Every year I send you a community survey covering issues you’ve sent or called in. As I prepare for the upcoming session, I review all your suggestions. What follows are the results of our third annual community survey and what we’re doing to address each concern.
Mahalo to the 267 who responded. See our full report here. To summarize, a significant majority support:
increasing police enforcement to mitigate crime;
requiring bars and clubs to close earlier to cut down on disturbances and potential dangers;
allowing the state to charge impound storage fees and increase penalties on abandoned vessels;
working with the city to repair streets and prohibit motorized devices on our sidewalks for pedestrian safety;
establishing housing as the state’s top priority;
providing short-term rental assistance to those having housing needs;
providing mental health and substance abuse assistance to address homelessness;
generating needed state revenues by eliminating the corporate tax exemptions on real estate trusts; and
using federal CARES act money to support vulnerable essential workers
This is the start of our work for next session so feel free to continue to work with your neighbors and send in any ideas that might help us all. We can work together on legislation or programs to address the issues of our district. You can always reach me at (808) 586-6740 or at senmoriwaki@capitol.hawaii.gov.
The board meets on Tuesday, November 24, 2020, 6:30 p.m. at Kapalama Hale Conference Room 153, 925 Dillingham Boulevard. Attendance is limited to 5 people so you should video-teleconference (Zoom) using this link: https://tinyurl.com/y3byrw59. See the agenda here.