‘Tis the Season

“It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.”
Mother Teresa (Saint Teresa of Calcutta)

This is the season of caring and giving. You can join others in the gift of giving.

Marine Toys for Tots – Oahu
During this pandemic, more Hawaii families than ever need your help with Christmas gifts for their children.  Requests have already exceeded 19,000 children. You can help by giving new, unwrapped gift and dropping off at one of the sites throughout the island. Click here for drop off locations and more information

The mission of Marine Toys for Tots Foundation is to assist the U. S. Marine Corps in providing hope at Christmas to economically disadvantaged children.  This Foundation is a top rated charity and has earned a four-star ranking by Guidestar and meets all 20 standards of the Better Business Bureau WiseGiving Alliance. All donations sent to the Hawaii location will directly benefit Hawaii children!  Currently in short supply are gifts for two age groups : newborn to age 2 and age 11 to 17.   Deadline to drop off gifts is 5:00 pm Friday (Dec. 17th).  You can also make an online monetary donation too!

DonorsChoose – Crowdfunding Teacher Projects
The Department of Education (HIDOE) and Salesforce Chair & Co-CEO Marc Benioff and his wife Lynne are partnering to fund $3 million in teachers’ requests for classroom resources created on the education crowdfunding nonprofit DonorsChoose.   $1.6 million of this funding was applied to teachers’ projects, and the remaining funds will support requests throughout this academic year. The Benioffs, who have strong ties to the islands, have given $1.5 million to match the funding from the HIDOE.  You too can donate to projects created by Hawaii teachers including those in our District!  Click here.


DOH Expands Booster Authorization to 16 and 17-Year-Olds
The Department of Health (DOH) is adopting expanded guidelines from U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on COVID-19 booster vaccinations. Hawaii residents ages 16 and 17 may receive a booster dose if it has been at least six months since the completion of the initial series of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.  Teens 16-17 years old are only eligible to receive a booster dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.  Vaccines are widely available across the state. Find a convenient location at https://hawaiicovid19.com/vaccine/.  For more info, click here.

Family and friends returning home for the holidays?
Here is helpful information about the Hawaii Safe Travels program to help family and friends prepare for traveling to Hawaii for the holidays…

Domestic Travelers: “Individuals arriving from the U.S. or its Territories who are fully vaccinated may enter Hawaii without pre-travel testing/quarantine starting the 14th day after the completion of their vaccination. The vaccination record document must be uploaded onto Safe Travels and printed out prior to departure and the traveler must have a hard copy in hand when arriving in Hawaii. The State of Hawai‘i will also accept vaccine records that are digitally validated by Digital Health Pass Partners (AZOVACLEAR and CommonPass). Travelers who use one of the State’s partners to link their digitally validated vaccine records with Safe Travels may enjoy expedited processing at the airport (no secondary visual inspection of paper vaccine records). More information on the FAQ page.”

International Travelers: “There are no additional State of Hawaii requirements for passengers flying directly into Hawaiʻi from an international destination. The airlines will screen passengers prior to their departure to the U.S. International passengers entering the U.S. from another state or territory will be treated as domestic travelers when entering the State of Hawai‘i.}  Click here for more information.

Annual insurance check: It’s a good idea to review your policies
The Insurance Division of the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA) encourages you to review your insurance policies, including homeowners, hurricane, flood, auto, and any others, at least once a year. Read more, download your copy of Annual Review of Your Insurance Policies at http://cca.hawaii.gov/ins/resources

Local hubs launched for forestry & wildlife information
The Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Forestry & Wildlife (DOFAW) launched new website and social media to provide easier access to information about natural resources and recreation opportunities.  The newly redesigned website features a number of user-focused updates, including the ability to filter statewide information by island.  Any hub can be accessed from the main DOFAW homepage by clicking on the menu option for “Island Hubs.”

DOFAW has also launched new online learning tools that allow exploration from home or from the classroom, including:


Got a question on ID or Vehicle services for the City? Check this out
The City recently rolled out a chatbot on its website to instantly answer the simplest and most frequently asked questions from thousands of Oahu residents.  Named “Akamai”—it is equipped to deliver quick voice or text responses to more than 100 questions primarily related to motor vehicle and personal ID services.  Click here to access Akamai!  The chat and voice recognition features will get smarter as residents use them.  Capabilities will be added as new needs arise, including conversing in multiple languages.

Survey launched to gather community input on Shore Water Events
The City Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) is inviting you to share your thoughts and opinions on proposed revisions to rules governing Shore Water Events around Oahu.  Shore Water Events typically include activities that involve permitted use of coastal and beach areas for the purpose of accessing the ocean, such as: surf contests, canoe regattas, triathlons, and swim races.  The questions focus on proposed revisions to DPR’s Shore Water Rules that include possible changes to regulations regarding gender equity, event parameters, and impacts of Shore Water Events on the community.  For more information, click here.

2022 Real Property Notice of Assessments Coming
On or before December 15, 2021 the City will distribute approximately 302,000 Real Property Notices for the 2022-23 tax year via the United States Postal Service or by email (for those who have subscribed to electronic delivery).  In urban Honolulu, where our District 12 is located, real property assessments increased by 5.3%.  The notice of assessment is not a tax bill.  All 2022 assessed values reflect the value of real property in their entirety (fee simple) as of October 1, 2021, and are derived from sales of similar property through June 30, 2021.

Property owners should call the Appeal Hotline at (808) 768-7000 from December 15, 2021 through January 14, 2022, during the business hours of 7:45 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. HST for assistance with any questions. Inquiries may also be submitted via email to bfsrpmailbox@honolulu.gov.  Property owners who wish to dispute their real property assessment may file an appeal during the period of December 15, 2021 to January 15, 2022. The City has deadlines that must be followed as well as a $50 deposit for each appeal. For more information, click here.

$500 Prize Giveaway at SALT at our Kakaako
SALT at our Kakaako is celebrating this magical season with a Wish Aloha + 12 Days to Christmas Countdown Giveaway!  $500 in prizes from our unique local merchants will be given away. See @saltourkakaako on Instagram for details on how you can enter.  SALT will be fulfilling wishes for multiple members of the community as we countdown the days to Christmas!  A combined total of $500 in gift cards and gifts will be awarded during the giveaway period. No purchase necessary. Open to Hawaii residents 21+.

Visit Ala Moana Center for Contactless Photos with Santa
From November 18 – December 24, make memories that last this holiday season with a contactless photo with Santa. Your pet can also take a photo with Santa on Mondays.  Reservations are encouraged! Social distancing will be enforced and safety protocols will be conducted.  Photos with Santa is located on Mall Level 2, Ewa Wing between Oakley and Tesla.  Click here for details and to RSVP.


Dec. 17 & 19:  Kupuna Digital Literacy and Tutoring Services
The Hawaii State Library and AARP Hawaii are pleased to announce the Kupuna Digital Literacy and Tutoring Services available at two library locations near our district:

Also, if you know of any volunteers who want to help as a tech tutor, and are available on the dates and times for each library, please have them contact the library directly.  Both volunteers and people looking for tech help can call the library branch directly for more information.

Dec. 18:  Online Conversation Circle: Gems from the Wisdom Traditions (free)
Saturday, December 18, 2021; 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Sponsored by the Still and Moving Center (located in our very own District 12!)
Gems from the Wisdom Traditions – A Conversation Circle – LIVE ONLINE – FREE This free weekly offering gives spiritual seekers the opportunity to learn and share from the great wealth of the world’s wisdom traditions. Various cultures in all times and places have produced sparkling gems of inspiration – the crystallized essence of spiritual insight.  Click here to sign-up.

Dec. 19: Shots – Flu and COVID-19 Booster and Pediatric (5+ years old)
An event of the Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Coalition of Hawaii!  They ask you to please complete a form for each individual interested in receiving a vaccine.  This is to ensure an accurate count for the amount of doses needed for their event. This event will take place at Central Union Church (1660 South Beretania St) on December 19th, 2021 from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM.

The COVID-19 vaccine is offered at no cost to the patient. Those without insurance are able to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.  If you are able, prior to go to the event, please print and complete whichever of the following consent forms below is appropriate for you:

General Consent Form for ages 12+ (Download here: https://tinyurl.com/vax12)
Pediatric Consent Form for ages 5-11 (Download here: https://tinyurl.com/vax5-11)

Things to bring, IF you have it:

1. ID
2. Medical insurance card
3. Completed consent form
4. COVID-19 vaccination card (if you previously received a dose)

For more information, click here or phone (808)737-5805

Dec 21:  Archives and Inquiry Virtual Speaker Series: Royal Hawaiian Troubadours: Acoustic Architects of the Electric Age
Online event from Noon to 1:00 pm Sponsored by the Hawaiian Mission Houses Historic Site and Archives – A wonderful multi-media virtual tour of Kaula Piko – The Source of Strings, a collaborative exhibition mounted last year at Bishop Museum curated by Mr. Reece and Bishop Museum historian DeSoto Brown. Kilin Reece will unravel the origins of the world’s most iconic modern stringed instrument designs, tracing them to their origins in the vibrant, cosmopolitan musical community of the 19th century Hawaiian Kingdom. Kilin Reece is Hawai’iʻs premier restoration specialist for vintage acoustic string instruments, a Grammy-nominated musician and writer. Kilin is currently working with the C.F. Martin Guitar Company on a documentary film illuminating the long running collaborations between Hawaiian musicians and America’s oldest string instrument manufacturer.

The talk will be livestreamed and be available afterwards via the Hawaiian Mission House website www.missionhouses.org.The Hawaiian Mission Houses Archives are open to the public , including free digital access to over 100,000 pages of historical documents and pictures at https://hmha.missionhouses.org/

Jan 12: Hawaii Tourism Authority Winter Tourism Update
Business leaders, tourism stakeholders, and community members are invited to join the Winter Tourism Update which will be held virtually on Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at 9:00am.  Registration information and more details will be forthcoming.

Take care & stay safe!