Two briefings that you might be interested in attending and weighing in for Waikiki and for Kakaako.
Waikiki Beach Improvement
A plan to stabilize and enhance sand beaches in Waikiki will be presented tonight, Jan. 12, at 7 PM at the Waikiki Neighborhood Board. The plan will increase beach stability through improvement and maintenance of shoreline structures, provide safe access to and along the shoreline, and increase resilience to coastal hazards and sea level rise. The public may join the meeting through WebEx at The meeting number is 146 702 7660, and the password is ftBXx8iFS35 (38299843 from phones and video systems). DLNR filed an environmental impact statement preparation notice on the program on Dec. 16. An online copy of the proposal is available at Written comments are due by Jan. 22 and can be addressed to Andy Bohlander of Sea Engineering at Click here for more information. For the neighborhood board agenda, click here.
Kamehameha Schools Kakaako Plan Update: Phase II
Speaker Saiki and I are hosting a virtual Kakaako Town Hall with Kamehameha Schools tomorrow, January 13, at 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM to hear of its updated masterplan for Kakaako. They wanted to share their plans and answer questions from our community. They will present updates followed by a Q&A session facilitated by the Kamehameha Schools team. To join our town hall, click the Zoom link here.