Relief, District happenings, Mark your calendars, Weekend

Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month

June 2021

One hundred years after the discovery of Alzheimer’s Disease, we still don’t know exactly what causes this degenerative brain disease and we do not have a cure. However, it is important not to lose sight of how far we have come since 1906 when Dr. Alois Alzheimer observed the unique symptoms in his patient who suffered from memory loss and paranoia. While research today is not yet conclusive, healthy lifestyle choices can possibly protect the brain. Currently, more than 29,000 people in Hawaii are living with Alzheimer’s disease.

Support IS available:  Alzheimer’s Association-Hawaii offers dementia awareness educational programs on tips and strategies for addressing difficult conversations with someone who is experiencing changes in memory, thinking, and behavior. Please call the Alzheimer’s Association 24/7 Helpline at 800-272-3900.

Rent, Water & Mortgage Relief

Submit Your Rent (Only) Relief Applications Starting June 7
The portal at reopens for the next round at 6 p.m. this Monday. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Eligible Oahu households that have not applied already are strongly encouraged to apply for help paying their rent and bills for electricity, water and sewer, and gas.  The program is for rent only, and not for mortgage help.
  • Only one person per household should apply. Multiple applications from the same household will not be allowed, and those who have already applied in the first two rounds should not apply again.
  • The payments can be for bills dating back to March 13, 2020, as well as current bills, or three months of future bills. Total payments can be for as many as 12 months and are made directly to a landlord or utility.
  • Gather all necessary documents ahead of time.
  • Interested renters can visit

Shut-Off Suspension Date Extended for Delinquent Water Bills
The Hawaii Board of Water Supply has announced that it will continue suspension of water shut offs for non-payment of water and sewer bills through July 31.

Forbearance Can Help with Past Due Mortgage Payments
Homeowners who are behind on their mortgage payments should contact their lenders now, or find the nearest housing counselor here or call (800) 569-4287.

  • Forbearance puts your payments on pause. You will still have to make these payments eventually; however, interest will not accrue during this coronavirus-related forbearance period.
  • Your credit will not suffer. Negative credit reporting is also suspended.

Impending End of Federal Moratorium on Home Foreclosures
The looming end of the federal moratorium on home foreclosures could cause widespread problems in the Islands which has spurred discussions with lenders, as homeowners will no longer be protected after June 30. Hawaii has a loan delinquency problem with an overall delinquency rate of 7.0% compared to 5.6% nationwide. Hawaii’s Home Ownership Center (HHOC) brought together people in local banking, credit unions and government to see what could be done for those who’ve received forbearance. The conclusion: There is third-party counseling available, but people should speak to their lender as soon as possible. Read more here.

District Happenings

The Hawaii Health and Harm Reduction Center (HHHRC) serves our community by providing free services such as HIV and hepatitis C testing, acute care, wound care, syringe exchange and behavioral health services across the island. Now they are mobile!  It launched this week its Mobile Medical Unit (MMU). Joined by Rep. Adrian Tam and LG Josh Green along with HHHRC staff for the blessing and launch of the Mobile Medical Unit (MMU) it will be traveling to neighborhoods around Oahu to serve.  Learn more about HHHRC and contact information on the MMU schedule here.

Hawaiian Affairs Office Seeks Development Consultant for Kakaako Makai Project

The Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) is requesting proposals for an in-house development consultant who would manage, but not actually participate in, the development of OHA’s parcels. Located in Kakaako Makai, the parcels are in an area of about 30 acres of waterfront property near Kakaako Waterfront Park and Kewalo Basin Harbor valued at about $200 million. Despite limits by state law, OHA desires to build residential units in the area.

Good-bye to those hazardous and unused magazine racks

Kudos to the City Departments of Facility Management (DFM) and Customer Service (CSD). The hazardous unused and neglected magazine racks on Kapahulu Avenue that were harboring unsavory activities that were long-time concerns were brought to the attention of the Waikiki East Citizen Patrol and to the DFM & CSD.  Within a week these hazardous racks are gone. It’s wonderful when government works quickly to address citizen concerns! See before (left) and after (right) photos above.

Restoring the Crumbling Waikiki Promenade Seawall
The severely eroded seawall along the promenade between the Waikiki Aquarium and Barefoot Beach Café begins this week!  About 500 feet of the promenade’s lower area will be stabilized with concrete anchors.  The project os ex[pected to be complete before the end of the year.   Please use caution in Kapiolani Park mauka of the seawall while crews stage equipment there throughout the project. Public access around the work site will be open, however, several parking stalls along Kalakaua Ave. will be restricted during the project.


Citizen Patrols

Old and new groups patrol our neighborhoods with our HPD officers.  Join us!  (From left to right: Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor, Waikiki-East, Waikiki-Eaton Square, Kakaako Citizen Patrols)

  • Kakaako patrol meets on Mondays at 5:45pm at Mother Waldron Park
  • Waikiki Eaton Square meets on Tuesdays at 6:15pm in front of Eaton Square on Hobron Lane
  • Waikiki East Citizen Patrol meets on Thursdays at 4:30pm at the big banyan tree on Kalakaua at the Uluniu intersection
  • Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor Citizen Patrol meets on Thursdays at 7:00 pm at the grassy area between the Harbormasters office and the 500 row

Mahalo to HPD District 6 Officers Virardi, Yamamoto and newest officer Moses for leading our Waikiki Citizen Patrols!  All neighbors welcome to join us!   For more information on the Waikiki and Ala Wai Small Harbor patrols, please contact Officer Stephanie Virardi at 808-723-3349 or For the Kakaako patrol, please contact Louise Black at

June 7, 7:00pm
Storm Water Workshops
The city’s facilities maintenance department is holding a virtual workshop on the Storm Water Master Plan, which is on Monday, June 7, 2021, at 7:00 p.m.

  • The plan is available for viewing here.
  • Comments may be sent by June 30, 2021, to Storm Water Management Program Plan, c/o AECOM, 1001 Bishop Street, Suite 1600, Honolulu, HI 96813 or by email to
  • Register here.

June 8, 6:00-8:30pm
Waikiki Neighborhood Board

Some agenda items include an update on publication racks, scooter policy in Waikiki, and the storm water utility. To join, view or submit testimony, click on the agenda here.

June 10, 4:30pm
District Legislative Team Meeting

Join us on Zoom for a preliminary discussion on legislation that would help our district to be introduced during the 2022 legislative session.  Thanks to our last online survey, 61 people volunteered to help with this and are invited to join this meeting along with you!  If you missed the results of the survey, you can see them here.  Join the zoom meeting on 6/10 with this link.

June 12 & 13
Pop Goes the Market!
The one and only International Market Place Waikiki will be hosting several Native Hawaiian-owned businesses in its Ho`omau Hawaii Market pop-up event. Infusing the Native Hawaiian language and culture into everyday products and lifestyle, the affair will take place at the Level 3 Grand Lanai on June 12 and 13. Thirty-plus local small businesses and designers are expected to participate.  Ho`omau Hawaii Market will be 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. both days. Admission is free. View the website here.

Now Through July 31
A Mighty Fine Summer Reading Incentive!
Yes you have found the summer reading program challenge here!  Want a chance to win 4 roundtrip airline tickets to anywhere Alaska Airlines flies? Well grab that book pronto! Participants can read at their own pace, enjoy fun activities, attend cool programs, track reading minutes and earn free incentives when they reach milestones towards a 1,000-minute goal. For every 100 minutes of reading logged, library patrons are rewarded with a virtual badge and an automatic entry in the statewide drawing. The more you read, the better your chances to win. Register here.


Music is back at Tiki’s
Did you know that Tiki’s started with three college friends who just wanted to hang out? They all still live here and since 2002, have spent most of their waking hours providing a casual American and Pacific-Rim, island-flavored menu. Lanai seating offers beautiful sunset views. Great foresight, college dudes!  Check out their musical line-up this weekend.

Symphony at the Waikiki Shell
Experience the refined sounds of Florence Price who became the first African American woman to have her music performed by a major orchestra in 1933. Enjoy her elegant Symphony No. 4 at the Waikiki Shell this weekend, along with the brilliant vocals of local talent Raiatea Helm. Concert dates are from 6/4 – 6/13. Choose your date and buy tickets here.

Iolani Palace 55th Anniversary Celebration
From 6/6 – 6/13, celebrate the majesty of Iolani, beginning with an online auction June 6, followed by virtual screenings of two films directed by George Tahara on June 7 and 9 ($10 each; free for members), a discussion of the palace’s restoration efforts, and a virtual “Pulama the Palace” concert on June 12. The concert features artists such as Robert Cazimero, Amy Hānaialiʻi, Kuana Torres Kahele, Natalie Ai Kamauu, Marlene Sai and the Royal Hawaiian Band and costs $55. Register here.

A Night of Mele and Hula
On Saturday, June 5, 7:00pm – 9:00pm., Mele in Hawaii is jumping to the stage at WorkPlay in Kakaako, where Kimié Miner, Nāpua Greig and others will be joined by former Merrie Monarch Festival participants and cultural practitioners for a live taping of the show. Call WorkPlay to make a reservation at (808) 457-1322 or visit  If tickets sell out, you can still catch the event online: It streams Saturday, June 19, at 4 p.m. on YouTube here.

Take care & stay safe!