that all vendors offer for sale a minimum of 30 percent of these products by 2025 and a minimum of 60 percent by 2028. View the agenda here. The bill affects open markets at  Makiki District Park, Ala Moana (Magic Island) and Old Stadium Park.For a list of all city open markets, click here.

McCully-Moiliili Neighborhood Board: July 1, 6:30pm
Among the topics for discussion include establishing Citizen Patrols of the Honolulu Police Department Community Program, the designation of board representative(s), and the Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization Citizen Advisory Committee. Find the agenda here. (*Note: There is no webex link to attend this meeting virtually).


Honolulu Museum of Art Summer Nights: Starting June 25-26
Find it all at the Honolulu Museum of Art (HoMA)!  Live musical performances, one-of-a-kind DJ sets, interactive art experiences, beverages and bites, and galleries with a lineup of all-ages programming—will open late all summer long!

  • On Fridays, performances from some of Hawaii’s best up-and-coming local musicians in the HoMA Cafe, along with beverages and bites available for purchase. Seating is first come, first served. Music takes place from 5:30 – 8pm.
  • On Saturdays, live music will take place on the Central Courtyard stage. Grab a lauhala mat, to-go food from the Cafe, and enjoy the performance on the grass from 5:30 – 8pm. (Weather permitting.) The group Aloha Got Soul will be deejaying in the HoMA Cafe from 6 – 8:30pm—grab some bar bites and a beverage (or two!) and enjoy their signature mix of 1970s and 80s jazz, funk, soul, and R&B music from Hawaii. Cafe seating is first come, first served. And stay tuned for special artmaking workshops and other special events in the HoMA Shop on Saturday nights at 5:30 p.m.  Find out more here.

Music For Queen Liliuokalani at the Waikiki Shell: July 2 – July 4, 7:30pm – 9:00pm
The Sheraton Starlight Series will feature the Hawaii Symphony Orchestra’s “Music For and By The Queen Liliuokalani” at the Waikiki Shell from July 2 thru July 4. Ticket costs are as follows:

  • $60 – Pool
  • $45 – 1st Terrace
  • $35 – 2nd Terrace
  • $25 – Lawn (sold in pods of 4 only).
  • Ages 3 & up will need to purchase a ticket for entry.

The Sheraton Starlight Series will feature eight weeks of outdoor performances at the Waikiki Shell, embracing the sense of place this iconic venue provides to our community. For more info., call 808-380-7720 or send an email to (link sends e-mail). To purchase tickets, visit:

Van Gogh Art Exhibit at the Hawaii Convention Center: July 2 – August 15, 10:00am – 9:00pm
Van Gogh artwork like you’ve never seen it before! The “Beyond Van Gogh” art exhibit opens on Friday, July 2, at the Hawaii Convention Center and will feature Vincent Van Gogh’s paintings as they deconstruct and surround the attendee. A musical component is also part of the experience. “Beyond Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience” debuted in North America in 2020 and is making a stop in Honolulu in 2021. The exhibit plunges visitors into some of Van Gogh’s most famous paintings. From “Starry Night” to “Sunflowers,” the 3D experience aims to exhilarate the senses. Tickets range from around $23 for children to $45 for adults and $90 for a VIP package. Click here to purchase tickets or call 808-469-4811.

Take care & stay safe!