April is Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Awareness Month

–Picture credit: Department of Hawaiian Homelands 

 Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Awareness Month  

April is Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Awareness Month and organizations from around the globe will participate in the awareness campaign to shine a light on the issues of child abuse and neglect. Child maltreatment is more common than we think–In 2020, Child and Family Services reported a total of 5,389 reported child victims in the State of Hawaii. And children under 1 year old make up 15% of confirmed cases– nearly three times higher than any age. Child maltreatment is a public health problem that requires a public health response. To combat this issue, the Hawaii Children’s Action Network built a strong five-pillar framework that together, create the context for children and families to thrive:

  1. Commitment: Leaders make child safety and well-being a top priority.
  2. Supports and services: All families have equitable access to quality supports and services that empower them to create safe, stable, and nurturing families.
  3. Communities: Families live in safe and supportive communities where they can thrive. 
  4. Policy: Laws, policies, and budgets support and are responsive to families.
  5. Coordination: Systems and organizations collaborate and use data to provide a comprehensive continuum of prevention services. 

By working together and by following these five pillars, we can reduce the number of victims and set a positive example for our keiki, families and community.  To report suspected abuse or neglect, please call the Child Abuse and Neglect reporting line: 

Oahu – 808-832-5300
Toll Free Neighbor Islands – 1-888-380-6688

Caring for each other! 



Honoring National Abuse Prevention Month

Slipper Donation Drive

Friends of the Children’s Justice Center is collecting donations of slippers to be given to victims of child abuse on Oahu. Please consider donating new, unused slippers to the cause! Email info@fcjcoahu.org or call (808) 445-1873 to arrange your donation drop-off.

April Drive-By for Ohana Essentials

FamilyHui Hawaii and Parents and Children Together will be hosting a “Drive-By for Ohana Essentials” on Saturday, April 9, 2022 from 10AM-12PM at the Resource center Parking Lot of Towers at Kuhio Park (1485 Linapuni St., Honolulu, HI 96819). The first 300 registrants will receive diapers, wipes, family activity kits, dental kits, books, along with fruit donated by @ChefHui and menstrual kits from @Ma’iMovementHawai’i. Please fill out registration form. This will help Family Hui Hawaii predict how many families are expected. Items are limited and will be distributed on a first come first serve basis. Register here

2022 Champions for Children Fundraiser Auction

Hawaii Children’s Action Network is a non-profit working to ensure all keiki are healthy and safe, and ready to learn. This year, they will be holding a “Champions for Children” fundraising to raise funds to support Hawaii’s keiki. The auction is now open and will close April 6th at 7PM. Whether it’s sailing on a private cruise, a family ziplining adventure, or a night out in Waikiki, they have something for everyone. Visit https://champions.hawaii-can.org/auction to place your bids today. Happy bidding! 

Legislative Updates

Bills and resolutions crossing chambers (or back to the originating chamber). Bills that are still moving through the House and Senate at this point during the session have survived various committee hearings. Below is a list of some of the measures that might interest you that have survived the lengthy process thus far:


  • SB2124 SD2 HD1: Establishes standards for excessive noise; allows police to cite noisy bars and clubs using decibel meters. The bill is scheduled to be heard in the House committee on the Judiciary on Monday, April 4. Mahalo to everyone who submitted testimony on this bill thus far. Please continue to submit testimony for the final public hearing.
  • SB2382 SD1 HD1: Prohibits issuing of cabaret liquor licenses to premises located within an apartment mixed use district within a special improvement or special district. The bill passed the final House committee on Consumer Protection and will now move to the House Floor for a final vote.
  • SCR194 SD1: Requesting the Department of Health to examine issues and barriers to enforcement in reducing noise from two-stroke engines, mopeds, and small off-road engines and make recommendations to help reduce noise pollution from these sources. The resolution is up for a vote on the Senate floor next week, Monday, April 4.


  • SB2370 SD2 HD1: Establishes a permanent office on Homelessness and Housing Solutions to work with state, county, and community agencies to develop solutions that prevent and end homelessness through transitional and permanent housing and supportive and/or assisted services as well as to test innovative solutions to prevent and end homelessness. This bill has been scheduled for a hearing by its final House committee on Finance. Please continue to submit testimony if you feel passionate about solving the issue of homelessness.
  • SB2371 SD2 HD1: Establishes a statewide homelessness data clearinghouse to collect and track data related to homelessness and housing in the State.  The bill was referred to the House Finance committee and is pending a hearing.
  • SB2373 SD1 HD1 -Establishes a prisoner reentry program for prisoners prior to release from prison to help them reintegrate into the community with job and housing rather than relapse into homelessness. The bill is scheduled to be heard in House Finance committee on April 4.
  • HB 1859 HD1 SD1 – Appropriates funding in the amount of $1.5 million to supplement the rent of persons at risk of becoming homeless.  The bill is in the Ways & Means (WAM) committee. Funding will be included in the budget (HB1600) so no hearing.
  • HB2512 HD2 SD1 – Extends the ohana zones pilot program for homeless shelter and housing through June 30, 2026.
  • HB1744 HD2 SD1 – Authorizes issuance of a GO bond to build 100 supportive housing units and appropriates $2.5 million to provide a triage center with comprehensive services—mental health, substance abuse, medical services and counseling—to house and support the most vulnerable homeless.
  • HB2512 HD2 SD1 – Extends the ohana zones for homeless shelter and housing.

Sea Level Rise  

  • HB1669 HD1 SD1 – Focuses on community planning for sea level rise by establishing a working group to develop a Waikiki Adaptation and Resilience Plan. The bill has been referred to its final Senate committee on Ways and Means.
  • HB1672 HD1 SD1 – This bill seeks to expand the use of special district (such as Waikiki) funds to cover environmental research, restoration and maintenance; natural resource management; and natural hazard mitigation to improve environmental conditions and provide community benefits. The bill is scheduled for its final hearing in the Senate committees on Judiciary and Ways and Means.  Please continue to support this measure by submitting testimony.  

Kupuna Care and Support

  • SB2678 SD2 HD1 Appropriates funds to expand the Hawaii state health insurance assistance program to provide outreach and information on medicare. The bill has been referred to the House Finance committee and is pending a hearing.
  • SB2677 SD1 HD1 – Addresses the need for rental assistance among kupuna 62 years and older who are homeless or on the verge of becoming homeless.  The bill is scheduled to be heard in House Finance on Tuesday, April 5th.
  • SB2679 SD2 HD1 – Extends the renewal period for licenses to 4 years for those who are seventy-two years of age or older. The bill was passed by its final House committee on Consumer Protection.
  • HB1824 HD1 SD1 – Appropriates funds and staff for the Long-Term Care Ombudsmen Program Specialist positions which help identify, investigate, and resolve complaints that are made by, or on behalf of kupuna in residential care homes/nursing homes. Both houses have approved placing 5 positions in the budget (HB1600) so no hearing needed.
  • HB1823 HB2 SD1 – Supports the Our Care, Our Choice Act sol terminally ill have access to the full-range of end-of-life care options; authorizing advanced practice registered nurses and physician assistants to practice medical aid in dying counseling and reduces waiting period. The bill was passed by the final Senate committees on Consumer Protection and Judiciary.  

The coming week is one of the last opportunities to submit public input.  Please continue to testify and make your voice heard. Testimony is crucial to the success of the bills that have made it thus far. If you have any questions on submitting testimony, please contact our office and 586-6740.  

State News

Governor Ige & First Lady kick-off Washington Place’s 175th Anniversary Events 

Gov. David Ige and First Lady Dawn Amano-Ige welcomed former governors, first ladies, other community leaders and fourth grade students from across the state to Washington Place on March 31st, for the opening ceremony and proclamation signing marking the historic home’s 175th anniversary. 
This year marks 175 years since the construction of Washington Place, which served as the official residence of Queen Liliʻuokalani and her husband, John Dominis, as well as former territorial and state governors. The opening ceremony included a special performance by fourth graders from Hawaiʻi’s public schools, including 120 students from Nuuanu, Keolu and Ke Kula Kaiapuni ʻo Ānuenue Elementary Schools. They were joined by more than 2,000 additional fourth graders representing 38 schools across the state, dancing simultaneously to Ē Liliʻu Ē at their respective campuses.

See the video here. For a link to a list of Hawaiʻi Department of Education schools that participated in the virtual hula performance, click here. The Royal Hawaiian Band will also hold a special concert at Washington Place on Saturday, April 2, 2022. It is free and open to the public. A link to register for the event can be found here

DOH Outlines Plans as the COVID-19 Pandemic Evolves
Now that the mask mandate has been lifted and travel quarantine has ended, what will the next phase of the pandemic look like for the state?  The answer depends on any new variants, but the good news is that we know more about responding to COVID-19 than we did two years ago. In a March legislative briefing, health director Dr. Libby Char and state epidemiologist Dr. Sarah Kemble outlined DOH’s plans to keep the community safe as restrictions drop.  For more information, click here.

DLNR Site Offers New ‘Island Hubs’ App for Exploring

With Earth Day approaching in the month of April, now is a perfect time to explore the islands – either in person or virtually.  To help, the state Department of Land and Natural Resources has launched a new website update to make it easier to find several resources specific to each island.  The upgraded hub provides information on everything from Hawaii’s native species, hiking trails, protected areas, and volunteer opportunities. For more information, click here.

Earth Day and Volunteer Week in Hawaii 2022

The largest volunteer-focused campaign in the state – also marking Earth Day April 22 – gets underway this month with Kanu Hawaii, multiple community partners and thousands of volunteers. The annual event is an opportunity to encourage people to engage with their communities and recognize volunteers for their year-round contributions. During April 17-23, residents, visitors, non-profits, businesses, schools and government agencies will join forces across the state to help the environment and invest in their communities for a more sustainable future. For more information, click here.

District Happenings 

McCully-Moiliili Neighborhood Board No. 8—April Recess

Join the next regular meeting on Thursday, May 5, 2022 (location to be determined).
Visit the Neighborhood Commission Office website for details.

HCDA General and Kaka’ako Board Meetings – April 6

See the agendas for the April 6, 2022 HCDA General and Kakaako Board meetings. Meetings will be convened remotely via Zoom. The public is welcome to participate and view the meetings.
General Meeting – Click here 
Kakaako Board Meeting – Click here 

Weekend Waysides 

Malama Aina Community Cleanup and The Barn at SALT at Our Kakaako

Celebrate Earth Month with a morning outdoors volunteering to keep the Our Kakaako neighborhood clean. Join Our Kakaako, Waterfront Plaza, and Surfrider Foundation for a free community cleanup in the nine mauka blocks of the Our Kakaako neighborhood and Mother Waldron Park. Check in at The Barn at SALT at Our Kakaako at 327 Keawe Street on Saturday April 2 starting at 9:00 a.m. and receive a map, biodegradable trash bag, and reusable gloves. 

After collecting trash and placing it at the designated trash drop-off location, head back to The Barn to drop off your tools and grab a beverage and something to eat. For your comfort, bring your own water in a reusable bottle, reef-safe sunscreen, a hat, and shades or protective eyewear. Also, please wear a mask and social distance when in The Barn. To keep this event safe, the number of volunteers is limit4ed to 200, so pre-register today but walk-ins will not be turned away.

Learn How to Ride with Confidence and Control on the Open Road

Feeling a bit frightened to bike on the streets of Hawai‘i? Honolulu Bicycling League is here to help you with that! Bring your bicycle to Kaka’ako Waterfront park on April 3 from 3:30-5:30PM for a FREE hands-on workshop. Learn what your rights are as a cyclist and why exercising them is key to having a comfortable & enjoyable bike ride, better your bike control, learn how to perform an easy safety check on your bike, and lots more! Space is limited and pre-registration is required. Register and find more details here!
Honolulu Tool Library Workshops
Have you ever thought of picking up a new hobby like woodworking or 3D printing? Honolulu Tool Library offers an array of workshop classes to take your DIY game to the next level! Their next workshop is an Introduction to 3D Printing which will be held at 200 Keawe St on April 2 from 3-5PM. Reserve your spot and check out other workshops here: https://hnltoollibrary.org/classes

Weekend Waysides 

Food-A-Go-Go Week from March 23 – April 6

Hawaii Agricultural Foundation is hosting their second Food-A-Go-Go Week and will run from March 23 – April 6. Food-A-Go-Go Week will join a yearlong public awareness campaign called Localicious® Hawai‘i that highlights restaurants and businesses that use locally sourced ingredients or products in their offerings. Local restaurants and businesses participating in Food-A-Go-Go Week will feature local products, special menu, dish, and/or prefix menu. Proceeds of this campaign will benefit Hawaii Agricultural Foundation (HAF) K-12 ag education programs, which have served over 18,000 students since 2014. Find participating restaurants and businesses hereYou can also enter their sweepstakes to win a $100 Restaurant Gift Card! Enter to win here!

“Extraordinary Elderhood” at the Waikiki Community Center

The Waikiki Community Center will be hosting a 3-part series presented by Dr. Larry A. Grimm called “Spiritual Tasks to Make Your Elderhood Extraordinary”. All events are FREE and will be held at 310 Paoakalani Ave. Parking is on the Paoakalani entrance and will be free. Participants are asked to carpool if possible. Call the Waikiki Community Center at 808-923-1802 to register. For more information on any of the three sessions listed below, please contact Merle Okino O’Neill at moneill@waikikicommunitycenter.org.  

Spiritual Tasks to Make Your Elderhood Extraordinary
Session #1 – “Grieving”: April 6, 1pm – 2pm, Free, Auditorium
Session #2 – “Sorting out our stories” and “Forgiving”: April 13, 1pm – 2pm, Free, Auditorium
Session #3 –  “Preparing” and “Letting go”: April 20, 1pm – 2pm, Free, Auditorium

Our office will continue to be here to serve you. If you enjoy our newsletter, it’s always appreciated to share it with a family, friend or community member.

If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to respond to this email or email me here: my inbox is always open. You can also give our office a call at (808) 586-6740. Mahalo for waking up to our newsletter! Have a great day!





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