Legislature ends, Relief, Meetings, Events

Happy Mothers Day – May 9!

“I was watching you smile a couple of days ago and stared in total awe
Was it me who made you shine, a triumph that I saw?
And all this time you’ve waited, and all this time you’ve helped
And all the things you sacrificed, for me to grow up well
And all the tears you’ve dried, and all the pain you soothed
And all the truths you’ve had to hide without one simple ‘Thank You’
I was watching you today and said what couldn’t wait
of all the things I love, it’s you I appreciate.”

                                                                    –Skye D. Barker

The legislature held an abbreviated session this year with the goal of keeping the operating budget lean while funding essential services for vulnerable populations, implementing government efficiencies, and funding “shovel ready” capital improvement projects.  For a list of all 265 bills that were adopted by the legislature and transmitted to the Governor, click here.  Some that may interest you are listed below. The Governor has 45 days to veto, sign, or allow bills to become law without signature.  If you are interested in seeing any of these bills, contact the governor.  If you have any questions about any of the district or other bills, call us at 808-586-6740 or email our legislative staff at k.vatalaro@capitol.hawaii.

Senator Moriwaki Chairs a conference committee accompanied by Legislative Assistant, Kaley Vatalaro.

The legislature adopted a final version of HB200, the state budget bill, which includes operating and capital improvement monies for fiscal years 2021-2022 (FY22) and 2022-2023 (FY23). The bill includes $14.926 billion in general funds, $1.352 billion in federal aid from the American Rescue Plan (ARPA) and $31.17 billion through all other funding for the fiscal biennium beginning July 1, 2021, and ending June 30, 2023. Some highlights from the session follow:


  • $4.73 million for McKinley High School for athletic complex improvements
  • $2.6 million for Kaimuki High School campus fire alarm system.
  • $1 million for Central Middle School perimeter security fencing.
  • $10 million for Washington Middle School for a 21st century band room and $500,000 to maintain and improve facilities including heat abatement.
  • $300,000 for Ala Wai Elementary for continued construction of the covered play court.
  • $100,000 for Jefferson Elementary School for heat abatement.
  • $550,000 for Lunalilo Elementary School for heat abatement and $675,000 for covered walkways.
  • $9.8 million for Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor improvements, including replacement of floating docks and finger piers.
  • $3.1 million for Waikiki Master Plan improvements, including sand restoration, refurbishing derelict groins, building new groins.

State and federal funds will provide support to our vulnerable neighbors. Some are highlighted below but see details of the budget here.

  • $500,000 for additional Rent Supplement Program funding for low-income families.
  • $5.4 million for additional funding for General Assistance payments to temporarily disabled
  • $14.3 million to continue homeless services, including Housing First, the Rapid Re-housing Program, Homeless Outreach Services and Civil Legal Services, and the Stored Property and Debris Removal
  • $2.7 million for Tuberculosis and AIDS services.
  • $3.2 million for Intellectual and Development Disabilities.
  • $2.7 million for Kupuna Care and Aging Disability Resource Center.
  • $1.7 million to restore critical Child Protective Services staff.
  • $31 million for childcare cash support.
  • $105 million for FY 22-23 for the Unemployment Insurance call center.


  • $2 million to repair and maintain our small boat harbor facilities.
  • $1.5 million for 30 additional conservation and resource enforcement officers statewide.
Enhancing traffic and pedestrian safety
  • HB72: Establishes a framework for the regulating electric foot scooters.
  • HB766: Appropriates funds for photo red light imaging detector system pilot projects.
  • HB601: Allows county chiefs of police to designate employees to issue citations for traffic violations.
Improving our harbors
  • SB791: Authorizes removal of abandoned vessels within 72 hours at the owner’s expense and makes abandoning vessels a petty misdemeanor.
  • SB795: Updates fees charged by small boat harbors, including how fees are calculated; with fees to be used for maintaining small boat harbors statewide, including the Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor
Helping our Kupuna
  • HB490: Crimes Against Seniors – increases penalties for crimes against seniors 60 years and older.
  • HB1283: Provides dementia training for first responders.
Improving condo operations
  • HB599: Authorizes conduct of association meetings remotely and electronic or mail voting during a state of emergency.
  • SB329: Authorizes the condo association board to dispose of abandoned property 30 days after notifying the owner; or to dispose immediately if the owner is unknown.
Providing equitable treatment on income and revenues
  • SB793: Repeals subminimum wage for disabled workers.
  • HB286: Requires real estate investment trusts to annually report assets and revenues.
Increasing government efficiency, effectiveness, and transparency – To address our budget challenges, we also focused on cutting government costs and streamlining government operations and accountability.
  • HB526: Establishes a performance database so contractor past performance can be assessed and used in selecting contractors.
  • SB1329:  Establishes time limits to decide bid protests to reduce delays in construction projects.
  • SB1015:  Directs the comptroller to assess the usage of office space in state-owned buildings and non-state facilities to better utilize state buildings and reduce cost of leases in non-state buildings.
  • HB1149 & HB1318: Merges planning offices – Land Use Commission & Office of Environmental Quality Control under the Office of Planning/Dept of Planning & Economic Development & Tourism.
  • HB774: Restructures the Hawaii Community Development Authority as a management board with separate district community development boards.
  • SB1350 defers for another 3 years the pay raises of the governor, LG and other executive branch department heads; justices and judges; and the legislators until December 31, 2022 – the right course of action as so many are severely impacted by the covid-19 pandemic.  The bill also funds the 2021 Reapportionment Commission, addresses recommendations of the previous commission, and the challenges caused by the delay in data from the US Census needed to draw the district maps in time for the 2020 elections.
MEASURES TO HELP OUR COMMUNITY THAT DID NOT MAKE THE DEADLINE AND MUST WAIT ANOTHER YEAR – Unfortunately these measures did not make it out of the senate, house, or conference committees. See below link to the status sheet to see the last committee that did not pass the bill:
  • SB327 / HB296: Restricts the hours of leaf blower use in the Waikiki special improvement district residential zone.
  • SB792 / HB288: Increases the fines for installation of a noisy muffler (did not pass House).
  • HB103: Sets requirements for governor’s emergency proclamation powers.
  • SB838: Services for Kupuna – gives more flexibility in providing kupuna care and kupuna caregiver services.
  • SCR216 / HCR129 Convenes a working group to discuss the future development plans in Kakaako Makai.
  • SCR77: Requests DOH to convene a task force to consider noise mitigation solutions to early morning trash collection.
  • SCR75:  Requests the Office of Planning to convene a task force to work on sea level adaptation and resilience plan for Waikiki.

Waikiki Virtual May Day “Lei Day” Celebrations
May Day Lei Day has long been a celebrated tradition at the Kapiolani Bandstand since 1927. But this year it will be held virtually. Click here for more details.


Rental and utility rental relief program accepting applications
The City is reopening the Rental and Utility Relief Program portal on Monday, May 3, at 2 p.m., accepting a second round of 4,000 applications.  Once the program reaches 4,000 applications, it will temporarily close to allow the City’s community partners to process applications and make payments, then reopen on June 7.  Future rounds of applications will open the first working Monday of each month, as long as funds are still available.  To find our more and/or apply, click here.

Deadline extended for Oahu residents to get their REAL ID cards
Beginning May 3, 2023, every air traveler over the age of 18 will need a REAL ID-compliant driver’s license or another acceptable form of ID to fly within the United States, including the Hawaiian Islands. It will be required at airport security checkpoints and some federal buildings. To get a REAL ID-compliant driver’s license on Oahu, residents will need to make an initial in-person visit to a driver licensing office with a completed application and the required documents. There is no additional fee to obtain a REAL ID-compliant card. For more information on the REAL ID and required documents, click here.


A lot of Changes at the Airports
Travel is already picking up at Hawaii’s airports and could increase significantly in less than two weeks. There are lots of changes happening at the airport, including:

  • Residents who are fully vaccinated can fly inter-island without getting tested for COVID-19 starting on May 11.
  • Canine unit screening will enable faster movement through the security line because you don’t need to take off your shoes and jackets.
  • Hawaiian Airlines will increase capacity next month going from 32 to 45 roundtrip flights daily.

What Data Is Kept on the Hawaii Safe Travels App?
The Safe Travels digital platform stores the traveler’s profile, trip, health status and quarantine information. It provides the State Department of Health access to the mandatory health information to monitor and protect public health. Certain non-health information also can be used by the State Attorney General and county law enforcement officials to enforce the quarantine rules. The information will otherwise be kept confidential. For more info, click here.


Mother’s Day: May 9

Brunch, Lunch & Dinner in Honolulu

  • Brunch, Lunch & Dinner time slots are still available for restaurant reservations on The OpenTable app and website site for Mother’s Day (May 9). Hurry, slots are filling up fast. Click here to find your restaurant and reserve a table.
  • Frolic Hawaii online magazine continues to update its list of takeout and dine-in Mother’s Day menus for Honolulu here.

Special Mother’s Day Stargazing Show at International Marketplace

  • See the stars on the top level of the parking garage at the International Market Place. Take a guided tour of the constellations with an astronomer. View double stars, star clusters, galaxies, the Big Dipper and much more! Take pictures with your smartphones. Customers have the option to bring their own chairs and beverages.
    Alcohol and outside food are not allowed. 1-hour parking validation will be provided. For more info, click here.

43rd Annual Hawaii Pacific Health Women’s 10K & 5K Fun Run to be held virtually: May 2-9
Hawaii Pacific Health encourages women of all ages and experience levels to get active and participate in its Virtual Women’s 10K and 5K Fun Run from Sunday, May 2 to Sunday, May 9, 2021. The week-long event will be held virtually, allowing participants to complete the race at their own pace from any location.  Advanced registration is required. The fee is $40 for the 5K and $50 for the 10K. Registration closes at midnight HST on May 2, 2021. Register here.

Restaurant Grant Program Opening: May 3, 6:00am
The Small Business Administration (SBA) will open the Restaurants Grant Program to applications on Monday, May 3, 2021, at 6:00 am HST.  Applicants may register for an account on SBA’s application portal beginning Friday, April 30, so they can immediately begin their applications when the portal opens on Monday.  See the program guide, eligibility requirements and additional information on the SBA’s website. The SBA will accept applications from all eligible applicants starting May 3, but during the program’s first 21 days of operation, it will only process and fund applications from priority applicants.

Virtual Discussion on Affordable Housing: May 3, 11:30am
Kokua Council and guests Senator Stanley Chang, Dr. Keli’i Akina of Grassroot Institute, an OHA Trustee, and Kim Coco Iwamoto, owner of Affordable Quality Apartment Rentals, LLC will discuss solutions to housing and housing affordability on Monday, May 3, 2021, 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. You can watch the program live at Facebook.com/KokuaCouncil or join via Zoom (request a link by writing to kokuacouncil.hawaii@gmail.com no later than 12 noon on Sunday, May 2, 2021).

Small Business Data Summit: May 4, 2:00pm
The U.S. Census Bureau’s 2021 Data Summit Series is designed for the novice data user; presenting a high-level overview of several data products to demonstrate how they can be used to assist organizations and businesses identify data-driven solutions to challenges. This Summit on “Census Business Builder” is a FREE Virtual Webinar which will teach you how to access the CBB suite of services, which provides selected demographic and economic data.

Ala Wai Promenade Meeting: May 4, 6:00pm
The Ala Moana-Kakaako Neighborhood Board will be holding its monthly Ala Wai Promenade Committee Meeting on Tuesday, May 4, at 6:00 P.M. via video-teleconference (Zoom).  For the agenda and the link to the Zoom meeting, click here.

Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) Holds Decision Making Hearings: May 5, 11:00am
HCDA’s decision-making hearing on development permits for the Ulana Ward Village and The Park Ward Village project blocks will be heard on May 5. To participate, log in using the zoom link found on the agenda here.

Kakaako Free Food Distribution: May 8, 15, 22, 29
The Nā Kūpuna Makamae Center free food distribution for May will be held every Saturday.

  • When: May 8, 15, 22, 29 at. 12-1:30pm until supplies last.
  • Where: 653 Ala Moana Blvd. At the corner of Keawe St. & Ala Moana Blvd. (Old pump station)
  • Safety: Walk-ins only. No loitering around the premises. Stand in line on the yellow tape on the ground. Do not save spots for anyone. No drive-through or parking available. Parking in front of our premises and parking in front of the sheriff’s office are tow-away zones. Must abide by 6ft social distancing and wear a mask.

Take care & stay safe!