Thank you to everyone who participated in the legislative process this past week! Together, you all made a difference. Your testimonies were well received and all your words resonated with deep care for our community.
Twenty-four State Senators also put our words to paper in a very strongly written letter to the U.S Navy expressing our “grave concerns” over their judicial appeal of the State Department of Health’s emergency order to immediately suspend operations at the Red Hill fuel storage facility due to leakage and potential threat to Oahu’s aquifer. Our letter stated that the military’s action “is an error in judgment that will have detrimental ramifications to the Navy’s relationship to the people of Hawai‘i. Hiding behind legal maneuvers may forestall doing the right thing—for now,” the letter later states. But any potential victories in court further cement your losses in the court of public opinion. Those tactics convey a complete lack of respect for our community and a total disinterest in favorable military-community relations in Hawai‘i. Please learn more and read our letter in its entirety here
Words have power! Keep writing and submitting testimony and making change happen!
Wishing everyone a wonderful Valentine’s Day!
