Coming Together To Make Hawaii Better

“The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual.”<!–

“The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual.”

Vince Lombardi

What happens at the Legislature is about many individuals coming together to make Hawaii stronger, healthier, and better! Our Senate Committee on Government Operations (GVO) held its first hearing of the session on Thursday January 27th; and will be actively holding hearings. I am excited and honored to chair this Committee with Vice Chair Sen. Donovan Dela Cruz. People sometimes ask me, “what exactly is Government Operations?” So… if you really want to know…. the Senate Rules defines the committee’s purview as:

“…the programs relating to state government operations policy, including government efficiency, the Procurement Code, and state facilities … implementation and innovation of technology…and programs and issues addressed by the State’s Chief Information Officer and the Office of Enterprise Technology Services…and this year county issues.”

It may not sound too exciting or interesting, but know that we focus on supporting government agencies working more efficiently and more cost-effectively to serve the changing needs of our state. You can get a view of the GVO Committee hearings on the Hawaii State Senate’s YouTube Channel – here.

While the Capitol building remains closed for now, our phone, email and zoom lines are open and welcoming – our contact information and updates on legislation are located here! And if you haven’t, do register on one of the best websites on what’s happening at the Legislature. Check out the Capitol Public Access Room Team — Virginia, Keanu, and Ashley! Visit their website or contact them directly at (808) 587-0478 or email

Caring for you!








These two bills impact quality of life in Hawaii and are receiving priority hearings by the State Senate. During the first seven days of Session, both have already been heard in Committees. I joined together with my colleagues to co-introduced these bills and we are working diligently to get them passed this Session.

SB2018 Relating to Minimum Wage
We are working towards ensuring people can earn a “living wage” in Hawaii and this bill proposes to help make that happen by increasing the minimum wage for certain employees. Currently, the minimum wage in Hawaii is $10.10/hour. This bill proposes to increase it to $12.00/hour beginning in 2022, then $15.00/hour in 2024, and $18.00/hour in 2026. With strong support from constituents in our District, I signed on to be a co-introducer of this Senate Bill. On January 28th, I voted to pass this bill out of the Senate and we hope the House is as quick to support our state’s workers. Keep track of this Bill’s progress and see how to submit your testimony by clicking here.

SB2172 Relating to Underground Fuel Storage Tanks
All of our island water aquifers need to be protected. This bill would prohibit future underground fuel storage tanks within one-half mile of an aquifer (or even further). Our water is precious and the Senate is working hard to protect it. I signed on to co-introduce this bill. Keep track of this bill’s progress and see how to submit your testimony by clicking here




Updated Quarantine Guidance from the DOH:
You must quarantine if you have been within 6 feet of a person with COVID-19 for 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period (regardless of mask use) UNLESS one of the following is true:

  • you are up-to-date on COVID-19 vaccinations, OR
  • you have recovered from COVID-19 within the last 90 days (confirmed positive using a viral test).

COVID 19 Resources:
Vaccine/Booster dose locations – click here 
Testing locations – or 
COVID-19 Daily Metrics Updates from DOH – click here
State of Hawaii COVID Portal – click here 




Waikiki – as the Ocean Expands, what will happen?
What will happen to Waikiki when the ocean rises 3.2 feet between years 2050 and 2100? Politico Magazine published an in-depth article this week about this very pressing issue. They reported — “With nobody else stepping up to take action, last year (Sen. Sharon) Moriwaki assembled a working group… to design a comprehensive adaptation plan for Waikiki …This month, Moriwaki submitted legislation that, if passed, would provide $800,000 for the state to create the plan, which would then get implemented by the City and County of Honolulu…” You can read the article here. If you are concerned and want to get involved, send your testimony to support SB2724; and then continue to track this bill’s progress.

Ala Wai Watershed Flood Mitigation Plan – Submit Your Comments
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the City and County of Honolulu are asking for more public input for their proposed flood mitigation plans that affect our District immensely. A few years ago, their initial proposal was to build 4-foot-tall walls completely around the Ala Wai and we need to make absolutely sure they develop other solutions! Our Ala Wai Watershed is at high risk for widespread flooding affecting 200,000 people living along the Makiki, Manoa, and Palolo streams, and the Ala Wai Canal. Climate change increases these risks. It’s very important to submit comments and ideas. The website has a lot of information on it and below are links to the most relevant sections…

  • Click here to read about their plan.
  • Past public workshop materials are located here
  • Preliminary comment tracking spreadsheet – click here
  • You can submit comments via their “Crowd Source Reporter”, a GIS app 
  • Or, contact them directly. Click here for their contact information.

Traffic Advisory – Roadwork on Kona Street in our District
Kona Street, between Pensacola Street and Piikoi Street, will be partially closed for repairs from Monday, Jan. 31, 2022, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. to Friday, February 11, 2022 (weather and conditions permitting). Please use alternate routes. Access to driveways may be restricted while work is being performed. For questions, please contact the City’s Division of Road Maintenance at (808) 768-3632.




Virtual Career Fair by DiversityX
DiversityX connects Black Americans, Latinx, Asian Americans, Native Americans, Women, People with Disabilities, and members of the LGBTQIA+ community with top companies. Their career fairs are organized in a rapid-interview style to ensure every candidate has the opportunity to talk to their company of choice. It’s free! Learn more about DiversityX. This virtual career fair is being held on Thursday, February 3, 2022 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. To register, please click here.

Neighborhood Board Meetings
What is a “Neighborhood Board”? The City and County of Honolulu’s Neighborhood Board System increases community participation in government. Oahu has neighborhood boards island-wide. Please be sure to sign up to automatically receive information about the Neighborhood Board(s) you are most interested in – click here — very easy to do! Here are Neighborhood Boards in our District. Our office participates in their meetings and we look forward to seeing you there!

Source: Royal Hawaiian Center website

Lunar New Year Dragon Dance & Calligraphy too!
February 1st is the official first day of the Chinese New Year! Ring in the Lunar Year of the Tiger at Royal Hawaiian Center in Waikiki! The Center will hold special Lunar New Year cultural festivities and giveaways. Watch the Lion dance from store to store. Receive a beautifully written good luck fortune too! Calligraphy on Feb. 1st, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm. Lion dance on Feb. 1st, 5:00 pm – 5:30 pm at the Royal Hawaiian Center.



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