Happy Arbor Day – Plant a free tree!

Arbor Day – Saturday, November 6

Arbor Day is a formally designated holiday around the world dedicated to honoring, planting and enjoying the benefits of trees. Arbor Day has been recognized in Hawai’i for over 110 years, and every November communities across the Hawaiian Islands gather to celebrate trees!

Thousands of Free Trees to be Distributed for Arbor Day
Housed within the DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW), Kaulunani has supported projects that have distributed 110,226 trees across the state, since its inception in 1993. This year, thousands of trees will be made available for adoption through partnerships on Oahu.  Free Arbor Day trees will be available Saturday in one-gallon pots on a first-come-first-serve basis, one-per-family. Click here for more info.


Vaccine for Children Safe and Effective – Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine for Keiki Age 5-11
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued emergency use authorization for the Pfizer vaccine for children age 5-11 last week and the Hawaii Department of Health followed by authorizing vaccination for Keiki in Hawaii.  Vaccinations for children will be available at locations statewide including medical facilities, community health centers, mobile clinics, pharmacies, pediatrician’s offices, and more than 130 public, private and charter schools.  Parents should contact their child’s school directly to see if and when their school will be offering vaccinations to students.  Information on where children’s vaccines are available will be updated regularly here.

Vaccines for keiki ages 5-11:

Vaccine sites in or near our district are listed below:

ZIP Location Address
96813 Queen’s Medical Center 1301 Punchbowl St.
96813 Straub Medical Center COVID 888 South King St. Ste. 100
96814 Cao Boyuan, MD 1451 S King St. Ste. 211
96814 Kaiser Honolulu Medical Office 1010 Pensacola St.
96814 Queen’s Blaisdell (Pikake Room) 777 Ward Ave.
96814 Times Pharmacy Beretania 1290 S Beretania St.
96815 Discovery Bay Pharmacy 1778 Ala Moana Blvd. #208
96815 Waikiki Health 277 Ohua Ave.
96826 Kapiolani Medical Center 1319 Punahou St.
96826 Times Pharmacy McCully 1772 S. King St.

Executive Order 21-08 Effective Nov. 12 Addresses Gathering Rules
Governor Ige signed Executive Order No. 21-08 Tuesday to address Statewide Limits for Social Gatherings, Restaurants, Bars, Social Establishments, and Gyms.  The Executive Order specifies that indoor activity at restaurants, bars and social establishments must continue to require that patrons remain seated with their party, maintain six feet of distance between groups, do not mingle, and wear masks at all times except when actively eating or drinking.  Outdoor activity at restaurants, bars and social establishments is no longer subject to these restrictions.  In Honolulu, there will no longer be an indoor capacity limit at these establishments.  The Executive Order is effective Nov. 12, 2021.  For a current list of Honolulu’s gathering rules, click here.

Hawaii Aligns with Federal International Travel Requirements Effective Nov. 8

  • NON-U.S. citizens traveling directly to Hawaii from an international destination must present BOTH a vaccination records AND a negative COVID-19 test result (NAAT or antigen) within three days of boarding a flight to the United States.
  • U.S. citizens flying directly to Hawaii from an international destination have two options:
    • Fully vaccinated travelers must provide proof of vaccination and present a test taken within three (3) days of boarding flight to U.S.; OR
    • Travelers not fully vaccinated must provide proof of negative COVID-19 test result within one (1) day of boarding flight to U.S.

There will be no additional State of Hawaii requirements for passengers flying directly into Hawaii from an international destination. The airlines will screen passengers prior to their departure to the U.S. If foreign passengers fail to meet BOTH requirements and if U.S. citizens fail to meet ONE of the two requirements, they will not be allowed to board the flight. Once in Hawaii, the CDC will conduct compliance checks.

Note: Tests do NOT have to be done with Trusted Travel Partners under the new international federal requirements, but they MUST be done with a Trusted Travel Partner for unvaccinated domestic travel.

Non-Direct International Travel to Hawaii
Starting Nov. 8 international passengers entering the U.S. from another state or territory will be treated as domestic travelers when entering the State of Hawaii. The Safe Travels Hawaii program remains in place for domestic travelers.  Current Safe Travels Hawaii requirements for domestic travelers include:

  • Creating a Safe Travels Hawaii account on a digital device
  • Entering trip details
  • Filling out a health form, and
  • Attesting that all information is correct.

Currently, travelers may bypass the state’s mandatory 10-day quarantine in one of two ways:

  1. Upload a vaccination document; or
  2. Upload a negative NAAT test result.

The test must be taken by a Trusted Travel Partner (TTP) within 72 hours of departure for the State of Hawaii.
Also, beginning on Nov. 8, the State of Hawaii, in alignment with the federal government, will accept vaccines approved or authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and vaccines listed for emergency use by the World Health Organization. A list of currently accepted vaccines is posted on the CDC’s website.

DLIR Announces Statewide Reopening of Offices December 1, 2021
The state Department of Labor & Industrial Relations (DLIR) announced that it will open offices statewide beginning on Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2021. Services from all programs in the department will be available Wednesdays through Fridays. Telephone appointments for general unemployment insurance and claims adjudication services will continue on Mondays and Tuesdays.  Persons seeking in-person services will be required to show proof of full vaccination or testing prior to entry of all offices as well as adhere to social distancing guidelines and mask wearing while inside the offices.

DLIR will continue to offer telephone appointments for the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program and employer services Mondays through Fridays, and for claims adjudication and general unemployment insurance inquiries on Mondays and Tuesdays. The latter is the only change as persons with general unemployment insurance inquiries may visit the offices Wednesdays through Fridays beginning December 1, 2021.  Access to all appointments is available via the web at: labor.hawaii.gov/ui/appointments/.  For more information please visit: https://www.hawaiiunemploymentinfo.com/.  For more information about unemployment insurance and other labor issues please visit the FAQs at https://labor.hawaii.gov/covid-19-labor-faqs/

New Guide for preventing elder financial abuse
During National Family Caregivers Month, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Office for Older Americans released a new guide to help family members and friends of people living in nursing homes and assisted living communities learn how to prevent and report elder financial abuse.  It walks through four steps to fighting elder financial abuse: Prevent, Recognize, Record, and Report. The guide lists red flags to watch for, shares some common scenarios, and includes resources you can use to help your loved one. Download or order the new guide for free.

Also released is a “quick reference” handout that is focused on how to report elder financial abuse. This can help you quickly find the right resources in a tough situation. Download or order a free copy of the handout.  Save the date for a webinar on December 7, 2021 to learn more about the new guide and handout and how to use them. Webinar invitation details to come later this month.


Senator Moriwaki and Rep. Adrian Tam took part in a traffic safety sign waving on Ala Moana Blvd. on Halloween.

Liliha Bakery opening 4th location in Waikiki
International Market Place is set to get its very own Liliha Bakery in mid-November.  The new location will feature both indoor and outdoor dining areas that will seat over 200 people.  Hours of operation will be from 7:00am-10:00pm, daily.  For more information, click here.

Former Honolulu Club to be transformed into Hawaiian youth support center
The former Honolulu Club, which closed 13 months ago, located at 932 Ward Ave., has been purchased by the Queen Liliuokalani Trust and plans to renovate it into a Hawaiian Youth Program.  The program plans to focus on performing arts, sports, entrepreneurship, and technology.  The Center plans to employ around 100 full-time and part-time staff to operate the programs which are grounded in Hawaiian culture.  If permitting runs smoothly, construction is said to begin next summer and be completed by 2024.  Read more here.

City and County of Honolulu installs traffic circle at Waiola and Wiliwili Streets in McCully
As part of the “Slow Streets” project to curb speeding, the city has installed a new traffic circle at an intersection in the McCully neighborhood.  Mini traffic circles are designed to help slow down traffic at smaller intersections in neighborhoods at unsignalized intersections.  Motorists travelling along Wiliwili Street must come to a stop and yield to traffic from Waiola Street.  Once the roadway is clear, motorists may proceed through the intersection by traveling counterclockwise around the circle.  Drivers on Waiola Street have the right-of-way, unless pedestrians are crossing, or a car is turning in the driving path.

Department of Transportation Online Survey to Gather Comments on Bikeway Needs
The Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) has developed a survey to better understand the community’s bicycle needs, priorities, and challenges.  It will take about five minutes to complete.  The survey will close December 31, 2021.  For more information on the HDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Program, click here, or contact Diane Dohm, HDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator, at diane.a.dohm@hawaii.gov or 808-586-6357.  To take the survey, click here.


Nov 4-28: Hawaii International Film Festival (HIFF)

HIFF Opening Night starts with the presentation of WATERMAN directed by Isaac Halasima. The film explores the role of sports in breaking societal barriers through Duke Paoa Kahanamoku’s journey and legacy as a trailblazer, father of modern-day surfing, and five-time Olympic medalist. The world premiere takes place on November 5 and will be presented as an outdoor screening at the historic Bishop Museum on the Great Lawn.  HIFF aims to recognize new and emergent talent, promote career development and original collaborations through innovative education programs, and facilitate dynamic cultural exchange through cinema arts.  This year, the HIFF dates run through Nov 4th-28th.  To see the film schedule, read about new COVID guidelines, or learn how to support the festival, click here.

Nov 8: City to hold hearings on rules to create more affordable housing rental units, 10:30am
The Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) has been working to expand the construction of affordable housing for residents.  DPP is holding the second of two public hearings to gather community input on the newly proposed measures on Nov 8.  The agenda is regarding proposed administrative rules that will restore the City and County of Honolulu as an active “conduit” issuer of tax-exempt special revenue bonds for the purpose of increasing the supply of affordable rental units.  Click here to read more.  Information on the hearing, including copies of the draft rules and instructions on how to submit testimony is available here.

Nov 9: Waikiki Neighborhood Board, 6:00-8:30pm (virtual)
Please note that the Waikiki Neighborhood Board has shifted to virtual board meetings.  For Zoom information, see below.  Click here for the agenda.
Zoom Meeting Address: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89944889280?pwd=WFd2cG93RDhMdm5xdnl0NHI5VEZldz09
Meeting ID: 899 4488 9280
Passcode: NB#9
Dial by your location: 1 253 215 8782
Meeting ID: 899 4488 9280
Passcode: 436139

Nov 10: City Council Meeting, 10:00am
For the agenda, click here.  A bill of interest on the agenda:  Bill 43 – Relating to amplified sound in Waikiki. (Preserving the tranquility of Waikiki against noise disturbances by regulating amplified sound from public property in that area.)

Nov 11-14: Made in Hawaii Festival, Thu-Sat: 10am-9pm / Sun: 10am-5pm
The Made in Hawaii Festival showcases thousands of locally-made goods including art, clothing, jewelry, food and more.  Over 300 vendors will converge at Ala Moana Center and are eager to greet and service customers in-person.  For more information and to purchase tickets, visit the Made in Hawaii Festival website.

Nov 11: HAPPY VETERANS DAY! (State Holiday)
Thursday, Nov 11 is Veterans Day, a celebration to honor America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.  To read more about the history of Veterans Day, click here.  Mahalo to all the veterans in our own community for their selflessness and dedication, this week we honor you!

Nov 10 (5:30-8:00pm) & Nov 14 (1:00-1:30pm): Ala Wai Flood Risk Management Study
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in partnership with the City and County of Honolulu, is scheduled to hold a pair of virtual public workshops to gather input for the Ala Wai Flood Risk Management Reevaluation Study.  The goal of the study is to identify a plan that will minimize potential flooding to communities within the Ala Wai watershed in a cost effective, economically justifiable, technically sound, and environmentally acceptable manner.  For more information and for the WebEx sign-in information, click here.  For an overview and more information on the Ala Wai Flood Risk Management study, click here.


Nov 6: AARP Hawaii – Know your Options for Elder Care, 9:30-11:00am (virtual)
This virtual session will help families to understand their options for care for those living at home and provide an overview of the types of care available when we or our loved ones move from our current homes to a place that can provide more support or professional care.  To sign up for this webinar or to find out more, click here.

Nov 6: 12th Annual Over the Edge for Special Olympics Hawaii. 8:00am-4:30pm
This unique fundraiser allows participants the opportunity to rappel 40 stories (400 feet!) down the side of the Hyatt Regency Waikiki Beach Resort and Spa to support Special Olympics Hawaii athletes.  For registration pricing, photos/videos, and more information, click here.

Nov 6-7: New Baby Fair at Ward Village, 10:00am-5:00pm
This event will be spread over three areas at Ward Village including Ward Centre, South Shore Market, and the Holiday Market – a Crafts, Gift and Holiday Pop Up (located at the former Pier 1 Bldg – located between Merriman’s Restaurant and Nordstrom Rack).  The event will feature over 50 vendors for all your parental & baby needs, from clothing to breast pumps to remote control keiki ride-on-cars, and more.  For registration and more information, click here.

Nov 7: The 44th Annual Prince Lot Hula Festival, 5:00-7:00pm (virtual)
The Moanalua Gardens Foundation will virtually present the premiere broadcast of E Huli Alo I Ka Ulu La, Hawaii’s longest non-competitive hula celebration.  The two-hour program will be live streamed on www.khon2.com and KHON’s YouTube Channel on Sunday, Nov. 7th from 5-7pm.  For more information on the Hula Festival, click here.

Take care & stay safe!