Waikiki Coffee with a Cop, Community Policing

Coffee with a Cop/Meet the Command *CHANGE OF VENUE* (Updated: July 7)

There is a Coffee with a Cop/Meet the Command event coming up this Friday July 9, 2021 from 5:30-7:30PM. You may have seen an earlier version of the flyer, so please note that the location has just been updated! HPD District 6 Community Policing is now holding the event at the Starbucks at the Waikiki Marriott (store entrance on Ohua Ave). HPD looks forward to seeing you there and providing you with a free cup of coffee! Click here for the revised event flyer.

Coffee with a Cop / Meet the Command @ Starbucks Reserve
“Coffee with a Cop” brings our Waikiki Command Staff, patrol officers, community leaders and community members together over a free cup of coffee to discuss issues and learn more about each other. Please join HPD at the Starbucks Reserve (2255 Kuhio Avenue) this Friday, July 9, from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM. This event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Officer Stephanie Virardi at 723-3349 or via email at svirardi@honolulu.gov. ; Click here for the event flyer.

For HPD Community Policing updates in our district, see the links below:
District 1, Central Honolulu including Ala Moana, Kakaako, Makiki
District 6, Waikiki
District 7, East Honolulu including McCully-Moiliili

Take care & stay safe!