We hear, and We Act!

Annual Town Hall Meeting

…this government of the people, by the people, for the people…” 

— Abraham Lincoln 

We had a wonderful Town Hall meeting on zoom this past Wednesday! Every Legislative Session, I get together with my colleagues representing this District to “talk story” with the community about the issues facing our District. Thank you to everyone who tuned in! Your questions steered our conversation! Many questions were about homelessness and what the state is doing to support and fund programs to help them. If you scroll down, you’ll be able to link to the bills progressing through the Legislative Session about homelessness. Other questions were about excessive noise, which many of you expressed is one of the primary issues facing our community. Below, we have provided a list of major noise-related bills that are moving through the legislature. 

Town halls are truly all about people and communities and all of us connecting together for a greater good – a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. 

Caring for each other!



Legislative Session Updates

Bill Updates
Many bills of interest are moving so do weigh in. We can’t list them all but since excessive noise was a concern to so many, see below. You have been heard! There are a number of bills on excessive noise:

  • SB2124 SD1 RELATING TO NOISE CONTROL—This is a comprehensive regulatory and enforcement bill, establishing maximum permissible noise levels in various zones, enables police to measure noise level and cite for violations; and stiffens penalties, including revocation of licenses, for violations of noise levels. The bill passed the Senate Committees on Government Operations and Health and will be heard by the Senate Committees on Consumer Protection and Judiciary on Tuesday 3/1 at 10am.
  • SB2125 RELATING TO LIQUOR LICENSESTo deter establishments from knowingly violating excessive noise along with other liquor laws, this bill increases the maximum allowable fine from $2,000 to $5,000. The bill passed its final Senate Committee on Judiciary today– Friday, Feb. 25—and once it is voted on by the full Senate watch for it in the House.
  • SB2127 SD1 RELATING TO NOISE POLLUTION—Establishes a noise pollution task force within the Department of Health to investigate noise pollution and provide recommendations on how to better regulate excessive noise pollution throughout the State, from both stationary and non-stationary sources. The bill was passed by the Senate Committees on Health and Transportation; and is moving to the Judiciary and Ways and Means Committees.
  • SB2382 RELATING TO CABARET LICENSES—To prohibit cabarets open until 4am in residential apartment mixed use districts in the Waikiki special district. This bill was passed by the Senate Committee on Consumer Protection and will now go to the full Senate for a vote; and will be then moving to the House.
  • SB3162 SD1 RELATING TO AUDIBLE REVERSE WARNING SYSTEMS—For the health and safety of residents, this bill seeks to replace the current audible reverse warning systems (back-up beepers) on state and county-owned commercial and construction vehicles with more effective broadband reversing alarms to mitigate noisy beepers. The bill was passed by the Senate Committee on Transportation and hearing by the Senate Judiciary Committee is March 3.
  • SB2159SD1 RELATING TO LEAF BLOWERS—Restrictions on use of leaf blowers will apply to government and clarifies residential zone as residential, apartment and business mixed use districts. The bill passed the Senate Health & Government Operations Committees and will be heard by the Senate Judiciary Committee on Feb 28.

There are a number of bills on homeless and services to them. One that will go a long way to ending homelessness — a coordinated, long-term and comprehensive homeless solutions office: 

  • SB2370SD1/HB1648 HD1 RELATING TO HOMELESS—This bill establishes one permanent state agency on homelessness and housing solutions responsible for ending homelessness. It was passed the Senate Committees on Human Services, Government Operations, and Ways & Means so it will go to the full Senate for vote; and in the House it has cleared the House Housing and Health&Human Services Committees and referred to House Finance Committee.

On our environment and addressing sea level rise: 

  • SB2725SD1/HB1672HD1 RELATING TO SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS—Expands the scope of special improvement districts like Waikiki to address not only business development but environmental restoration and management and community benefits. The Senate Water&Land and Government Operations Committees passed the bill and moved it to the Judiciary/Ways&Means Committees. In the House the bill passed the Water&Land and Energy&Environmental Protection Committees and will be heard by the Finance Committee on Feb 28.
  • SB2724SD1 RELATING TO SEA LEVEL RISE ADAPTATION—Convenes a working group to develop a community Waikiki adaptation and resilience plan to address climate change and sea level rise. It passed the Senate Water&Land Committee and moves to the Ways&Means Committee. 

There are hundreds of other bills. Be sure to register on the legislative website so you can follow and weigh in on those important to you here. It’s really easy. If you have problems or questions, call us at 586-6740.

How to participate in Session? 
Questions about how to write testimony and the legislative process? Contact the Capitol’s Public Access Room Team of Virginia, Keanu, and Ashley! Visit their website or phone them at (808) 587-0478 or email at par@capitol.hawaii.gov.

How to watch a hearing live or recorded?
You may watch and participate in hearings from anywhere in the world with internet connectivity! Please connect to the Hawaii State Senate’s YouTube Channel.

State and Local News

Bicycle Lane Refresh
Protected bicycle lanes encourage more people to bicycle safely and bicycling helps our environment and is a proactive healthy way to travel around our District. Periodically, these bicycle lanes need refreshing. This Saturday, February 26, 2022, between 6:30 am and 7:30 am, a portion of a bicycle lane in our District on Pensacola Street will be repaired. Big mahalo to the American Public Works Association (APWA) – Hawaii Chapter– and the First Baptist Church for their support and service! Please learn more by clicking here

COVID-19 Resources
There is still time to request an in-home covid vaccination for those having difficulty getting to a vaccination site.  Call the State Department of Health at (808)586-8332 and select “in-home vaccination” from their automated list and then a person will come on the line to assist you.  For additional information on covid metrics, vaccinations and testing see below:

SNAP, First-To-Work & TANF Offices Restart In-Person Services!
The State Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and First-To-Work Financial Assistance program are open for in-person assistance once again so you have a choice of in-person, online or phone call help. For in-person assistance you can visit their office in our District at 677 Queen Street. In-person services are available Monday through Friday (except holidays), 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Please click here for more information. 

Mark Your Calendars

“Preschool Open Doors” Program Applications – Deadline March 31st
Apply for the “Preschool Open Doors” (POD) program through March 31, 2022. The program provides subsidies that families may use at any state-licensed preschool! Children entering kindergarten in the 2023-2024 school year (born between August 1, 2017 and July 31, 2018) are eligible but priority is given to underserved or at-risk children. Funding and space is limited, so please request an application as soon as possible from PATCH, by visiting patchhawaii.org or calling 791-2130 or toll free 1-800-746-5620. PATCH can also help families locate a preschool convenient for them. 

Neighborhood Board Meetings
Our office participates in Neighborhood Board Meetings located in our District. We look forward to seeing you there!

Homelessness: Monthly Webinar
The Governor’s Coordinator on Homelessness convenes monthly webinar sessions homelessness and behavioral health topics. For more information, please contact Special Assistant Jason Kasamoto at 808-208-3712 or email at jason.s.kasamoto@hawaii.gov
. To view past webinars, click here. For more information on this month’s webinarand the webinar registration link, click here.

National Consumer Protection Week (NCPW) Starts March 7, 2022
The State Dept of Commerce & Consumer Affairs (DCCA) is hosting the 18th Annual NCPW Fair with five free scam prevention workshops, March 7-11, 10 am HST. Learn from experts on how to protect yourself from various scams and what you can do to become a smarter consumer. For a link to the workshops, click here. Also being offered is the Consumer Wise packed filled with consumer protection brochures. Consumers can request a hard copy packet or electronic version by emailing education@dcca.hawaii.gov.

Weekend Waysides & Upcoming Events

Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too?
Disney animation legend, James Coleman, will be at the Park West Gallery in Waikiki this Saturday from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm. He is the artist renowned at Disney Studios for painting the most amazing backgrounds for their animated films. His work includes the backgrounds for “Winnie the Pooh and Tigger, too”, “The Little Mermaid”, and “Beauty and the Beast” among many other Disney animated films. He will do a live painting demonstration and an hour-long Q&A discussing his fine art and remarkable career at Disney. Free and open to the public.

King’s Runner 10K
On your mark, get set, ready…..go! Be sure to register soon for the King’s Runner 10K happening in our District’s Thomas Square. The run is set for Sunday, March 6th. It’s a flat course with no time limit. Both runners and walkers are welcome! Be sure to register soon! Register and learn more here.

Hawaii Entrepreneur Resource Fair – March 4
Coming to our District on March 4 is the largest entrepreneur resource fair in the State! In partnership with Kamehameha Schools, the Hawaiʻi Entrepreneur Resource Fair will be held at SALT at our Kakaʻako from 5:30pm-8:00pm. The Fair is aimed at equipping local entrepreneurs with the resources they need to start their own company and help stimulate our local economy. The Fair will connect entrepreneurs and small business owners with the resources, education, and business support to help them in their current or future business endeavor. Biggest mahalo to major sponsors – Central Pacific Bank, the Patsy Mink Center for Business & Leadership, SALTLIGHT, and the US Small Business Administration! Free to the public. Learn more by clicking here.

Our office will continue to be here to serve you. If you enjoy our newsletter, it’s always appreciated to share it with a family, friend or community member. 

If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to respond to this email or email me here: my inbox is always open. You can also give our office a call at (808) 586-6740. Mahalo for waking up to our newsletter! Have a great day!





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