CORRECTION: Safety in Waikīkī Town Hall will be on May 26

Error! Please note the “Safety in Waikīkī” town hall will be on:

     Thursday, May 26th     

Reference the flyer here for the full event details and register using the button below.


This year, public safety has been a “top concern” for us.  Many of you report that thefts, assaults and harassment keep you indoors just when you were hoping to enjoy walking outdoors once again.  

During neighborhood board meetings and other public forums, the recurring questions that arise are “what are you doing to help?” and “why aren’t you doing more?” Come join a “Safety in Waikīkī” Town Hall to share your experiences and concerns about public safety within the district.  In addition to Council Chair Tommy Waters, Rep Adrian Tam and me, will be agency representatives from the City Housing & Homeless Office, Community Services, CORE mobile outreach program, HPD, the Prosecutor and community agencies.  We must all work together to find solutions to make our community safe and healthy for everyone.  This virtual Town Hall is set for Thursday, May 26 from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m via Zoom. 

Caring for each other,

Our office will continue to be here to serve you. If you enjoy our newsletter, it’s always appreciated to share it with a family, friend or community member. 

If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to respond to this email or email me here: my inbox is always open. You can also give our office a call at (808) 586-6740. Mahalo for waking up to our newsletter! Have a great day!





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