Honoring Dr. King by Serving the Community

Martin Luther King, Jr. speaking at the UH Andrews Outdoor Theatre, February 19, 1964 (Miyamoto Photograph Collection, UH Mānoa Library). First Session of the Hawaii State Legislature, Iolani Palace 1959.

“Everybody can be great because everybody can serve”
— Martin Luther King Jr.

Dr. King’s leadership, courage, and eloquence made the world change for the better. In 1959, when we became a state, Dr. King spoke in our District’s McKinley High School Auditorium (yes, the same auditorium there today!). He also addressed the very First Hawaii State Legislature which met in Iolani Palace. Dr. King said of Hawaii — “As I looked at all of these various faces and various colors mingled together like the waters of the sea, I could see only one face — the face of the future!”

The following words come from one of the last sermons he gave in his home church, Ebenezer Baptist Church, in 1968. Every time I read them; I am deeply moved for he talks about the potential of everyone…

“If you want to be important—wonderful. If you want to be recognized—wonderful. If you want to be great—wonderful. But recognize that he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. That’s a new definition of greatness. By giving that definition of greatness, it means that everybody can be great, because everybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You don’t have to know about Plato and Aristotle to serve. You don’t have to know Einstein’s theory of relativity to serve. You don’t have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love. And you can be that servant.”

On Monday, we celebrate Dr. King! Learn how Stevie Wonder played a key role in establishing this federal holiday after years of failed attempts in Congress and listen to this spirit filled celebration of the very first National holiday honoring Dr. King in 1986 hosted by Stevie Wonder and friends joining together from three cities!

With most humble grace and love,


In honor of Dr. King, discover new ways to serve the community! Check out Volunteer Match — a wonderful nonprofit that believes everyone should have the chance to make a difference and they make it easy for good people and good causes to connect! Learn more about them by clicking here. To find a match for volunteering in Honolulu, please click here.



We are excited to be preparing for the Legislative Session and look forward to serving you! Meet our team! You can put a face to the voice you hear on the phone or to an email you may receive! From left to right – Senator Moriwaki; Charles Izumoto, our Office Manager, Kaley Vatalaro, our Committee Clerk; and our newest team member Heather Brittain, our Session Legislative Aide.

The official start of the 2022 Legislative Session is 10:00 am on January 19th! Connect to the State Senate’s YouTube channel to watch the proceedings. The 2022 Session calendar is located here. While the Capitol building remains closed for now, our phone, email and zoom lines are open and welcoming – our contact information and updates on legislation are located here!


Public Schools — K-12th — Updated COVID-19 Guidance
The Hawaii Department of Education updated the “Return to School/Work Criteria” and is asking ALL employees, students, contractors, and visitors to their schools to complete this Daily Wellness Checklist every morning BEFORE going to school regardless of vaccination status (their updated guidance is located on page 2). Everyone, let’s be sure to do our part to help keep our students, educators and community safe so please spend a moment every morning to check your daily wellness!

Resources – COVID-19
Vaccine/Booster dose locations – Click Here
Testing locations – AlohaClear.com or Hawaiicovid19.com
COVID-19 Daily Metrics Updates from DOH – Click Here
State of Hawaii COVID Portal – Click Here


Hawaii DMV Profile Phishing Scam
The Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) has alerted us of a scam that asks for social security and license plate numbers. The phishing link is sent out on an email from profileinfos@hat.kr
stating: “You have an incomplete Hawaii DMV contact information [sic] on your Hawaii Department of Motor Vehicle [sic]. You are required to update your Hawaii DMV profile. Thanks. Hawaii Department of Motor Vehicle [sic]”

Know that motor vehicle registration and licensing is conducted by the Counties. DMV information would not be solicited over email. The County DMVs would send an individualized letter or call the registered owner directly to request the information be submitted in person. No sensitive information would be requested over the phone.

If you have received this phishing email, please do not click on the links within. Delete it immediately.


Dept. of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) Project in Our District!
A new 23-story high rise consisting of 270 affordable rental units for Native Hawaiian beneficiaries of the Hawaii Homes Commission Act is planned for our District at 820 Isenberg Street (by the Old Stadium Park where the Stadium Bowl-O-Drome bowling alley used to be). To learn more and watch the recorded Beneficiary Consultation meeting click here.

Tech Job Fair is Virtual
It’s time for the Tech Job Fair put on by Hawaii’s High Tech Development Corporation (HTDC) of our State Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism (DBEDT). On January 21, 2022, Friday, 9:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. jobseekers can link virtually to find a job with tech companies and startups in Hawaii. There will also be “live” sessions about trends in the tech industry, including a presentation by Stripe, a San Francisco company that built a “remote talent base” pre-pandemic. Visit the HTDC website to learn more at: www.htdc.org/techjobfair.

Workforce Hawaii Job Fair
The City also holding a job fair on January 26th both online and in-person at the Blaisdell Center in our District! Please be sure to upload your resume to increase your opportunity for an interview. Employers from a broad array of industries, including the City & County of Honolulu, are participating. Click here to learn more!

How Should the City Spend Federal Recovery Funds?
Please complete this City & County of Honolulu’s survey which will help decide how our county government spends Federal Recovery Funds! Mayor Rick Blangiardi says that “…this survey along with feedback from the Honolulu City Council and other stakeholders will inform our priorities and decision-making for federal recovery funds. I encourage every resident on Oʻahu to share their ideas with us through the survey.” Our county government will receive a total of $386 million federal funds. The survey will be open to the public through February 14, 2022.

Join a Citizens Patrol!
Please check the Honolulu Police Department’s Community Calendar to see when and where the Citizens Patrol in your neighborhood will be meeting — click here. All ages and pets are welcomed! Great way to meet new friends, get in some walking exercise, and serve your community!

Neighborhood Board Meetings
What is a “Neighborhood Board”? The City and County of Honolulu’s Neighborhood Board System increases community participation in government. Oahu has neighborhood boards island-wide. Please be sure to sign up to automatically receive information about the Neighborhood Board(s) you are most interested in – click here — very easy to do! Here are Neighborhood Boards in our District. Our office participates in their meetings and we look forward to seeing you there!


Honolulu (Night Work)
Center lane closure on Ala Moana Boulevard in the eastbound direction between South Street and Forrest Avenue on Tuesday, Jan. 18, through Friday, Jan. 21 from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. and from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m., for flow monitoring.

Honolulu (Night Work)
Right lane closure on Ala Moana Boulevard in the eastbound direction between Keawe Street and Coral Street on Tuesday, Jan. 18, through Friday, Jan. 21 from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. and from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m., for flow monitoring.

Full closure of Ala Moana Boulevard in the eastbound direction between Atkinson Drive and Kalakaua Avenue on Tuesday, Jan. 18, through Friday, Jan. 21 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., for MLK Day Parade. Traffic will be contraflowed in the westbound lanes.

Full closure of Ala Moana Boulevard in the eastbound direction between Ward Avenue and Cooke Street on Tuesday, Jan. 18, through Friday, Jan. 21 from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m., for resurfacing work. Traffic will be contraflowed.


Jan. 16: Honolulu Museum of Art January Family Sunday, 11:00am
Support the Arts! From 11am-2pm, the Honolulu Museum of Art will be having in-person art-making, story time, a drawing prompt, and a gallery hunt. Please reserve your free ticket at honolulumuseum.org to confirm your allotted timed entry.

Copyright © 2022 Hawaii State Senate, All rights reserved.

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